In this week's slimmed down version of the newsletter we want to focus on all of the plans and preparations for the last couple of weeks of term; please see these below this week's certificate winners.

On Friday every week we award two children per class a 'Star of The Week' certificate. This is given to children who have impressed their teachers throughout the course of the week. We also give one child per class a 'Be The Best You Can Be' certificate for demonstrating our Excellent Learner values.

Winners for the last two weeks are...

Christmas Concert Arrangements

We are still busy in school preparing to welcome you to watch your children's Christmas Concerts over the next couple of weeks. In light of recent Government announcements about the new COVID variant, we are obviously planning our Christmas events to ensure the safety of everyone involved. It is with this in mind that we have made sure that our performances are in smaller groups of children or outside where possible. The Christmas Concerts are as follows:


Nursery - Tuesday 7th December (AM and PM)

Reception - Wednesday 8th December @ 9:30am and 2:15pm and Thursday 9th December @ 9:30am and 2:15pm

Year 1 - Friday 10th December @ 9:15am and 2:15pm

Year 2 - Tuesday 14th December @ 9:15am and 2:15pm

For those children on the Molesey Site, performances are taking place in the hall (or Nursery for Nursery) and we will require all adults to please ensure they are wearing a mask when indoors in line with our most up-to-date risk assessments. Information about which performances parents from each class are invited to in order to ensure we keep numbers in the hall to a minimum has already been sent out.


Year 3 & 4 - Monday 13th December @ 9am and 2pm

Year 5 & 6 - Wednesday 15th December @ 9am and 2pm

For those children on the Kingston Site, performances are taking place outside on the field. With this in mind, there is a lot more space for parents to distance themselves. Whilst masks are not mandatory in outside spaces, we would encourage parents to wear masks where possible if you feel uncomfortable with the size of the gathering.

In addition to wearing face masks (unless you are exempt), we also ask you to follow the following steps for the safety of everyone:

  • DO NOT attend school if you are displaying any COVID symptoms;

  • Take a rapid lateral flow test before the event and only attend if you get a negative test result;

  • Wrap up warm (the hall will be well ventilated to improve fresh air flow so it could be chilly!).

Rapid lateral flow devices can be ordered by clicking here.

Whilst we are preparing for these events to go ahead as planned, we are aware that if we have a rise in levels of COVID19, local Directors of Public Health may suggest not to hold gatherings in order to reduce transmission. If this is the case, we will write to you again to inform you. We will be recording performances by all year groups so that in the event of any cancellation, we will still be able to share these performances with you. This also will allow any parent who feels uncomfortable attending to still see a performance via the video recordings.

Whilst watching any of the shows, please remember that many parents do not wish for their children to be on social media sites. We would like to politely remind you that when posting photographs and videos of school events on social media (e.g. Facebook) please ensure that you are only posting pictures or videos of your own child(ren). Parental consent has not been obtained for you to include photographs or videos of other children who may be present in your pictures/videos.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.



Friday 17th December is the last day of term for pupils. We will be finishing school early on this day; 1:20pm for the Molesey Site and 1:30pm for the Kingston Site.


We have received a couple of messages from local residents regarding unsafe and inconsiderate parking in the roads surrounding both sites. Please can we politely ask that you think carefully about where you park your car, including avoiding blocking resident's driveways. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Finally, today we held the Rudolph Run in school in support of St. Raphael's Hospice and would like to share some photos of the children enjoying themselves....