Year 2 Trips


Thursday 30th November 23

To support the learning that we have been doing in our History lessons so far this year on Significant Individuals, we have arranged a fantastic 'Time Travellers' History workshop to take place in school this half term. In this workshop, the children will travel back in time to meet the explorers Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus, learning more about the voyages that they took. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's class teacher or the office.

Thank you for your continued support. 

The cost of the Trip is £5 and needs to be paid by Friday 24th November

Please log onto your child's Arbor account to  make payment under Activities/Trips. 

Many thanks,

The Year 2 Team


Tuesday 6th February 24

To support our learning on the history of transport, we have arranged a fantastic trip to Brooklands Transport Museum for the Year 2 children next half term. On this trip, the children will have the chance to see different modes of transport from the past up close and take part in a workshop constructing their own vehicles. 

We will be travelling there by coach, leaving school at 9:15am and arriving back in time for normal pick up arrangements. The children should wear school uniform as usual, however as there will be some walking involved throughout the day, they will be allowed to wear trainers/comfortable shoes. They should also wear weather appropriate coats.

Lunch will be eaten at the venue, you can either provide your child with a packed lunch or school can provide one. 

Please indicate on the consent form your preference by Friday 26th January 24. If you miss this deadline you will need to provide your child with their own packed lunch for the trip. 

We would highly recommend the children use a small rucksack. Please do not send your child with a large lunchbox or bag as they will have to carry it. 

We may also need some parent volunteers. If you are available on this date and would like to offer your help, please indicate this on the form. We will then contact you to confirm your help. 

We are very excited about this great opportunity for the children. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Yours sincerely,

Miss Elkins and Miss Cunningham

The cost of the Trip is £25.50 and needs to be paid by Thursday 1st February 24. Please log onto your child's Arbor account to  make payment under Activities/Trips. 


Wednesday 5th June 24

To support our learning on the Great Fire of London, we have arranged a fantastic trip to The Tower of London for the Year 2 children in the Summer term. On this trip, the children will have the chance to explore the historic castle and take part in a workshop that uses role play to bring the story of the Great Fire of London to life. 

We will be travelling there by a hired double decker bus, leaving school at 9am and arriving back approximately at 4:30pm.The children should wear school uniform as usual, however as there will be some walking involved throughout the day, they will be allowed to wear trainers/comfortable shoes. They should also wear weather appropriate attire (i.e. raincoats if rain is forecast, sun hats, sun cream if the weather is looking hot). 

Lunch will be eaten at the venue. You can either provide your child with a packed lunch or school can provide this. Please indicate on the consent form your preference by Friday 17th May. If you miss this deadline you will need to provide your child with their own packed lunch for the trip.  

We would highly recommend the children bring a small rucksack to carry their lunch as well as a refillable water bottle. Please do not send your child with a large lunchbox or bag as they will have to carry it. 

We may also need some parent volunteers. If you are available on this date and would like to offer your help, please indicate this on the form. 

This trip will cost £24 and payment should be made via Arbor/activities/trips by Friday 17th May.

Please complete this Google Form to consent to the trip and let us know of any medical conditions, packed lunch options, and also if you can help? By Friday 17th May 24

We are very excited about this great opportunity for the children. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Yours sincerely,

Miss Elkins and Miss Cunningham