Brookfield Primary Academy

Ridge Road, Sutton SM3 9LY

Tel. 020 8644 8616



Subscribe to full calendar

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Dates for your Diary

Monday 14th to Friday 18th February 2022 - Half Term

Friday 1st April 2022 - PTFA Mufti (donation of Easter Eggs for the Easter Egg Hamper Raffle)

Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th April 2022 - Year 5 Residential Trip to Grosvenor Hall Kingswood

Thursday 7th April 2022 - Winning House Team Mufti Day

Friday 8th April 2022 -

  • PTFA Easter Egg Hamper Raffle Draw

  • Last day of term - school finishes at 2:00pm

Monday 11th to Friday 22nd April 2022 - Easter Holidays

Monday 2nd May 2022 - Bank Holiday - children do not attend school

Friday 6th May 2022 - Young Voices at the O2

Thursday 26th May 2022 - Winning House Team Mufti Day

Friday 27th May 2022 - Queen's Platinum Jubilee - children do not attend

Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June 2022 - Half term

Monday 6th June 2022 - Inset Day

Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd June 2022 - Year 4 Residential Trip to High Ashurst

Wednesday 22nd June 2022 - Year 1 Brooklands Museum (more information to follow)

Saturday 25th June 2022 1:00pm to 4:00pm - PTFA Summer Fair

Thursday 7th July 2022 - Year 3 Science Museum (more information to follow)

Monday 18th to Friday 22nd July 2022 - Year 6 Residential Trip to Isle of Wight

Thursday 21st July 2022 - Winning House Team Mufti Day

Friday 22nd July 2022 - Last day of term - school finishes at 2:00pm


Dear Parents/Carers

We have had a very exciting 2 weeks at Brookfield, we have celebrated Chinese New Year and raised awareness during Children's Mental Health Week. The children celebrated both of these with a Tiger dress-up day and an 'Express yourself' mufti. Please look at our Twitter feed to see some of the exciting activities we have been up to!

Thank you for your continued support over the last half term - we know there have been some challenges with the ongoing pandemic however as a school community we have worked together to overcome these.

We wish you a very restful half term and look forward to seeing you on the 21st!

Many thanks





To help prevent the spread of Covid at Brookfield Primary Academy, please can we ask adults to take regular rapid tests, we now advise that you increase the twice weekly tests to three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (children are not required to take regular tests).

1 in 3 people with Coronavirus do not show symptoms.

Testing kits are available

  • through your employer if they offer testing to employees

  • by collecting a home test kit from a test site

  • by ordering a home test kit online

Protect our school community, your friends and family.

A negative result means the test did not find signs of coronavirus. But this does not guarantee you do not have coronavirus, so you should keep following all coronavirus advice including:

  • regular handwashing

  • social distancing

  • wearing a face covering where recommended

Changes to the self-isolation period for those who test positive for COVID-19

This change came into effect in England on Monday 17 January and applies to all positive cases, regardless of vaccination status.

People who are self-isolating with COVID-19 have the option to reduce their isolation period after 5 full days if they test negative with an LFD test on both day 5 and day 6 and they do not have a temperature. For example, if they test negative on the morning of day 5 and the morning of day 6, they can return to their education or childcare setting immediately on day 6.

The first test must be taken no earlier than day 5 of the self-isolation period, and the second must be taken the following day. All test results should be reported to NHS Test and Trace.

If the result of either test is positive, they should continue to self-isolate until they get negative results from two LFD tests on consecutive days or until they have completed 10 full days of self-isolation, whichever is earliest.

The new rules also apply to people who are already isolating – so if someone was already isolating before Monday 17 January, they can take LFD tests on day 5 and 6 and if they are both negative and they have no temperature they can end their isolation.

Anyone who is unable to take LFD tests or anyone who continues to have a temperature will need to complete the full 10-day period of self-isolation.

Further information on self-isolation for those with COVID-19 is available.


Research shows that when children eat well at lunchtime they perform better in class in the afternoon. Therefore it is recommended that all lunch boxes include...

  • At least one portion of fruit (e.g. banana, apple, orange, grapes, dried fruit, cherry tomatoes) should be included each day.

  • At least one portion of vegetables e.g. carrot sticks, cucumber, celery. These ingredients could be added to a sandwich or sweetcorn added to pasta.

  • Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. chicken, turkey, ham, beef, pork, tuna, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus and falafel) should be included every day. (Oily fish such as salmon or tuna at least once every three weeks).

  • A starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereals every day (e.g. pitta bread, tortilla wraps, rice cakes, oat cakes) should be included each day.

  • Dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard should be included every day.

  • Drinks should be only water or milk.

  • An example of a recommended lunch box could be a chicken salad wrap, an apple, yoghurt, a low sugar flap jack and a drink of water

Special Dietary Needs And Food Allergies

We are sensitive to the catering needs of children with specific dietary needs, including religious considerations. We have children at Brookfield Primary who have allergic reactions to nuts; they require Epipens.

Packed lunches must NOT include products that contain nuts (i.e. NO Nutella and NO peanut butter).


School meals cater for children with special dietary needs and food allergies. Children can choose daily if they wish to have a school meal.

So Please keep lunch boxes free from...

Fizzy drinks or cartons of juice,

Chocolate or sweets,

Chocolate spread or jam sandwiches,



Each week the children have been focusing on a Dining Hall Value.

If the children have demonstrated the values at lunch time consistently then they are entered into a raffle. At the beginning of every month in our Achievement Assembly we draw the raffle.

A huge congratulations to the children below as they were the winners of the Values Raffle this month.

Reception and KS1: Melissa, Evan, Rebeka, Alfie, Aranya, Fozan

KS2: Pratyush, Aimee, Kamsikan, Caitlin, Logan, Sebastian

Dining Hall Values at Brookfield:

  1. Thank you for being polite to everyone

  2. Thank you for lining up calmly

  3. Thank you for walking carefully

  4. Thank you for finishing your lunch today

  5. Thank you for keeping the table clean

  6. Thank you for speaking quietly

  7. Thank you for cleaning your plate tidily

  8. Thank you for trying some new foods today


Year 4 had some very interesting and thought provoking discussions following this morning’s @Place2Be’s #MentalHealthWeek assembly. The children shared their ideas and discussed how we can feel support in a range of ways.

Year 5 discussed why our mental health and well being is just as important as our maths and writing lessons. We completed our emotional goals stars and had some thought provoking conversations.

In EYFS this week we are thinking about mindfulness. Each day we met a new character, who set an activity for us to do including a chillax to listen to!

Year 2 had a great discussion about what makes them individual from others.

Mrs Grice our Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion launched her Chillax clubs for adults and children for after Half term.

Children's Mental Health Week - Monday 7th to Friday 11th February

12 Ways to Calm an Anxious Child

Support referrals for children with anxiety has increased by 45% since the beginning of the pandemic. Experts predict that these increases will rise by a further 11% year on year for the next three years. How can you help your child to feel calm at home and relieve anxious thoughts and feelings?

We've listed 12 ways below.

  1. Deep Breathing - Ask your child to put their hand on their belly and tell them that when they breathe in, their breath will push their hand out. Tell them to breathe in for a count of four, then hold their breath for a count of four. Then breathe out slowly through their nose.

  2. Create a Quiet Zone - Create a dedicated 'quiet zone' in your house. This can be a corner with books, cushions, blankets and teddies. When you child is feeling anxious or they want to remove themselves from an anxious situation, they can escape to their quiet zone.

  3. Positive Affirmations - We say affirmations as adults - there's no reason why your children can't too! Start with the obvious 'I am calm,' 'I am brave,' 'I am strong,' 'I can overcome anything,' - ask them to repeat after you or come up with their own!

  4. Lead by Example - Talk about mental health and your own feelings. Conversations go two ways, if you want your child to discuss their fears and emotions and be open with you, you need to do the same. Make the following question normal - 'What did we worry about today and what can we do about it tomorrow?'

  5. Grounding - Grounding is a technique that allows a distressed child to 'return to the room,' by looking at objects around them or becoming more aware of their senses. You can find techniques online or in our 'Panic Attacks,' booklet.

  6. Cuddle - Perhaps the most obvious one to reassure any anxious child is cuddle often! Cuddles release feel good hormones and brain chemicals - it's hard to be sad or worried when you feel safe in someone's arms.

  7. Wind Down - Invest in the importance of winding down. Before bed time this is especially beneficial - put away screens and dim the lights, have some quiet time or do a mindfulness exercise before they go to sleep. Our 'body scan' exercise in our 'Mindful Monsters,' booklet is a great wind down exercise to in bed.

  8. Reach for a Teddy - We know that most children feel instantly calmed when cuddling their favourite teddy. Have your child tell their worries and fears to their teddy before bedtime.

  9. Ask Them What Helps - Every child is different and they may have something that makes them feel calm that you can do next time they are feeling anxious. Is it cuddling a teddy, painting, walking - explore the options and find their calm!

  10. Don't Overload Them - Life is SO busy these days. Add in COVID and lockdown and it can be very overwhelming. Try not to overload their schedules. And if you try to talk to them about something but they don't feel like it or they're feeling tired - don't force them! Take your lead from them.

  11. Reassure - But don't sugar coat - be as up front with your child as possible and use simple, concise words they understand. Sugar coating or not explaining things properly can cause them to become even more confused. Let them know that you are their safe place and that they can talk with you openly without judgment.

  12. Talk Openly - Not just when the child is feeling anxious - but make talking about feelings a priority at all times. Talking openly about emotions and situations will mean a child will learn to be open with you when they are feeling distressed or anxious.


What a brilliant wellbeing week we celebrated! In Reception, we thought about ways to make our friends happy and what we can do to make their day extra special! It was also a Superhero Week! We wrote all about the super powers we wanted to have. What superpower would you like? We LOVED our dress up day too!

In Pearl Class the children looked at keeping happy and healthy. We found out how to keep our teeth healthy! Do you know how to brush your teeth properly?


Our final two weeks of the half term have been just as busy as the rest! Goldilocks and The Three Bears has seen us writing a sorry letter from Goldilocks to the bears and also writing instructions to make porridge! We had a lot of fun in our PSHE lesson which was all about our friends. We had to throw a ball of wool to a friend and explain why they are a good friend. We ended up with this awesome friendship web! In maths we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We've played with the Dienes equipment which has helped us show how many tens and ones there are in a number. In topic we had great fun using the Nearpod programme to compare Henry VIII and William the Conqueror -we even had a virtual look at the outside of Hampton Court and Windsor Castle which were built by the kings. Emerald Class enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. Jayden brought in the materials for the children to make windmills. When spun, these are believed to bring good luck.


Year 2 had great fun on Pirate Day! We took part in lots of fun activities such as singing sea shanties, art based activities, creating treasure maps and completing a treasure hunt to find some treasure. All of the costumes were amazing! We hope the children enjoyed it just as much as the teachers did. We have also been using our pirate knowledge to write our own pirate stories based on Captain Flinn and the dinosaur pirate. In maths, we have been working really hard on finding a fraction of a number. We have been using sharing plates to help facilitate this learning. We have also be practising how to explain how we have solved these questions in order to develop their reasoning skills. As it is mental health awareness week, year 2 have also been completing a range of mindfulness activities. These include: yoga, mindfulness colouring and thinking about our goals.


Year 3 have been learning to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and they are working hard to identify equivalent fractions using multiplication and division. Finding the equivalent fraction in its simplest form is a bit tricky so children are using a fraction wall and other resources to help them. They are getting really good at their times tables now! In English we used the book 'There's a Pharaoh in the Bath' to write a newspaper article to report the events that happened in the Museum. In Topic we had lots of fun learning about how pyramids were made and what they were for, and we then built pyramids out of Lego and Duplo. We also made our own papyrus paper and wrote messages in hieroglyphs. In PSHE we discussed the challenges some people face in their lives and we linked our thoughts to the article of the week: Article 2. We then created a garden that could be used by everyone, including those with disabilities. We also took part in Mental Health Week and we did different activities to contribute to our own well being. On Tuesday 8th, for Safer Internet Day, children learned how to keep safe online and after watching an assembly, we discussed how to keep safe when using the internet and who to turn to when we come across something that is not right. Children then created an online game mascot and they used Flipgrid to create a video full of good advice.


Year 4 have been very busy this week. As well as enjoying the range of activities we have complete for Mental Well-being Week, we have completed activities for Internet Safety Day on Tuesday and Race Equality Week. We enjoyed participating in the interactive Internet safety quiz, deciding which comments people should post and why. We also made proud clouds to celebrate why we are proud of ourselves. We have been increasing our resilience and perseverance as well as improving our maths skills, by completing the 24 Challenge every day. In the 24 Challenge, we must make the total 24 using 4 specific numbers that we can only use once. Also in Maths, we have been rounding decimals as well as dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and 100 and writing the answers as decimals. In Writing, we have created a non-chronological report about Anglo-Saxon gods and an information leaflet about ways to improve our mental health. We though really hard about how to present our work and make our work as informative as possible. In topic, we have explored what life would have been like in an Anglo-Saxon village and discovered how they made their houses and what jobs they had. We have also looked at the arrival of the Vikings. We are looking forward to continuing this topic after half term.


Year 5 have had a very busy two weeks! From building on our knowledge of decimals in maths, to understanding why our mental health plays a vital part in our learning, to learning about Theseus and the Minotaur in Topic. The children have grown in lots of confidence with their understanding of decimals, they can see the patterns and understand the relationship between decimals and fractions. In writing, they have had fun writing reviews for a boat trip down the River Styx. The children looked at some examples on Tripadvisor. The big focus this week is on mental health and well being. Year 5 have made personal emotional goals to help become more confident in their emotional learning. Some examples of goals are: having self belief, thinking positively about themselves, being courageous and trying again when they first don't succeed. Year 5 had a fantastic informative conversation. The children were also happy to celebrate Race Equality Week. They discussed what race equality means, speaking about how diverse the classroom is and created 'Proud Clouds' to highlight what makes them feel proud in their lives. It was a wonderful celebration of how they treat differences equally. Finally, the children spent some time on Tuesday 8th February discussing what Safer Internet Day means. We had an assembly, completed a quiz, discussed being respectful online and created our mascot for internet safety.

Drama lesson

Drama lesson

Mascot for Safer Internet Day

Making our emotional learning goals


What a busy last week year 6 have had before half term. From becoming poetry analysts to exploring how volume is found in tricky 3D shapes. Year 6 should be extremely proud of what they have achieved this week. In English, the children were tasked with creating their own poems relating to the lighthouse that is located at Budmouth pier (South Devon) where the main characters in our class novel are currently living after being evacuated. They identified features used in published poems to help aid their own writing. Take a look at their great efforts.

As part of Children's Mental Health Week, year 6 thought about how they could develop. They researched and presented their role models which ranged from footballers to their own parents. Year 6 have also thought about what it means to adopt a growth mindset and how we can use this both in and outside of school. We have also celebrated safer internet day this week where year 6 took part in a range of activities. Some of these were: picking the best actions to make in a scenario where the internet has not been used safely and creating a series of instructions and tips to keep people safe online! Finally, we have also celebrated Race Equality week. During the week, we spoke about what makes children in year 6 different and special. We then created our own 'proud clouds' showing how we are special and why.


I'd like to thank all of you who came along to hear the exciting new changes happening with our reading and phonics.

If you missed the presentations, the YR slides can be accessed HERE and the Y1 & Y2 slides can be accessed HERE.

If you would like any further information or have any questions please contact me and I'll be happy to help!

Thank you, Mrs. Holmes, Reading and Phonics Lead.


The children have been working hard on their Doodle maths/ English and times tables both at home and at school which is great!

This week's top class Doodlers are:

Garnet Class.

Max in Opal, Charlotte in Amber, Rebekah and Aayat in Garnet have achieved their 100-day streak in Doodle Maths. Congratulations!

Matthew in Amethyst achieved a 500-day streak! What an amazing achievement! Well done!

Times Table Rockstars:

Here are the results of our weekly battles between year group classes. Keep practising so you can beat the other class.

Brookfield's top scorers on TTRockstars this week are:

Joshua (Opal), Zain (Amethyst), Matthew (Onyx) and Anya (Quartz)

Highest scoring class at Brookfield this week is: Topaz with 695 points.

Veg Power!

How many vegetables are in your lunch boxes?

5 fruits and vegetables a day really help the brain work at its best. Here are some ideas of how you can include more vegetables into your lunches. We'd love to see you try some of the recipes below.


Our Count On Us Maths club continued this week and our fabulous Mathematicians have shown how competitive they are by playing in table groups against each other. They have played a new game of dominoes and some of the patterns were quite tricky! Would you like to have a go? If you are in Y4/5 and you would like to take part, come and join us every Wednesday at lunchtime 12:45.


It seems timely to remind all parents that we consider Brookfield a safe place for children. All staff have attended safeguarding training. This training is updated yearly. The designated staff for safeguardng are Ms Prathayini Wright (Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Rachel Teixeira (Vice Principal and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Sarah Wells (Vice Principal for Inclusion and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Claire Langford (Office Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Catherine Davies(Year Group Leader and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Ms Nicky Marrable (EYFS Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead). Please see our safeguarding policy and procedures on the school website.

Parenting advice on supporting children's mental health.

Sutton Crisis Café is a new non-judgemental service for people in mild to moderate mental health crisis, who just need a safe place to be and someone to listen.

Let's work together to keep our children safe!

For more information on keeping your child safe online, please take a look at this resource created by LGFL.

It is a parent portal that provides a wealth of information on a variety of issues.

Why not take a look?



What Parents need to know about Squid Game

Please see the flyer for more information sent about Squid Game from Netflix.

Parent Flyer


Year 6 Pupil Parliament Representatives

Eco Squad

Year 6 House Captains

RRSA and PSHE Ambassadors

Year 6 School Council Executive Committee

School Council


At Brookfield we are working towards our Rights Respecting Schools silver award and children are learning about the rights of the child.

This month is LGBT and History Month. It is all about promoting fairness, equality and diversity. It aims to celebrate achievements and highlight the challenges people still face today.

The Articles 2, 13 and 17 tell us the following: We have the right to be treated fairly, no matter who we are, where we live, what our parents do, what language we speak, what our religion is, whether we are a boy or a girl, what our culture is, whether we have a disability or whether we are rich or poor. We have the right to information, to find out things and share what we think with others; adults should make sure that the information we receive is not harmful and they should help us find and understand the information we need.

Each week, a child in each class will be rewarded with a certificate for their efforts to contribute to one of the articles in our charter.

For more information about the rights of the child click here.


Pupil Premium

I would like to remind all parents who are eligible, to apply for the Pupil Premium Grant. This grant enables the school to provide additional support to our children where needed. Examples of this are, access to extra-curricular clubs and additional support with specific areas of the curriculum.

Any family in receipt of the grants listed below are eligible to apply for this grant, which is then allocated to our school.

  • Income Support

  • Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance

  • Employment & Support Allowance (must be Income Related and not Contribution Based)

  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit

  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

  • Working Tax Credit run -on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7, 400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Your child may also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:

If all parents who are eligible apply for Pupil Premium, it may result in the school receiving substantial funding which will be used for the benefit of the children, so please apply.

Applying for this grant is very simple, it can be done online or you can telephone 0208 770 6953 and select the free school meal option. If you feel you would like support in applying for this grant please contact the school office who will be happy to go through this process with you. All applications are confidential within the school.


What to do if my child is absent?

Please can we remind all parents/carers that if your child is going to be absent from school that you use the Brookfield Absence Form (instead of leaving a message on the answerphone).

We know that illness is unavoidable and to be expected, especially at the moment due to Covid-19. Knowing whether pupils are going to be absent from school and the reasons for any absences is an important safeguarding issue for the school.

It is therefore, vitally important that if your child is not going to be in school that you complete our the form by 9:15am.

The form has 3 separate sections for Coronavirus Related / General Illness / Other Reason for Absence (ie. appointments).

The form can also be found on the Weekly Newsletters and Brookfield Website home page under Parents - Absence and Attendance:

Please note that you ONLY need to complete the form if your child is off school you do not need to call and leave a message.

If for any reason you are unable to access the form then please either call the school and leave a message on the school absence line on 020 8644 8616 opt 1 (you do not need to speak to a member of the office staff) or email the office on:

Please note that if your child is unwell for 5 or more days (unrelated to Covid-19), medical evidence may be requested.


At Brookfield Primary school, we use a house point reward system to recognise the positive behaviour of our pupils. The children love earning house points and are always very excited to add their tokens to the overall total. Each week, the house points will be counted up and this will be shared with the children during achievement assemblies.

At the end of each half term, the winning house will be awarded with a ‘Mufti Day’ just for them. The dates for each ‘Winning House Mufti’ are below.

  1. Friday 22nd October 2021 - YELLOW TEAM

  2. Friday 17th December 2021 - GREEN TEAM

  3. Friday 11th February 2022

  4. Thursday 7th April 2022

  5. Thursday 26th May 2022

  6. Thursday 21st July 2022


School Meals

PLEASE NOTE: Price increase from September 2021 - £2.35 a day.

Our school catering provision is offered to all children across the Trust by LEO Catering, our in house catering supplier. The menus are created and refreshed three times a year, catering for children with allergies and are available to view below. Our menus follow government food standard guidelines and offer excellent value at £2.35 a day for a main meal, dessert, choice of salad bar, fresh bread daily and vegetarian and Halal options. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free meal funded by the government's Universal Infant Free School Meal grant and we encourage anyone in any year group who thinks they may be eligible to apply for free school meal funding to apply.

Menus are available here or from the office foyer.

Children in Years 3-6 will need to pay for their meals via Arbor. Cost of a school meal is £2.35 per day, £11.75 per week. Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your child's account in advance, otherwise no school dinner can be ordered and you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch.

For those children who do still bring in a packed lunch, you may have noticed that your child brings home some of their lunch as we encourage the children to take home uneaten food. This enables you to see exactly what your child is eating at lunchtimes and adapt their lunch accordingly. We ask that packed lunches include healthy options in line with our Healthy School status. Children should not bring fizzy drinks or chocolate bars to school.

We have a number of children with nut allergies in school which means that all staff and parents must be vigilant about ingredients we use in school and items put into lunch boxes. No nuts should be put into packed lunches.


The Sunrisers - Breakfast Club will run from 7:30am until 8.45am when the children will be taken to class by a member of staff. The daily session cost for this will be £5.50.

The Sunsetters - After school club will run from 3.10pm until 6.00pm, the children will be collected from class and taken to the club by a member of staff. The daily session cost for this will be £13.00.

For more information please email


Contacting your child's class teacher: If you need to contact your child's class teacher please email the school office on and they will forward the emails during the working day for the teacher or Senior Leader to act upon and respond.

  • Please do not to approach the class teachers in the mornings during drop off time unless it is urgent.

  • Please make an appointment to see the class teacher via the school office.

  • KS2 pupils do not finish their school day/ learning till 3:20pm, therefore, if you are waiting on the playground to collect your child at the end of the day, please ensure that you stand away from the classroom windows and door so as not to disturb their learning.

  • The climbing frames are not to be used before and after school, parents please remind your children of this school rule. In addition, children are not to use their scooters or bikes on school grounds and must walk to the side of them.

  • If using private vehicles, please remember to park thoughtfully and not park in front of the local residents’ drives or on the yellow zig zag lines in front of the school. We would like to see as many families and staff as possible walking, cycling or scooting to school.

  • If your child suffers from asthma they must have an in-date, spare inhaler in school at all times along with a spacer. These should be given to the office who will store them securely. Please check on a yearly basis that the inhaler is still fit for purpose. Please also ensure any child with an allergy has appropriate medication in school, i.e Epipen/Piriton etc. This could be life-saving.

  • We ask that pupils bring in their own water bottles daily. The bottles need to be clearly labelled with the child's name and only have water in them.

  • Please leave buggies and prams outside the school buildings, as it could be very hazardous in an emergency. Currently, the office is operating on a 'one in and one out' policy. Please ensure you wear a mask if you enter the school building.

  • Please remember that all children in KS2 are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or vegetables to school for a mid-morning snack during playtime. Many children are really hungry by lunchtime and will be happier and learn better if they have eaten something at playtime.

  • Only children in Year 6 are permitted to bring a mobile phone into school and only if absolutely necessary. Phones are stored in the office during the school day.

  • No pets in the playground please especially dogs! (Excluding guide dogs). This includes owners carrying their dog in their arms. We cannot permit any pets on the premises.

  • Please do not let your children climb on the climbing frames in the KS1 or KS2 playground.

  • No smoking is allowed anywhere in the school or grounds.

  • I would like to urge parents to remember to park thoughtfully and not park in front of the local residents’ drives or on the yellow zig zag lines in front of the school. We would like to see as many families and staff as possible walking, cycling or scooting to school.

  • Please ensure that you look at your Arbor account as we are a paperless school and all information is sent via this portal. If you have any queries, please contact the school office.


We always welcome parents in school helping in classes and we are pleased to let you know that we can continue to do this this term. We know how much our children benefit from this additional support, especially at the moment when so much time in school has been missed.

Please complete this form if you are interested in helping in school.

All PTFA helpers and volunteers in class are required to complete Safeguarding training and provide a current DBS certificate. Contact the office on either school site for advice on this.


School Uniform

All children at Brookfield are expected to wear the correct uniform:

Boys - Navy sweatshirt with school logo / light grey trousers / white polo shirt / black shoes. Summer: light grey shorts / sunhat or cap.

Girls - Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo / navy skirt or navy pinafore dress or light grey trousers / white polo shirt / black shoes. Summer: light grey shorts or summer dress (red and white check) / sunhat or cap.

PE Kit (in a named PE bag) - Red T-shirt with school logo / plain black shorts / black plimsolls / Winter: black/navy jogging bottoms or leggings and a black/navy hoodie.

Nursery - Red T shirt with school logo / red sweatshirt with school logo / black jogging bottoms or leggings or shorts / black trainers.

Additional items: Apron or art shirt.

Sweatshirts, cardigans, nursery uniform, PE shirts, PE bags, hats and book bags (EYFS & Yr 1 red book bag/Yrs 2 to 6 navy rucksack) can all be purchased in store or online at:

All belongings must be clearly named

Jewellery - Jewellery must not be worn to school. Children with pierced ears may wear one plain silver or gold stud in each ear, which must be removed (or taped over) for PE. Children who wear watches must take full responsibility for them.

Hair - Pupils with hair longer than shoulder length should have it tied back.


School Fund

School Fund Contributions 2021/2022

We pride ourselves on offering our children varied and exciting experiences and activities that help to support their learning of the curriculum. The School Fund will allow us to provide additional activities across all year groups.

We have a voluntary school fund donation of £10 a term / £30 a year per child or £40 for a family if there are siblings at the school. Parents can pay for School Fund online via our Arbor payment system.

We would like to thank you for your support.


We have a number of exciting opportunities arising across the Trust:

LEO Academy Trust Vacancies


Sutton Schools Nursing Service

Children, young people and families with any concerns can contact the school nursing service via phone. For parents, the school nursing duty line number 0208 770 5409 from Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. For children and young people who require support, the contact number is 0208 770 4409 9am-5pm, or the email address is

Learning Support

Sutton College is offering to help parents support their child/ren with FREE online Family Learning English and Maths workshops and courses. Please see the link below for further details.

Family Learning

Our local jobcentre


Help raise funds for the LEO Foundation by joining our lottery.

  • Join our weekly lottery from just £1 a week

  • It’s an easy way to support our Trust and help raise funds for LEO Foundation projects

  • 40% of ticket sales come back to us

  • There’s a guaranteed winner every week as well as the chance to win £25,000

  • It’s easy to sign up online so start supporting our Trust today!

This year, funds raised by the LEO Foundation supported our LEO PRIDE Awards in EYFS, our ECB All Stars Cricket Development Centre for Year 2 pupils, Mandarin lessons for Year 5 pupils and our Year 6 Junior Citizenship Programme.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!


Please find below a reminder of our procedures for communicating with the school

The School Office is open daily from 8:00am – 4:30pm

The phone number is 020 8644 8616 (the phone lines are open from 9:15am to 4:30pm)


Our website address is

The office staff can deal with all general queries and take messages for our teaching staff. If any problems should arise, please let us know as soon as possible. Class Teachers continually monitor every child’s progress and will contact you with any concerns about academic progress, behaviour and application in the classroom. Pastoral care is also offered to the children in their class and across the school. Your child’s class teacher should always be your first point of call with any general concerns that arise. If you still have ongoing concerns, please make an appointment to speak to a Middle Leader. Our Middle Leaders/Year Leaders are - EYFS Mrs Nicola Marrable, Y1 Mrs Paula Holmes, Y2 Miss Rebecca Giacopazzi, Y3 Ms Eva Rubio, Y4 Mrs Michelle Underwood, Y5 Mrs Catherine Davies, Y6 Miss Sara Brice. Any concerns that you feel still have not been addressed will be escalated to the school’s Senior Leadership Team. Our Senior Leaders are - Mrs Sarah Wells (nee Pearson) (Inclusion Manager and Vice Principal), Mrs Rachel Teixeira (nee Mander) (Vice Principal), Ms Prathayini Wright (Principal) and Mrs Alison Day ( Executive Principal).


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