Letran-Manila SHS Department's "Teachnology: Supercharging the Hyflex Classrooms" discusses Adaptation of a New Learning Approach

AUGUST 4, 2022

Charles Kirby Manuyag


Last Thursday, August 04, 2022, the Senior High School Department of Letran Manila held an event entitled "Teachnology: Supercharging the Hyflex Classrooms" to tackle techniques and strategies for hybrid learning. Teachers from the Colegio attended the event on-site and via Google Meet.

The digital and communication coordinator, Mr. Jerry Escultura Jr., was called to the stage for his welcoming remarks to start the event formally.

"Today po, marami tayong ma-di-discover na learning apps na pwede po nating gamitin sa Hyflex modality,” said Mr. Jerry during his opening remarks.

Ms. Patricia Angelli Valderrama then introduced Mr. Alwin Reclusado as the first guest speaker for the event to discuss the best Hyflex practices and tools.

Mr. Alwin started his lecture by introducing the topic, Teachnology, focusing on leading apps such as Quizizz, Edpuzzle, and Wakelet.

He promoted the idea of antifragility, going beyond robustness and resiliency by learning from chaos, as he highlighted the recent pandemic that had caused a gap in learning. He further defined Hyflex as Mr. Alwin mentioned: adjusting from starting and mastering the use of online classes to a new level of flexibility.

After that, the "SAMR Model for Technology Integration," which is short for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, to maximize technology, was introduced. He then brought up an in-depth lecture and his experience using Quizizz, Edpuzzle, and Wakelet.

Halfway through the lecture, Mr. Alwin shared his experience in a positive light of the challenges of teaching in a Hyflex setup.

“Whenever you are going to use a new application, you have to introduce it to your students first,” he remarked in refining and redefining pedagogies. He advised exploring new ways to design, assess learning, and embed the tech tools best positioned to enhance the goal of redefining ICT.

Moving forward, Mr. Alwin gave tips on navigating the Hyflex modality, such as adapting, randomizing, contextualizing, and having the ability to be agile and change. Mr. Alwin ended his lecture as he opened the floor for questions from the teachers.

At the end of the lecture, Mr. Christian Reyes presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Alwin for sharing his expertise as the resource speaker. The Techvoc Coordinator, Mr. Christian, also gave closing remarks for the day's lecture.