We have a new CPF Parent Calendar that you can use to see everything that is happening in school. The calendar will be included on every newsletter but you can also view it anytime you want by using this link.

You can also login to your own Google Calendar and then use the following Calendar ID to link this calendar to you own: c_lu5obr3pvvar75jg3iijc6dmps@group.calendar.google.com

Finally, if you would like to add this calendar to an Apple device, you can use this iCal formatting: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_lu5obr3pvvar75jg3iijc6dmps%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics



Our teachers continue to prepare and deliver lots of exciting lessons. Children from Reception to Year 6 have been enjoying their science work this week. Year 6 have enjoyed finding out about the circulatory system , even making their own models of this! If you would like to support your child at home with their science work, the children from each year group have been focusing on:

  • Reception - Minibeast Hunting

  • Year 1: Amazing Animals

  • Year 2: Materials

  • Year 3: Food and our Bodies

  • Year 4: Electricity

  • Year 5: Living Things

  • Year 6: Animals Including Humans


Congratulations to our newly elected head boy and girl, James and Eshal and our deputy head boy and girl, Aarav and Aoife. We know you will represent the school so well. All our candidates for these roles should be proud of their efforts: the standard was very high.

The role of head boy / head girl involves:

  • Forming part of the Pupil Parliament

  • Being an advocate for the school

  • Acting as an excellent role model to all children

  • Supporting tours of the school

  • Supporting recruitment of new staff

  • Welcoming new children to the school

  • Welcoming other visitors to the school

  • Representing the school at special events and much more

We know our new head and deputy head boys and girls will carry out their responsibilities to the highest standard.

Doodle Maths and Times Table Rockstars

Children across all years at Cheam Park Farm have already been working hard on their Doodle Maths and times tables both at home and at school which is great!

This week Armstrong Class are our top Doodlers.

Well done also to our 4 CPF pupil leaders on TTRockStars: Kaustav (Y3), Ranveer (Y4), Nelson (Y5), Aarav (Y6)

Doodle Competition

Doodle have arranged a 'Back to School' competition.

From Friday 17th September until Thursday 30th September, every pupil will be encouraged to work in the green zone (achieve their target number of stars) in Doodle Maths. The 14-Day Challenge is a nationwide competition which we are getting involved with.

After the 30th September, Doodle will count up the percentage of students in each class across the nation who were in the green zone during this time.

The class with the highest % of pupils in this zone will win a bundle of educational games!

On Friday every week we award two children per class a 'Star of The Week' certificate. This is given to children who have impressed their teachers throughout the course of the week. We also give one child per class a 'Be The Best You Can Be' certificate for demonstrating our Excellent Learner values.

Winners for the last two weeks are...



We are delighted that we have so many of our children attending clubs again this term. We have many opportunities for children to pursue their individual interests with clubs ranging from chess club to karate!



As you will be aware, reading is one of the most important aspects of your child’s education. As a school, we are constantly trying to promote reading and foster a ‘love of reading’ with the children.

Over the coming months, we will be launching various initiatives at school to continue to enhance the reading experiences of the children within the school. This starts with developing a wide range of reading materials for the children.

If you have any child-friendly magazines or comics which you would like to donate to the school, we would be very grateful. These should be of good quality and able to be read by other children. Please drop these off to either of the school offices, send them in with your child or give your donations to your child’s class teacher.

Together, we can generate a love for reading and in turn foster a culture where children share books with you, their friends, siblings and become lifelong readers.


Please note that the easiest way for you to contact your child's class teacher is via the school office on either site. Please don't email teachers directly as they are unable to check and respond to emails whilst teaching so will be able to address your query in the most timely manner if directed through the office initially. If it is something urgent that you need to make school aware of then a phone call is the best option. If it's not urgent then please direct your emails to cpfpoffice@leoacademytrust.co.uk and it can be dealt with accordingly.


October is National Walk To School Month.

Each pupil will be challenged during the week beginning 4th October to walk, cycle, scoot or park and stride to school every day for one week. They will record this with their class teacher and at the end of the week they will receive a sticker if they achieve this.

Tuesday 5th October will be our Car Free Zone Day.

This year, we ask that the children walk to school if they can, then go straight into their classrooms at their normal time. They will then wash their hands before being given their snack.


Mrs McGauley (SENDCo at Cheam Park Farm) is excitedly heading off on maternity from Friday the 17th of September. Mrs Wells is covering the SENDCo role at Cheam Park Farm whilst Mrs McGauley is away.

Mrs Wells will be working across both sites on Mondays and Thursdays. In order to help with communication between home and school, a new joint email system has been set up.

For all SEN enquiries, questions, discussions or to speak to Mrs Wells please use the new email of




October is Black History Month. Across the school, children in all year groups will be finding out about the contributions made by significant people of colour, both in the past and now. If you would like to support your child at home, here are the particular areas children in each year group will be been focusing on:

  • EYFS: Important People in History

  • Year 1: 'Look Up' (story of an engineer, physician and former NASA astronaut)

  • Year 2: Mae Jemison fact file (life of an American astronaut)

  • Year 3: Nelson Mandela (Anti-apartheid revolutionary and President of South Africa)

  • Year 4: George Washington Carver (Scientist and inventor)

  • Year 5: Jesse Owens (Athlete and four-times Olympic gold medalist)

  • Year 6: Harriet Tubman (Political activist)


We all hope that the return to normality both in and out of school continues.

This section of our newsletter will continue, however, to update you with any changes as they occur. We will update links below with the latest government and Department for Education guidance as necessary.

Latest Guidance

We will always signpost you to the most up-to-date guidance regarding Coronavirus via this button. Please familiarise yourself with this information regularly so that you are aware of any changes.


We will be holding Harvest Assemblies across both sites on 13th October for both KS1 and KS2, with all donations being delivered to Sutton Food Bank by Sutton Schoolswork who will be leading our Harvest assemblies.

Children can start bringing in donations from Monday 4th October - Friday 15th October.

Some suggestions are as follows:

Coffee (100g jars)

Long life orange juice

Tea bags (40’s & 80’s)

Tinned tomatoes

Pasta sauce

Tinned tomato soup

Tinned tuna

Tinned veg (peas, carrots, mushrooms, green beans or sweetcorn)

Tinned fruit (peaches, pineapple, apricots or pears)

Sugar (500g bags)

Sponge puddings

Small bars of chocolate

Shower gel

Shampoo & conditioner




Children, young people and families with any concerns can contact the school nursing service via phone or email. For parents, the school nursing duty line number is 0208 770 5409 and is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. For children and young people who require support, the contact number is 0208 770 4409 from Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, or the email address is schoolnursing@sutton.gov.uk


Cheam Park Farm Primary Academy wishes to ensure that pupils with medical conditions receive appropriate care and support at school. This policy has been developed in line with the Department for Education’s guidance released in April 2014 – “Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions”.

Please ensure all asthma inhalers and Epipens are in date.

When a child is prescribed medication such as antibiotics ask the GP for one that can be taken three times a day – before school, after school and before bed.


We look forward to celebrating children's termly attendance in our school assemblies now we are all back in school again.

We know that children having good attendance and punctuality has a direct impact on how well your child gets on in school. Children who attend frequently are far more likely to achieve academic success than those with poor attendance who tend to fall behind in their learning.


  • Children with good attendance achieve much better in their learning

  • Time off disrupts learning for you child, and also for the rest of the class

  • Children who miss school miss out on their right to a full education

  • It is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school regularly

  • Persistent unauthorised absence could lead to court action, including fines



Our school catering provision is offered to all children across the Trust by LEO Catering, our in house catering supplier.

The menus are created and refreshed three times a year, catering for children with allergies and are available to view on the LEO trust website.

LEO meals are freshly cooked on site and our menus follow government food standard guidelines and offer excellent value at £2.30 a day for a main meal, dessert, choice of salad bar, fresh bread daily and vegetarian and Halal options. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free meal funded by the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal grant and we encourage anyone in any year group who thinks they may be eligible to apply for free school meal funding to apply.

We look forward to welcoming you to our table where eating well is always our aim.

Please see the link below for further information about LEO school meals.

LEO Catering


We are happy to provide free school meals to parents who are eligible for this offer. Please see the link below for information on Pupil Premium and how to apply.

Pupil Premium


Many of our children bring packed lunches into school and we are very pleased with the time parents take to ensure the contents of the lunches are healthy. As a 'Healthy School' we would like to avoid children eating sugary food items in school. We also suggest no more than 5 items in the lunchbox so that children have time to play outside as well as eat lunch.

We would also like to remind all parents and carers that our school is a Nut Free school. This means that no child should be bringing anything into school either in their packed lunch box or as a morning snack that contains nuts. This includes spreads such as peanut butter, nutella etc. in sandwiches. We have children attending our school who suffer from severe nut allergies and, as such, cannot be exposed to any form of nuts.

Thank you for your support and understanding in ensuring that all of our children are kept safe in school.


We always welcome parents in school helping in classes and we are pleased to let you know that we can continue to do this this term. We know how much our children benefit from this additional support, especially at the moment when so much time in school has been missed.

Please complete this form if you are interested in helping in school.

All PTFA helpers and volunteers in class are required to complete Safeguarding training and provide a current DBS certificate. Contact the office on either school site for advice on this.


Upcoming activities

We are pleased to announce four exciting activities for this month. Firstly, 'Second-hand uniform sale' AND 'Autumnal-themed mufti day' on Friday 22nd October, followed closely by the 'Treat stop' event on Sunday 31st October. Pop these dates in your diary and further details will be sent out in due course. Also, we are running our annual 'Christmas card' fundraiser. It is always very successful and the children love having a hand at designing their own Christmas cards, mugs, etc. Information is being sent home with the children on how to get involved so please look in bookbags and rucksacks.

If you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing cpfpptfa@leoacademytrust.co.uk.

Thank you for your support.


If you have any uniform that you would like to donate to the school, please wash it first and then place it in the purple wheelie bin - one at each site. We would welcome anything school related from bookbags, trousers, jumpers, dresses to school shoes, PE shoes, CPF beanie hats and so forth. Thank you for your support.

Wheelie bins are situated on both sites - next to the main entrance on the Kingston Site and next to Rainbow House on the Molesey Site.



We are really pleased to share our Inclusion Support site for parents. We know how hard it can be to support learning at home, particularly if your child finds aspects of learning challenging. We hope these resources help! Our top tip is to start with the FAQ's page. We would love to hear your feedback.

Click HERE to access the site.


A good night’s rest is essential to a healthy lifestyle – protecting you physically and mentally as well as boosting your quality of life. Click on the image for a video to support you with helping your child to get a healthy night's sleep.

We will be sharing some more useful videos over the next few weeks.


Please click on this link for a list of top tips for ensuring your child remains safe online.


We pride ourselves on offering our children varied and exciting experiences and activities that help to support their learning of the curriculum.

The School Fund allows us to provide additional activities across all year groups.

We have a voluntary school fund donation of £10 a term / £30 a year per child or £40 for a family if there are siblings at the school.

Parents can pay for School Fund online via our Arbor payment system. Log into the parent portal and on your child's home screen under accounts you will see School Fund, click into this and select Top Up Account. You can then choose to pay the £10 or £30, if paying for a family for £40 please pay on your eldest child's account). Please ignore the weekly payments, you just need to make the one off payment for either the term or academic year as you choose.

We would like to thank you for your continued support.


A reminder to everyone that the post box outside the main entrance (M) is secure and can be used as a drop off point for communication. It is opened every day.


Please can we ask that you park considerately and safely at drop off and pick up times. Please do not park on the zigzags or across driveways in the roads around school. Thank you for your cooperation.


We often have job opportunities that arise somewhere across the LEO Academy Trust. You can access details about jobs via the images here or keep checking the LEO Staff Vacancies section of the website by clicking here.


We are looking to take on more bank midday supervisors and TAs this year. We often need additional members of staff at short notice in these roles. Please complete this form if you are interested in being considered for either of these roles in the future.

If you do express your interest, we will then share the LEO application form with you.


Please click on this link for information about how you can be part of Easy Fundraising, the UK's biggest charity shopping site.


If you haven't already, please do take part in our LEO Lottery. With a potential jackpot of £25,000 up for grabs every week and guaranteed cash prizes each and every week, why not get your tickets now......

For full details about the LEO Foundation Lottery and to support LEO Academy Trust, click on the "Buy A Ticket" button on the accompanying poster.