22nd September 2023

Hurst Park Primary Weekly Newsletter

Hurst Park Primary: Hurst Road, Molesey, West Molesey KT8 1QS

Email: hpoffice@leoacademytrust.co.uk 

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @HurstParkSchool 

It's been a bustling week, filled with lots of learning and events. 

Our Meet the Teacher meetings were a great success! It was wonderful to see so many parents and guardians. These meetings are important as they foster strong partnerships between home and school, ensuring the best support and learning experiences for all of our students. 

A group of Year 5 and Year 6 children attended the Canoe World Championship at the Olympic Ground at Lee Valley (see below for more information). Year 1 children embarked on captivating and rather soggy Forest School visits, connecting with nature and enhancing their outdoor learning. These experiences not only broaden their horizons but also instil a deep appreciation for the environment.

We are also excited to announce the introduction of Corridor Monitors! These responsible Year 6 children will play a pivotal role in maintaining calm and quiet corridors at the end of assemblies, play times, and lunch times. 

Finally, we are looking forward to next week as Year 5 and Year 6 have an author visiting  on Monday and it is also Bike to School Week! 

Hopefully the weather will brighten up! 


Chromebook Launch

We are thrilled to announce that our Chromebook 1:1 device project has officially taken off, and it's already making a significant impact on our Key Stage 2 children's learning experiences. This initiative is a major step forward in enhancing their education, and we couldn't be more excited about the possibilities it offers.

Our Key Stage 2 children have eagerly embraced their new devices as valuable tools to support their learning journey. The Chromebooks are being used for a wide range of purposeful learning activities, including: children receiving immediate feedback from their teachers, promoting active participation and real-time learning adjustments.  Children have the freedom to record their work in various creative ways, allowing for more personalised expression and exploration and the devices provide seamless access to Google Classroom, where assignments, resources, and collaborative opportunities are just a click away.

While we are already witnessing the positive impact of these devices on our students' learning, this is just the beginning. As our children become more confident with the new programs and tools, we are eager to share examples of their outstanding work in future newsletters.

We believe that learning should extend beyond the classroom, which is why we are excited to share that children can now take their Chromebooks home. This means they can continue practising and exploring their learning even after school hours. Whether it's mastering their times tables with Timestable Rockstars or exploring the exciting new platform Century, these devices offer endless opportunities for growth and development.

We have also recently purchased new chrome tablets for children in Nursery and Reception to use. Year 1 and Year 2 also have access to devices at school. 

Road Safety update

The Hurst Park Parents Road Safety Parent Group (HPPRS) have been actively working on addressing road safety issues in our surrounding roads. Last week HPPRS group, local councillors and myself met to discuss possible solutions. We have now sent a letter to the council and we will update you when we receive the outcome. 

I would personally like to thank the Hurst Park Parents Road Safety group for their perservance and determination to raise the profile on a very important matter. 

Canoe World Championships 

A group of Year 5 and Year 6 children  enjoyed an amazing day at Lee Valley for the ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships.  They joined the British Canoeing for a kayaking session, before cheering on Great Britain at the Slalom Worlds 2023. 

Absence form 

Please complete our Absence Form to report absences due to illness or medical appointments. This needs to be completed by 8:30am for each day that your child is absent. 


When your child celebrates their birthday, we would ask that the child donates a book to the class libraries from the Amazon wishlist below instead of bringing treats for the class. The book will help us to grow our class libraries and ensure we are promoting healthy eaters. 

Amazon Wishlist Updated

We have updated the Amazon Wishlist with books that we would like to have in each class for storytime. You may view the list of items by following the links below. Once purchased, these items will be delivered directly to school and opened with the children – what a great treat! If you would like to purchase a Wishlist present and gift a book to the school, please follow the link, add to your basket and buy.


Once you have decided what you would like to purchase, add to your basket and go to checkout. Please select Hurst Park Primary School Park address for delivery (438 Hurst Road, KT8 1QS). If the address has not been automatically populated, please may you simply add the school address (see below) so you can select for delivery direct to the school. School address to use Hurst Park Primary School 438 Hurst Road West Molesey KT8 1QS 


With so many packages arriving at the school, it would be really helpful if you could complete a gift message to include in the delivery. Please state the sender's name and what class/ year group your gift is intended for, so that when the school starts to receive the deliveries, they can easily distribute the items to the correct class. If you wish to remain anonymous, then of course that is fine but please state the item and class/year group the gift is for. 

Thank you so much for all your support and generosity.  

Parent Volunteers


We are looking to create a team of parent volunteers to help support learning especially listening to children read and managing our school library.  If you or a family member would be interested in volunteering at school, please contact the school office via email at hpoffice@leoacademytrust.co.uk  for the attention of Mrs Laher.  Please note you will need to have a DBS completed before commencing the volunteer role and that you would not be placed within your child’s class.  We would welcome any time you might be able to spare. 

Meet and Greet Coffee Morning - Thursday 5th October 2023

PTA Spooky Magic Show - Friday 20th October

Upcoming events - New dates highlighted 

Year 5 and Year 6 Author Visit - Monday 25th September 

Bike To School Week - Monday 25th September to Friday 29th September 

Reception Meet The Teacher - Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 5:00pm

PTA Meeting - Wednesday 4th October 2023

Super Hero Census Lunch - Thursday 5th October 2023 

PTA Quiz - Friday 6th October 

Home School Link Coffee Morning - Thursday 5th October 2023 from 9:00-10:00

Individual School Photos (R-Y6) - Friday 6th October 2023

Year 6 Bowles - Monday 9th October to Friday 13th October 2023

Harvest Concert - Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 2:30pm

Thursday 19th October 2023 at 9:15am

Wear It Pink Day - Friday 20th October 

PTA Spooky Magic Show - Friday 20th October 

HALF TERM - Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October 2023

Eco Champion

Lydia has created her own posters to remind our school community to put their litter in the bin. 

Year 3 Food Technology 

Year 3 researched where fruit originates from around the world and why the climate  affects the type of fruit grown. They sliced and prepared peach, banana, watermelon, strawberries and honeydew melon onto skewers. Yummy!

Year 4 RE 

This week in RE, Year 4 listened to Noah's Ark story and wrote a recount about the important parts of the story through words and pictures. 

Things to celebrate 

Star of the Week Certificates

Congratulations to the following children who received the Star of the Week Awards last week:



Nathan K for doing so well at coming into school happily. 


Leo P for making a fantastic start to Reception and always trying his best. 

Year 1


Tricia H for always remembering to use our fabulous phrases and being so polite. 


Emily J for working hard in every lesson and always having a positive attitude to school. 

Year 2


Ninna D for showing great courage and resilience in her first week back at school. 


Ethan P for using interesting adjectives in his character description. 

Year 3 


Alfie W for working hard in all lessons and always trying his very best. 


Nell S-H for writing a detailed and descriptive diary entry this week. Keep up the great work Nell!  

Year 4


  Millie C for always looking to achieve excellence in her writing.  


Olive A for being a hard-working and considerate member of the class. 

Year 5


Emily C for her consistently excellent attitude towards her learning and her willingness to contribute. 


Rose M for excellent use of language in English to describe a character’s feelings in a diary entry.

Year 6


Jinwoo M for consistently challenging himself in his maths learning. 


Mason N for fantastic input into all lessons and showing a resilient attitude. 

 Information and Resources

Safeguarding information- Physical Chastisement

There are many different views about physical chastisement, but it is widely accepted there are much more effective ways to teach children right from wrong. 

As a school, we have a duty to report incidents of suspected or confirmed physical chastisement to social care and the police and this can be with or without visible bruising, grazes, scratches, minor swelling, cuts as well as stress injuries from prolonged standing, position holding as these are banned by law in the United Kingdom.

Smacking or chastising that does not leave a mark is now illegal in Wales and Scotland, and there is currently pressure being placed on the Government to make it illegal in England and Northern Ireland too. It is therefore important to understand that even if a child has been smacked but no injuries are visible, social care or the police may still choose to take further action.

If you would like support on how to manage your child’s behaviour at home, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. 

Samsung Kids Parental Controls

Samsung Kids is a parental feature which you can set up on your child's device which can be used to apply restrictions such as app access, downloading, screen time, privacy and more. It's really easy to set up and use and will help you to manage your child's online activity. To learn more, including a setup guide, see HERE.

Self-Care September