Upcoming Events

Science Week

Monday 13th March - Friday 17th March

During the British Science Week, children will be taking part in a variety of exciting activities to showcase their scientific enquiry skills. The theme of the week will be Sustainability and the children will be gaining an understanding of and exploring different ways to help our planet through Science.

They will immerse themselves in a range of experiences including bug and bird hunts around the school, designing their own sustainable gardens, creating recycling art and much more!

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day is Friday 17th March

It feels like we all need a laugh right now, and this Red Nose Day is all about coming together, spreading joy, and having the best day ever in our school. 


Pick a theme, don the best home-made costume ever, go red from head to toe or simply dig out your brightest socks. Wear something that makes you and our school smile, in return for a donation.

All donations can be made through our just giving page 

Sustrans Big Walk & Wheel

Monday 20th to Friday 31st March 2023

Discover how you can change your world by changing your journey:

Are you taking part in the UK’s biggest walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling to school competition? 


Click here for the poster with more information.

Year 2 Assessment Parent Workshop

Monday 20th March at 5pm in the Hall

As we are sure you are aware, the Year 2 children will be completing their SATs during the month of May as part of their end of KS1 assessments. We would, therefore, like to invite you to an information workshop on Monday 20th March at 5pm in the Hall.

At this workshop we will run through more details about the assessments and give you an outline of the style of questions that the children will be given. We will also share ways you can support your child at home and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, the slides will be emailed to all parents afterwards. 

National Autism Awareness Week

World Autism Acceptance Week 2023  27-31 March

Friday 31st March from 3.30pm.  Booking details to follow.

Thursday 30th March 9.00am-11.00am.  Please email your wish to attend via the school office.

Coffee Morning with Adapt2Learn autism specialists.  Short presentation on managing behaviour with time to ask questions and chat.

Year 6 Assessment Parent Workshop

Monday 27th March at 5pm in the Hall

As we are sure you are aware, the Year 6 SATs will be taking place during the summer term, week commencing 8th May 2023. We would, therefore, like to invite you to an information workshop on Monday 27th March at 5pm in the Hall.

We will run through more details about the SATs and give you an outline of the style of questions that the children will be given. We will also discuss with you ways you can support your child at home and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, the slides will be emailed to all parents afterwards.

Thank you for your continued support

Year 3 Drumming Worksop

Monday 27th March in the Hall

Year 3 are excited to showcase all their hard work in a drumming performance. This will be taking place on Monday 27th March 2023. Please see below for the following class performance times.

Amber 2:00 - 2:15 pm

Emerald 2:45 - 3:00 pm

Please enter via the hall doors, doors will open 5 minutes before performances start.

Bett Show at ExCel

Friday 31st March

British Educational Training & Technology Show at ExCel have invited our Digital Leaders from Cheam Fields to explore the role technology plays in our learning. 

Our Digital Leaders have their posters ready! They are really excited about visiting the Bett show and having the chance of being part of #KidsJudgeBett