Association declared under the law of July 1, 1901

Article 1: Formation of the Association

An association is hereby formed between the undersigned and any individuals or legal entities who subsequently adhere to the present bylaws and meet the conditions set out below. The association will be governed by the French law of July 1, 1901, the decree of August 16, 1901 and the texts in force which have modified or supplemented it, as well as by the present bylaws.

Article 2: Name

The name of the Association is: IWas.                 

Article 3: Purpose - Resources 

Article 3.1

The purpose of the Association is: To enable victims of paedocriminality and witnesses to all nationalities to describe the events they have experienced or observed. To enable victims of paedocriminality and their relatives, of all nationalities, to describe the impact they relate to these events. To pass on this data anonymously to future generations, so that this phenomenon can be better known, studied over time, and resolved with new technologies and new approaches. Without naming the perpetrators or their possible accomplices.

Offer a dynamic digital space where (anonymous) victims can recount the actions, reactions, care or experiences that make them feel good and enable them to be on a path of recovery or even resilience, or on the contrary, recount what they found re-traumatizing and to be avoided.

Disseminate and perfect, with public and private stakeholders of all nationalities, a method for analyzing paedophile risk, so as to manage a residual risk of paedophile crime - societally incompressible - but at least under control.

Encourage and inform on the secure collection and storage of evidence and weak signals.

Monitor technological innovations in physical, methodological and digital security to prevent and combat pedo-crime.

 Disseminate knowledge in several languages about complex traumas, traumatic dissociation (diagnosis, treatment trajectories, prognosis, ethics, etc.) and work environments that are trained in these phenomena, making them safer and more inclusive for victims.

Using digital technology, we help victims of paedocriminal acts to set up their own business or enterprise, in which people are trained to deal with complex traumas and traumatic dissociation.

Disseminate knowledge of self-diagnosis, diagnosis and care for perpetrators of sexual violence, in several languages and at points of contact with pedocriminal behavior.

To work with public and private organizations of all nationalities to find new ways of solving the endemic problem of paedocriminality, and in particular to devise new models of remediation and reparation for victims. To promote the development of the Group's activities in the fields of education, health, the environment, etc., as well as any similar, related or complementary activities or activities likely to promote their realization or development.

Article 3.2

The Association proposes to achieve its objectives by implementing the following means (non-exhaustive list):

1. the sale, on a regular or occasional basis, of any products or services falling within the scope of its object, or likely to contribute to its achievement

2. the organization of various events, including newsletters, briefs, publications, debates, courses and conferences

3. to take any legal or extrajudicial action necessary to achieve its purpose, and

4. more generally, all means of communication and promotion useful and necessary to the realization of the object, or likely to contribute to it.

Article 4: Registered office

The Association's head office is located at 29 Rue Bois le Vent 75016 Paris.

The registered office may be transferred by simple decision of the Chairman, ratified at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Article 5: Duration

The duration of the Association is unlimited.


Article 6: Members 

Article 6.1  

The Association is composed of :

1. founding members (the "Founding Members"); and

2. members who joined the Association voluntarily after its incorporation ("Active Members").

In these Articles of Association, "Member(s)" refers to any one (or more) of the Founding Members or Active Members.

Article 6.2  

Active membership is subject to compliance with the following terms and conditions:

All membership applications must be submitted to the Chairman for approval. Reasons need not be given for refusal of membership. Membership is based on professional skills specific to the fields covered, and on innovation in the association's specific fields.

Article 7: Contributions 

Article 7.1  

If applicable, the annual fee payable by each Member (the "Fee") is

set annually by the Ordinary General Meeting of Members.

Article 7.2  

If applicable, Membership Fees are payable at the times set by the Ordinary General Meeting of Members.

Article 8: Loss of membership 

Article 8.1   

Membership is lost by :

1. Resignation ;

2. Death of an individual Member ;

3. Dissolution, for any reason whatsoever, of a Member legal entity, or its receivership or liquidation;

 4. The disappearance of any of the conditions required for membership, as set out in these Articles of Association;

5. Failure to comply with the Association's internal rules may result in automatic expulsion;

6. Automatic deregistration for non-payment of the annual membership fee, after the expiry of a period of 30 calendar days from receipt by the member of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent by the Chairman, inviting the member to provide explanations and regularize the situation, which has had no effect on the regularization requested.

Article 8.2: Resignation

Members may resign by sending their resignation to the Chairman by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, in which case they lose their membership as of receipt of the letter of resignation by the Chairman of the Association.

The death or resignation of a Member does not terminate the Association, which continues to exist between the other Members. Resigning Members are liable for payment of any outstanding Subscriptions and the Subscription for the year in progress when the resignation takes effect.

Article 9: Liability of Members and Directors

The Association's assets alone are liable for commitments entered into in its name, without any Member or Director being personally liable for such commitments.

Article 10: Officers

The Association is represented by a Chairman, who will be assisted by a Treasurer and possibly a General Secretary, a Vice-Chairman and an Assistant Treasurer.

The Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary, Vice-Chairman and Assistant Treasurer are either corporate bodies or individuals, of French or foreign nationality, and are appointed and dismissed by decision of the Ordinary General Meeting.

The Chairman is appointed for a term of five years. The Treasurer is appointed for a five-year term.

The Treasurer, General Secretary, Vice-Chairman and Assistant Treasurer assist the Chairman in the performance of his duties. They may only act under the authority and supervision of the Chairman. They may be entrusted with specific temporary or permanent responsibilities, as defined by the Chairman.

The Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary, Vice-Chairman and Assistant Treasurer may serve several successive terms of office, with no time limit.

Article 11: Composition and frequency of general meetings

The Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting is made up of all Members.

The Ordinary General Meeting is held at least once a year, within six months of the end of the financial year and whenever necessary.

The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened whenever necessary.

Article 12: Notice of meeting and agenda

Notice of Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meetings is given at least 15 calendar days in advance by the Chairman, certain Members representing 25% of the Association's Members, or the Board of Directors if one has been set up.

Notices of meeting are sent to Members in writing (including by e-mail).

The notice of meeting must indicate the agenda for the General Meeting, which is drawn up by the person issuing the notice.

Meetings are held at the Association's registered office, or at any other location specified in the notice of meeting.

Article 13: Meeting officers

The meeting is chaired by the Chairman or, in his absence, by the Treasurer.

An attendance sheet is drawn up, signed by the members of the Association as they enter the meeting and certified by the Chairman.

Article 14: Voting

Each Member is entitled to one vote.

Voting by proxy at the Annual General Meeting is permitted.

Article 15: Ordinary General Meeting

The Ordinary General Meeting hears the Chairman's report on the Association's management and financial situation; it approves or adjusts the accounts for the year ended, appoints the Chairman, authorizes all acquisitions of real estate necessary to achieve the Association's purpose, all exchanges and sales of such real estate, as well as all mortgages and loans and, in general, deliberates on all matters of interest and all those submitted to it by the Chairman, with the exception of those involving amendment of the Articles of Association.

There is no quorum requirement for Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings.

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting are passed by a simple majority of votes cast.

Article 16: Extraordinary General Meeting

The Extraordinary General Meeting is empowered to amend the Articles of Association in all their provisions, to dissolve the Association and devolve its assets, and to merge or transform the Association, create a subsidiary or other establishment, an endowment fund or any other structure related to the Association.

In general, it is empowered to take any decisions that might jeopardize the Association's existence or undermine its essential purpose.

The Extraordinary General Meeting can only validly deliberate if at least 50% of Members are present or represented.

No quorum is required on second call.

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting require 2/3 of the votes cast.

Article 17: Private deeds

Members' decisions, whether they fall within the remit of the Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting, may also be expressed in the form of a private deed signed by all Members.

Article 18: Minutes

The deliberations of the General Meeting of Members are recorded in minutes drawn up in a register which may be the same as that containing the minutes of the Annual General Meeting.

minutes of the Board of Directors, and signed by the Chairman of the meeting, who issues, together or separately, any extracts or copies thereof.

Article 19: Regulated agreements

The Chairman, or as the case may be, the Statutory Auditors, shall present a report on the agreements referred to in Article L. 612-5 of the French Commercial Code to the Members prior to each Ordinary General Meeting, at which the Members will be asked to approve the report.

Article 20: Annual resources

The Association's annual resources include :

1. Membership fees;

2. income from property or securities owned;

3. income from publications and contributions towards expenses incurred in connection with events it organizes or participates in;

4. income from goods sold or services provided by the Association;

5. subsidies granted to it and remuneration paid by certain users of its services;

6. and, more generally, any other resources authorized by laws and regulations.

Article 21: Statutory Auditors

One or more statutory auditors may be appointed by resolution of the Members.

Article 22: Accounts - Financial year

Full accounts are kept of all income and expenditure. The accounts are submitted to the Annual General Meeting within six months of the end of the financial year.

Each year, the Chairman draws up a provisional income and expenditure budget and submits it to the Members' Ordinary General Meeting for approval.

The financial year begins on January 1 (by exception, the first financial year begins on the date of the association's creation) and ends on December 31 of each year.

Article 23: Dissolution of the Association

In the event of voluntary, statutory or forced dissolution of the Association, the Extraordinary General Meeting appoints one or more liquidators, who have the broadest powers to realize the assets and settle the liabilities, after any existing contributions have been taken over by the known contributors or beneficiaries.

The net proceeds of the liquidation will be devolved to an association with a similar object or to any public or private institution recognized as being in the public interest and which will be designated by the extraordinary general meeting of Members.

Article 24: Internal regulations

Internal regulations, drawn up by the Association's Chairman and approved by the Ordinary General Meeting of Members, specify and supplement, where necessary, the provisions of the Articles of Association relating to the operation of the Association.

Adherence to the Articles of Association automatically implies adherence to the internal regulations.

Article 25: Declaration and publication

The Chairman, with the option of sub-delegation, will carry out the declaration and publication formalities required by law. Full powers are granted to the bearer of an original copy of these bylaws for this purpose.

Article 26: Chief executive officers

Without prejudice to any provisions of these Articles to the contrary, the Association's first officers (i.e. the Chairman, the Treasurer and, if such bodies are established, the members of the Association's Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee) shall be appointed by the Association's Constituent Meeting.

Paris, March 25, 2022

Mrs Murielle THIBIERGE-BATUDE, Chairman 

Mrs Dominique BATUDE, Treasurer