Brookfield Primary Academy

Ridge Road

Sutton SM3 9LY

Tel.: 020 8644 8616



Dates for your diary

Wednesday 14th October 2020

7:30pm - 8:30pm - Online Safety Parent Workshop

Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd October 2020

3:30pm-7pm Parent Consultation Meetings

Friday 23rd October 2020 -


Monday 26th October -Friday 30th October 2020

Half Term Holiday

Monday 2nd November 2020

INSET DAY - children do not attend

November date tbc

Christmas Raffle Donation Day

Raffle ticket sales process to be advised

Tuesday 3rd November 2020

Children to return to school

Friday 6th November 2020 - Spooky Mufti Day

(children attend in their own clothes for a donation per child).

Tuesday 1st December 2020

Flu Vaccinations - Reception - Year 6 pupils

7th December 2020 - Christmas Raffle draw

Monday 21st December 2020 - Friday 1st January 2021

Christmas Holiday

Monday 4th January 2021

INSET Day - children do not attend

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Children to return to school

12th February 2021 -

Mufti Day and Virtual Discos

31st March 2021 -

Easter Bonnet Mufti Day

Health and Safety

We are very pleased to announce that our Health and Safety Executive spot check was successful.


Welcome to the third newsletter of the new academic year! A huge applause to the children that have already achieved their 144 certificates or who have been given an achievement certificate by their teachers. It is great to see the children working hard to reach their Bronze reading awards too (50 signed reads in the children's reading diaries). We have just launched our PE Achievement Certificates, which children are awarded for showing: determination, honesty, respect, passion, teamwork and self-belief. Please see the videos below in our Excellence section to see who has been awarded these and our other achievement certificates over the last two weeks.

Just a reminder to continue to visit our 'Return To School' google site for up to date procedures and new routines in the light of the DfE guidance to assist our safe return to school. Many thanks to your flexibility whilst we have made some changes to the original plan to ensure that we are keeping our school community safe. Also, please refer to your child's class google site for information on their class and year group.

Due to Covid-19 this year’s parents evening will be held via telephone consultations. You will be able to book your 10 minute telephone call with your child’s class teacher via the Arbor Parent Portal.

Parents Evening will be on Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd October from 3:30pm to 7:00pm. Please note that some teachers' availability may differ slightly to these times. If you have two class teachers, ie. job share, please only book one appointment.

The booking system will open from Monday 5th October at 9:00am and it will close on Wednesday 14th October at 6:00pm. The teacher will call the primary contact’s mobile number, from either the Brookfield landline or from their mobile which will be a withheld number. Please ensure that your mobile number is correct on the Arbor Parent Portal. If you need to make any amendments please do so via the Parent Portal, any changes will be sent to the school office team to authorise. The teachers will do their best to keep to the timetable but please be aware that delays can happen and your time slot selected will be an approximate time. Your child’s class teacher will complete an online form during the consultation, this form will be emailed to the primary contact at the end of the meeting for your records.

  • Notification of gas network upgrade on A217 Oldfields Road, Sutton. Work to start on 7th September 2020 and will continue for 5 weeks.

Phase one – lasting approximately three weeks

Our engineers will be working on A217 Oldfields Road from number 44 to 66. For everyone’s safety, we’ll need to close the outside southbound lane on the A217 around our site. For the duration of the project, a dedicated cycle lane will be created at the side of the carriageway, leaving the existing cycle path available for pedestrians. Access to Collingwood Road will be maintained.

Phase two – lasting approximately two weeks

Once complete, we’ll be upgrading our network on Collingwood Road from number 205 to 231. For traffic to flow safely, we’ll install temporary multi-way traffic lights on this section of the road. The bus stops near the junction with Alexandra Avenue will be suspended while we carry out our work.

#HelloYellow for World Mental Health Day has raised an amazing £346.


  • It was National Poetry Day last week and the children thoroughly enjoyed reading, listening and performing a wide range of poems. The children in Year 5 were particularly inspired by a poem called 'Planet for Sale' by Sue Hardy-Dawson and decided to create their own. Please go to our Twitter to see some of the wonderful poems written.


Achievement Assembly 9th October 2020


  • 1:1 Chromebook Programme - all pupils in KS2 have been loaned a chromebook to support their learning

  • Music lessons offered by the Sutton Music Service have begun

  • Extracurricular clubs have started, some spaces are still available.

  • We are part of the first LEO virtual sports competition of this academic year - the idea is for children to take part at home and the competition is based upon the participation levels. We would love to see as many of our pupils take part as possible!

  • We have all watched the Virgin London Marathon video and are running a mile every day in our classes. We are all so excited to do the #MiniLondonMarathon. We are inspired to be active!


This newsletter which informs you of staff news, forthcoming events and curriculum initiatives. This will be sent out on a fortnightly basis unless more frequent communication is required.

The intention is that most dates will be on the calendar on our website. However, if new or revised dates are necessary they will be communicated in the most appropriate way to ensure you find out information sooner, rather than later. This will usually communicated through Arbor.

Any further information may be circulated in individual letters either by email or in some cases hard copies will be sent if parental permission is required for an activity.

Our email address is

Our website address is

Our Twitter Account will be instantly updated. Follow us on Twitter: @BrookfieldSM3 and find us on Facebook


Please find below a reminder of our procedures for communicating with the school

The School Office is open daily from 8:00am – 4:30pm

Please only visit the school office/reception area if your enquiry is essential and cannot be dealt with over the telephone or by email.

If you do need to come into the school office/reception area, PLEASE ensure that you wear your face mask (unless you are exempt).

Also please note that there is a 1 in 1 out policy. If there is someone in the reception area please form a queue outside and wait your turn.

The phone number is 020 8644 8616 (the phone lines are open from 9:15am to 4:30pm)


The office staff can deal with all general queries and take messages for our teaching staff. If any problems should arise, please let us know as soon as possible. Class Teachers continually monitor every child’s progress and will contact you with any concerns about academic progress, behaviour and application in the classroom. Pastoral care is also offered to the children in their class and across the school. Your child’s class teacher should always be your first point of call with any general concerns that arise. If you still have ongoing concerns, please make an appointment to speak to a Middle Leader. Our Middle Leaders/Year Leaders are - EYFS Mrs Lilly Holden, Y1 Mrs Paula Holmes, Y2 Mrs Sylvia Keen, Y3 Ms Eva Rubio, Y4 Mrs Michelle Underwood, Y5 Mrs Catherine Davies, Y6 Miss Sara Brice. Any concerns that you feel still have not been addressed will be escalated to the school’s Senior Leadership Team. Our Senior Leaders are - Ms Sarah Pearson (Inclusion Manager), Ms Rachel Mander (Vice Principal), Ms Prathayini Wright (Principal) and Mrs Alison Day ( Executive Principal).


Please report your child's absence by completing our BF Absence Form


School Fund Contributions 2020/2021

We pride ourselves on offering our children varied and exciting experiences and activities that help to support their learning of the curriculum. The School Fund will allow us to provide additional activities across all year groups.

We have a voluntary school fund donation of £10 a term / £30 a year per child or £40 for a family if there are siblings at the school. Parents can pay for School Fund online via our Arbor payment system.

We would like to thank you for your support.


It seems timely to remind all parents that we consider Brookfield a safe place for children. All staff have attended safeguarding training. This training is updated yearly. The designated staff for safeguardng are Ms Prathayini Wright (Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Rachel Mander (Vice Principal and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Ms Sarah Pearson(Inclusion Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead). Please see our safeguarding policy and procedures on the school website.


As you know we encourage families to walk, cycle or scoot to school where possible. I would like to remind you - cycling and scooting are not permitted on the school premises. Anybody caught doing so will be asked to get off their scooter or leave their scooter outside the school gates. Please park bikes and scooters safely and securely and ensure they are clearly named.

Safer parking at the school gates

We realise that there are some parents/carers who have no alternative but to drive their children to school, however, many are driving short distances where walking is a real option. Even those who have to drive to school can do their bit by parking away from the school entrance and walking for part of the journey.

What can you do to help keep everyone safe around the school gates?

  • Please do park thoughtfully and not park in front of the local residents’ drives.

  • Please don’t block the road - emergency vehicles and other traffic may need access.

  • Please don't park on yellow lines, zig-zags or block the school entrance.

  • Please don't park on the pavement, across dropped kerbs or residents’ driveways.

  • Please don't park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction.

  • Please don't park where you will cause inconvenience to other road users.

  • Please don't leave your vehicle with the engine still running as the children and adults nearby will be inhaling those dangerous fumes.

  • Please don't stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off, even for a few seconds.

These changes make a real difference to the congestion around school, making the school run less stressful and far safer for everyone. Not only that but they will help your child’s education. Research has shown that children who walk or cycle to school are more receptive to learning at the start of the school day than those who travel to school by car. Stopping or Parking on the yellow zigzags is illegal and is endangering your child.

Please park safely.

Walk to school and save fuel, if you can!


I would like to remind all parents who are eligible, to apply for the Pupil Premium Grant. This grant enables the school to provide additional support to our children where needed. Examples of this are, access to extra-curricular clubs and additional support with specific areas of the curriculum.

Any family in receipt of the grants listed below are eligible to apply for this grant, which is then allocated to our school.

  • Income Support

  • Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance

  • Employment & Support Allowance (must be Income Related and not Contribution Based)

  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit

  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

  • Working Tax Credit run -on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7, 400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Your child may also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:

If all parents who are eligible apply for Pupil Premium, it may result in the school receiving substantial funding which will be used for the benefit of the children, so please apply.

Applying for this grant is very simple, it can be done online at or you can telephone 0208 770 6953 and select the free school meal option. If you feel you would like support in applying for this grant please contact the school office who will be happy to go through this process with you. All applications are confidential within the school.


All pupils in Reception/ Year 1 and Year 2 classes are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, please let your child have a school dinner every day and enjoy the various choices on the menu. Menus are available in the office foyer and can also be downloaded from the school website.

Children in Years 3-6 will need to pay for their meals via Arbor. Cost of a school meal is £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week. Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your child's account in advance, otherwise no school dinner can be ordered and you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch.

For those children who do still bring in a packed lunch, you may have noticed that your child brings home some of their lunch as we encourage the children to take home uneaten food. This enables you to see exactly what your child is eating at lunchtimes and adapt their lunch accordingly. We ask that packed lunches include healthy options in line with our Healthy School status. Children should not bring fizzy drinks or chocolate bars to school.

We have a number of children with nut allergies in school which means that all staff and parents must be vigilant about ingredients we use in school and items put into lunch boxes. No nuts should be put into packed lunches.

Healthy Packed Lunch

Please see below the menu for Autumn Term 1

Autumn 1 Menu

Autumn 1 Gluten Free Menu

Autumn 1 Lactose Free Menu

Recipe of the week!

Please click the link for the recipe suggestion from the LEO catering team.

Parmesan chicken bites


You will be aware that the school does not authorise any holidays. Very rarely we are able to authorise leave in exceptional circumstances. You must complete a ‘Request for Special Leave’ form which are available from either Office Reception Area or the school website in order for the request to be sanctioned.


  • Children with good attendance achieve much better in their learning

  • Time off disrupts learning for your child, and also for the rest of the class

  • Children who miss school miss out on their right to a full education

  • It is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school regularly

  • Persistent unauthorised absence could lead to court action, including fines

Attendance 96% to 100% - 0 to 7 days missed per year – your child’s good attendance will give them every chance of being a successful learner who makes good progress.

Attendance 92% to 95.9% - 8 to 15 days missed per year – you should try to improve your child’s attendance to make sure they have the best possible chance of success at school.

Attendance 90% to 91.9% - 16 to 19 days missed per year – your child’s attendance is dangerously close to falling to a level which can stop them making progress at school.

Attendance below 90% - 20 or more days missed per year – your child is considered a ‘persistent absentee’ in government statistics, and their poor attendance is putting them at serious risk of underachieving at school.


½ day missed every week = 90% attendance

1 day missed every week = 80% attendance

1 school year at 90% attendance = 4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED

1 school year at 80% attendance = 8 whole weeks of lessons MISSED

By the time a pupil is persistently absent (85% attendance) they have missed 6 weeks or half a term of schooling.

The simple message is: the greater the attendance, the greater the achievement.

Please where possible make dental, medical or other appointments during the holidays or out of school hours. If the appointment is during school hours we will require an appointment letter/card as proof of the appointment. If the appointment is urgent or last minute, please advise the school as soon as possible. Please do not keep your son or daughter out of school the whole day when they have appointments. When a child is collected early for an appointment it is disruptive for the class and the office staff.

Praise and reward good attendance at home and at school. During the year we will reward termly 100% attendance with certificates. Bronze certificate for 100% attendance for one term, silver certificate for 100% attendance for two terms and gold certificate for 100% attendance for three terms.

If a school can improve attendance by 1%, we will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment (Department for Education). Please help us and your son or daughter by ensuring their attendance remains above 97%, allowing them to achieve their full potential.


Congratulations to our newly elected School Council: Harmonie, Frankie, Ted, Aurelie and Roxy.

These children will be working hard this year to make sure the pupil voice is heard, plan fundraising events and ultimately help to improve Brookfield Primary Academy.



Please click and see the latest letter from the PTFA

What is the Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)?

The PTFA is a voluntary organisation that offers parents opportunities to become involved and to contribute to the enrichment of the school experience for their children. One of the primary functions of the PTFA is to provide the children with resources and opportunities above and beyond the statutory provision that is provided. Brookfield PTFA have successfully organised several events to fundraise for the children at Brookfield. The PTFA also offers parents the chance to get to know other parents, teachers and governors, fostering, as it does, relationships between all involved in the education of our children. And by organising activities that reach beyond the regular school day the PTFA is instrumental in developing a sense of ‘community’ around the school.

Who are the PTFA?

You are! Every parent is automatically a member of the PTFA. As you are aware, with the Covid restrictions, we are not able to organise and run the usual events that are popular, therefore, are looking at other ways to raise much needed funds. If you are interested in being involved, please contact ...

A message from our PTFA...

Raise money for school for free every time you shop online!

easyfundraising is a great website where you can help Brookfield raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3,300 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S. Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and it’s completely free too! We want raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us! Further details to follow via Arbor.


  • There is an Online Safety Workshop on Wednesday 14th October 2020 7:30pm - 8:30pm . A link for the will be sent out via Arbor if you would like to attend. It will be run by Stephen Welding, who is the Education E safety advisor and a member of Sutton Safeguarding team. His parent workshop on E Safety will have advice, support and guidance on how to keep your children safe whilst online.



Please ensure you have read all Covid related communication emailed to you from the school.

A new public information campaign has been launched ahead of winter to highlight how everyone can help to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Prime Minister has launched the ‘Hands, Face, Space’ campaign urging the public to continue to wash their hands, cover their face and make space to control infection rates and avoid a second peak.


  • If your child suffers from asthma they must have an in-date, spare inhaler in school at all times along with a spacer. These should be given to the office who will store them securely. Please check on a yearly basis that the inhaler is still fit for purpose. Please also ensure any child with an allergy has appropriate medication in school, i.e Epipen/Piriton etc. This could be life-saving.

  • We ask that pupils bring in their own water bottles daily. The bottles need to be clearly labelled with the child's name and only have water in them.

  • Please leave buggies and prams outside the school buildings, as it could be very hazardous in an emergency. Currently, the office is operating on a 'one in and one out' policy. Please ensure you wear a mask if you enter the school building.

  • Please remember that all children in KS2 are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or vegetables to school for a mid-morning snack during playtime. Many children are really hungry by lunchtime and will be happier and learn better if they have eaten something at playtime.

  • Only children in Year 6 are permitted to bring a mobile phone into school and only if absolutely necessary. Phones are stored in the office during the school day.

  • No pets in the playground please especially dogs! (Excluding guide dogs). This includes owners carrying their dog in their arms. We cannot permit any pets on the premises.

  • Please do not let your children climb on the climbing frames in the KS1 or KS2 playground- they are out of bounds due to Covid Restrictions.

  • No smoking is allowed anywhere in the school or grounds.

  • I would like to urge parents to remember to park thoughtfully and not park in front of the local residents’ drives or on the yellow zig zag lines in front of the school. We would like to see as many families and staff as possible walking, cycling or scooting to school.

  • Please ensure that you look at your Arbor account as we are a paperless school and all information is sent via this portal. If you have any queries, please contact the school office.


We have a number of exciting opportunities arising across the Trust:

LEO Academy Trust Vacancies


Sutton Schools Nursing Service

Children, young people and families with any concerns can contact the school nursing service via phone. For parents, the school nursing duty line number 0208 770 5409 from Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. For children and young people who require support, the contact number is 0208 770 4409 9am-5pm, or the email address is


The Leo Academy are pleased to announce a holiday camp partnership with Zone All Sports and Care to provide affordable childcare options for parents during the holidays. Based at Brookfield Primary Academy, Zone All Sports will be offering Active Kids holiday camp this October 2020. Zone All Sports operate to OFSTED regulations for their holiday camps and have a varied range of activities such as Arts, Crafts and Sports. All staff are qualified, enhanced DBS checked.

Leo Academy pupils get a 20% discount by entering code:


Book via the website www.zoneallsportsandcare.Com or call Neal Davison on 07984 495918


ysl_back_to_school_sept2020 - digital.pdf

Help raise funds for the LEO Foundation by joining our lottery.

  • Join our weekly lottery from just £1 a week

  • It’s an easy way to support our Trust and help raise funds for LEO Foundation projects

  • 40% of ticket sales come back to us

  • There’s a guaranteed winner every week as well as the chance to win £25,000

  • It’s easy to sign up online so start supporting our Trust today!

This year, funds raised by the LEO Foundation supported our LEO PRIDE Awards in EYFS, our ECB All Stars Cricket Development Centre for Year 2 pupils, Mandarin lessons for Year 5 pupils and our Year 6 Junior Citizenship Programme.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!