Mustang Counselor


I'm glad that you are here. I am excited to work at Gilbert Arts Academy Families! Through this website, you will discover more information about the role of the school counselor, monthly updates, and community resources.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

About me

Hello Mustangs! I am so excited to start my journey with GAA. I received my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Equine-Assisted Mental Health from Prescott College. My career in School Counseling started two years ago after parting ways with Clinical Mental Health Practice.

I approach my work much like the quote from Ms. Maya Angelou with the individual's comfort and safety are in mind.

When I am not working you can find me with my family, two dogs, exploring nature, or traveling. I love adventure and discovering the amazing world around us.

I cannot wait to meet you and discover how I can best support your student and family!

Phone: (480)325-6100

Instagram: @gaamustangs

Address: 862 E Elliot Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234