13th October 2023

Hurst Park Primary Weekly Newsletter

Hurst Park Primary: Hurst Road, Molesey, West Molesey KT8 1QS

Email: hpoffice@leoacademytrust.co.uk 

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @HurstParkSchool 

What an exciting week! Our Year 6 students embarked on an unforgettable residential trip at Bowles in Kent, filled with exciting adventures and personal growth. From dry slope skiing to raft building, they demonstrated incredible teamwork, resilience, and skill development. We can't wait to hear their stories and share their experiences. See below for more information. 

In Reception, we celebrated a significant milestone as our young learners completed their baseline assessments. We're excited to watch them continue to grow and thrive in their educational journey.

Our school's governance kicked off with the first governing board meeting of the academic year. Together, we discussed plans and strategies to ensure the best educational experience for our students. 

Also we celebrated World Mental Health Day. We reaffirm our dedication to supporting the mental well-being of our students, staff, and the entire school community. It's a reminder that mental health matters, and we're here to provide the necessary resources and support. See below for more information. 

Next week is a busy week with both Pink Day and Spooky Magic next Friday as well as Harvest Assemblies on Wednesday 18th October at 2.30pm and Thursday 19th October at 9.15am. We look forward to welcoming our community into the school. 


Year 6 Residential to Bowles 

We're thrilled to report that the Year 6 Residential trip, which took place this week, was an incredible success! Our young adventurers have returned with beaming smiles and unforgettable stories from a week packed with thrilling activities. From mastering the art of dry slope skiing and conquering challenging rock climbing walls to working together to construct and sail their own rafts, aiming with precision in archery, and defying heights with high ropes courses, the children have grown in confidence, resilience, and teamwork. 

Harvest Festival 

Children in Years 3 to 6 will be performing their harvest concerts on Wednesday 18th October at 2.30pm and Thursday 19th October at 9.15am. Parents and families are invited to come along and watch one of the performances. In addition, we would like to send harvest donations to local families who are in need via a foodbank. Therefore, we would like the children to either send in a small decorated box containing harvest donations or items for the foodbank. The foodbank would welcome donations of tinned soup, tinned meat/fish, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, pasta sauces, instant packets of rice/noodles, custard, rice pudding, biscuits, cleaning products, washing powder/liquid. We would be grateful if the children could bring in their harvest donations in the morning on Monday 16th October. This will allow us time to set up the display. 

Lost Property 

On Thursday 19th October and Friday 20th October we will be having a table of lost property in the playground where you can see if you can find any lost items. If items are not claimed then they will be put into our second hand uniform stock.  

Also please can we remind everyone to name any item of clothing so we can return the items to their rightful owner if they are misplaced.  

NHS guidance- Is my child too ill for school?  

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell.

There are government guidelines for schools about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn't.

If you do keep your child at home, it's important to phone the school on the first day. Let them know that your child won't be in and give them the reason.

If your child is well enough to go to school but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, let their teacher know.

Click here for more information. 

Reporting Your Child's Absence

To report a child's absence, please click here to complete a short form before 8.30am on the day of their absence.  If your child is off for more than one day, you will need to complete this form for each day that they are off. 

World Mental Health Day 

On Tuesday it was World Mental Health day.  The theme of this year is 'Mental Health is a universal human right'.

Click here for Mental Health Foundation's best mental health tips. 

Here are 5 ways to improve your family's mental and emotional well being.  

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, click here for help. 


When your child celebrates their birthday, we would ask that the child donates a book to the class libraries from the Amazon wishlist below instead of bringing treats for the class. The book will help us to grow our class libraries and ensure we are promoting healthy eaters. 

Amazon Wishlist Updated

We have updated the Amazon Wishlist with books that we would like to have in each class for storytime. You may view the list of items by following the links below. Once purchased, these items will be delivered directly to school and opened with the children – what a great treat! If you would like to purchase a Wishlist present and gift a book to the school, please follow the link, add to your basket and buy. Please deliver directly to the school using the school address to use Hurst Park Primary School 438 Hurst Road West Molesey KT8 1QS 


With so many packages arriving at the school, it would be really helpful if you could complete a gift message to include in the delivery. Please state the sender's name and what class/ year group your gift is intended for, so that when the school starts to receive the deliveries, they can easily distribute the items to the correct class. If you wish to remain anonymous, then of course that is fine but please state the item and class/year group the gift is for. 

Thank you so much for all your support and generosity.  

Parent Volunteers


We are looking to create a team of parent volunteers to help support learning especially listening to children read and managing our school library.  If you or a family member would be interested in volunteering at school, please contact the school office via email at hpoffice@leoacademytrust.co.uk  for the attention of Mrs Laher.  Please note you will need to have a DBS completed before commencing the volunteer role and that you would not be placed within your child’s class.  We would welcome any time you might be able to spare. 

PTA Spooky Magic Show - Friday 20th October

Upcoming events - New dates highlighted 

Year 6 Bowles - Monday 9th October to Friday 13th October 2023 

Year 5 Pop Up Planetarium - Wednesday 18th October 2023

Key Stage 2 Harvest Concert - Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 2:30pm

Key Stage 2 Harvest Concert - Thursday 19th October 2023 at 9:15am

Wear It Pink Day - Friday 20th October 

PTA Spooky Magic Show - Friday 20th October 

HALF TERM - Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October 2023 

INSET DAY - Monday 30th October 2023

Year 6 Height and Weight Screening - Wednesday 8th November

 Reception School Tour - Thursday 9th November 2023 at 1:30pm

4R Swimming Lessons - starting Monday 6th November 2023

Parent/Teacher Consultations - w/c 13th November 2023 

Odd Sock Day - Monday 13th November 2023

Anti-Bullying Week - Monday 13th November 2023-Friday 17th November 2023 

Children In Need - Friday 17th November 2023 

Year 6 Bikeability - Level 2 - Monday 20th November to Friday 24th November 2023 

Virtual Book Fair - Monday 27th November to Friday 1st December 

Reception School Tour - Thursday 30th November at 1:30pm 

Year 4 Bikeability - Level 1 - Monday 4th December to Friday 8th December 2023 

Year 3 Feet First Walking Training - Monday 4th December and Tuesday 5th December 2023 

Christmas Lunch - Thursday 7th December 2023 

The Barking Dog Christmas Production of Dick Whittington - Thursday 7th December 2023 

Christmas Jumper Day - Thursday 7th December 2023

Nursery Closed - Friday 15th December 2023 

End of Term - Friday 15th December 15th 2023 at 1:30pm

INSET DAY - Tuesday 2nd January 2024 

Back To School - Wednesday 3rd January 2024

PTA News and Events - Autumn Term 2023

Things to celebrate 

Star of the Week Certificates

Congratulations to the following children who received the Star of the Week Awards last week:



Lina G for independently designing her own number and counting book. 


Finn T for painting an excellent poster to help look for our missing owlet. 

Year 1


Nell H for working consistently hard across the curriculum and trying her best. 


Sade A for working really hard in phonics lessons to improve her reading, spelling and handwriting. 

Year 2


Luke T for having a fantastic attitude when undertaking activities. 


Clara B-S for writing interesting sentences about bluebirds using different conjunctions. 

Year 3 


Prapti G for always working so hard and being a great member of 3EG. 


Emmie J for being such a hard working and considerate member of the class. 

Year 4


Theo Hp for his consistently excellent attitude towards his learning and his willingness to contribute. 


William J for excellent work in maths and being a hard working, thoughtful and kind member of the class. 

Year 5


Zara S for aiming high and always looking to achieve excellence across all areas of the curriculum. 


Samanta K for her hard work in English this week. 

Year 6


  Jacob B for great behaviour and enthusiasm this week. 


Amy H-J for being resilient and dealing with change so well this week. 

Piece of the Week 

This week's 'piece of the week' is Nocturne no. 2 in Eb major by Frederic Chopin and the 'instrument of the week' is the piano. 

Click here for the mp3 clip  |   Click here for the video.  

What We Have Been Up To

Year 1 Forest School

Year 1 had a great time learning about hibernation. They immersed themselves in learning about the animals that hibernate and even got creative by designing hibernation homes for hedgehogs and crafting nests for birds during their forest school session. This hands-on experience allowed them to connect with nature and deepen their understanding of the natural world. 

Year 2 RE

This week Year 2 had a visit from some staff of St Peter's Church in West Molesey, who helped us further our learning in our RE lessons. We discussed the words we associate with God, how love is a central theme of Christianity, considered how God is our shepherd and discussed some important parables from the Bible. The children really enjoyed the interactive session and it added further interest and knowledge to their learning.

Year 5 Art 

The children experimented with oil pastels and learnt a new skill called 'etching'.  

Do you recognise the landmark? 

 Information and Resources

LEO Academy Sports Camp - October Half Term

Optimistic October