Reception Trips


Hedgehogs - Wednesday 11th October 9am-9:30am

Otters - Thursday 12th October 9am-9:30am

We are excited for our ‘This is me’ topic. The children will be learning about themselves, families and friendships. We would like to invite parents into school to allow children to share with their parent or carer their learning in school. All children can explore their own classroom and outside area. 

Each class will be allowed one 30 minute session for 1 parent or carer only per child. Due to the nature of moving and allowing space for children to explore activities and share with their parents this is limited to one parent or carer only per child on their classes’ day.

We ask that parents/ carers arrive promptly. Due to the nature of the activities and learning babies (including Nursery age children) may not accompany you for the Autumn share event as this is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with the adults. We therefore ask that you make alternative arrangements for these younger siblings, as unfortunately you will not be able to attend should you bring them.

Please could we ask that if your child requires the toilet during your session that they go into the toilets independently and the parent waits outside for your own safeguarding. Should your child require any support please find any member of staff and they will be happy to help.


Thursday 19th October 23

Reception children will be going on a local walk to the park on Thursday 19th October 2023. This will be to look at the Autumn trees and see the changing colours of the seasons. If you are interested in helping walk with us and supporting the children on the trip, please fill out this google form. This will take place in the morning and the children will return before lunch. Your class teacher will let you know if we need you. 


Thursday 16th November 23

In Autumn 2, the children will be taking part in a storytelling workshop. This will take place at school. During the workshop the children will be going on an imaginary journey which includes songs and rhymes. This will cost £5 per child. This will be payable via the Arbor under Activities/Trips.

We hope the children will enjoy these opportunities and thanks in advance for your help and support.


Thursday 8th February 24

To celebrate Chinese New Year we are going to make a stir fry as a whole class activity. We will be practising cutting and grating, to develop our fine motor skills.

On Thursday 8th February we will be taking the children in groups of 15 to walk to the local greengrocers in Cheam Village to buy and weigh the vegetables that we need.

For this local walk to take place, we will need support from parents. Please fill out this google form by Wednesday 31st January, if you are able to help for both groups in your child’s class. We will inform you if you are needed to support the walk by Friday 2nd February.

As you have signed consent forms for local visits on Arbor, this letter is to inform you that your child will be leaving school.

If you do not wish for your child to take part in the walk please speak to your child’s class teacher by Wednesday 31st January.

Please be aware that if the weather is not suitable then this trip will be cancelled and the Reception team will purchase the ingredients so that the cooking can still take place.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

The Reception Team


Monday 20th May 24

As part of our ‘Ants to Elephants’ topic, we are learning about farm animals. To develop and enhance our learning, the children will be visiting Godstone Farm on Monday 20th May 2024.

Lunch will be eaten at the venue, you can either provide your child with a packed lunch or school can provide one.

Please indicate on the form your child's lunch preference by Monday 6th May 24 and whether you would be able to be a parent helper on the trip. Helpers will be needed from both classes from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.

 If you miss this deadline you will need to provide your child with their own packed lunch for the trip. 


We would highly recommend the children use a small rucksack. Please do not send your child with a large lunchbox or bag as they will have to carry it. 

This trip will cost £22.50 and payment can be made on Arbor, under Activities/Trips.  This cost covers the admission and coach to and from the farm. We appreciate that we have not been able to give as much notice as we would like for this trip, therefore we have extended the deadline for payment to 4th June 2024.  Please ensure your payment is made by then.

We hope your child will enjoy the trip and we thank you for your ongoing support. 

Kind regards

The Reception Team