Thursday 2nd November 

We have managed to secure enough tickets for all Year 5 pupils to see the Philharmonia Orchestra play at the Royal Festival Hall. ‘Orchestra Unwrapped’ is an initiative to give thousands of children aged 7-11 the opportunity to hear a symphony orchestra and learn more about classical music in an engaging, entertaining and age-appropriate performance.

The theme of this year’s concert is’ Celebrating the Sounds of America’. Pupils will hear a variety of music including works by Dvorak, Jopland and John Williams. They will also have the opportunity to sing along with the orchestra in an audience participation piece called ‘Home Within My Heart’.

The concert will take place on Thursday 2nd November at 1pm. We will be travelling to and from the venue on public transport, leaving at 10am and returning by 4pm. All pupils will need to wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch & water bottle in a rucksack. 

The cost of the Trip is £5 and needs to be paid by Friday 13th October. Please log onto your child's Arbor account to  make payment under Activities/Trips. 

Please complete this Google Form to consent to the trip and let us know of any medical conditions and also if you can help? 

We will contact all helpers by Monday 14th October.

Mr Ranthe - Music Lead


Thursday 2nd November

As part of next half term’s Geography lessons, Year 2 will be learning about map symbols, compass directions and key geographical vocabulary. To celebrate the start of this topic, for our Entry Point, we will be going on a local walk to Cheam Park Cafe on Thursday 2nd November. On the walk we will be looking at the route that we take, as well as spotting key geographical features that may need to be recorded on a map.

We will be leaving school after we have completed the register, at approximately 9am. We would be very grateful for any parents who are able to accompany us on this walk. If you are available and would like to accompany us, then please let us know by completing this form by Friday 20th October. Please send your child with weather appropriate clothing on the day i.e. a raincoat if it is raining or there is a chance of rain.

If you have any questions at all about this walk, please do not hesitate to speak to one of us.

Many thanks,

Miss Elkins & Miss Cunningham


Friday 3rd November 

As part of the entry point to our Autumn 1 topic, ‘Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age’, we would like to invite your child to the Year 3 sleepover. The children will have the opportunity to learn survival skills such as fire safety, shelter building and much more.  

On the day, we ask you please to collect your child as normal at the end of the day.  They will then need to return to school at 7pm in their pyjamas with the following:

Please do not provide snacks for your child as all food will be supplied including a hot drink before bed, and breakfast in the morning. There will also be no need to send a change of clothes as children will leave in their pyjamas when being collected.

This sleepover will cost £3 to help cover costs and payment should be made via Arbor. Please complete this form by Friday 20th October to confirm your child’s participation in the trip. 

Collection and Drop off Locations

Please drop off your child at the main office on Friday night at 7pm. Please collect your child at 8am on Saturday morning from the Year 1 steps.

If you do not wish your child to stay, they can be collected at 10pm on Friday night from the main office. The cost of the Trip is £3 and needs to be paid by Friday 20th October

Please log onto your child's Arbor account to  make payment under Activities/Trips. 

Kind regards Year 3 Team


Thursday 28th November 

In Autumn 2, the children will be taking part in a storytelling workshop. This will take place at school. During the workshop the children will be going on an imaginary journey which includes songs and rhymes. This will cost £5 per child. This will be payable via the Arbor under Activities/Trips.

We hope the children will enjoy these opportunities and thanks in advance for your help and support.


Tuesday 5th December 

As part of the children’s topic, 'The Magic Toymaker’, for this half term, we have arranged a 'Magic Toy Museum' workshop to take place in school. 

In this interactive workshop, the children will meet someone impersonating a museum curator, using drama activities such as role play and tableaux to explore various different types of toys. The children will visit different rooms in the ‘museum’ to find out about different types of toys from the past century or so. 

The cost of the Trip is £5 and needs to be paid by Friday 17th November

Please log onto your child's Arbor account to  make payment under Activities/Trips. 

🦡 The Year 1 Team🐇