Wednesday 11th October 23

We have our school Photographers visiting Cheam Fields Primary on Wednesday 11th October to take individual photos of the children.

All children need to arrive in school uniform including their school jumpers. Reception will do PE in their uniform on this day.

If your child has a club before school they will need to bring in their uniform to get changed into after their club.

Reception should come into school in full uniform, they do not need to bring PE kit as they will do PE in their uniform.

All other year groups - If your child has Swimming/PE during the day please come into school in your uniform with your PE kit in a bag to get changed into.

If you have more than one child in the school and would like a sibling photo, please arrive at school from 7:45am and come to the main office. You will need to wait with your children while their photos are taken together. After they have had their photos taken you will need to take them to the main playground gate at the normal time of 8:30-8:40am


Hedgehogs - Wednesday 11th October 9am-9:30am

Otters - Thursday 12th October 9am-9:30am

We are excited for our ‘This is me’ topic. The children will be learning about themselves, families and friendships. We would like to invite parents into school to allow children to share with their parent or carer their learning in school. All children can explore their own classroom and outside area. 

Each class will be allowed one 30 minute session for 1 parent or carer only per child. Due to the nature of moving and allowing space for children to explore activities and share with their parents this is limited to one parent or carer only per child on their classes’ day.

We ask that parents/ carers arrive promptly. Due to the nature of the activities and learning babies (including Nursery age children) may not accompany you for the Autumn share event as this is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with the adults. We therefore ask that you make alternative arrangements for these younger siblings, as unfortunately you will not be able to attend should you bring them.

Please could we ask that if your child requires the toilet during your session that they go into the toilets independently and the parent waits outside for your own safeguarding. Should your child require any support please find any member of staff and they will be happy to help.


Thursday 19th October 23

Reception children will be going on a local walk to the park on Thursday 19th October 2023. This will be to look at the Autumn trees and see the changing colours of the seasons. If you are interested in helping walk with us and supporting the children on the trip, please fill out this google form. This will take place in the morning and the children will return before lunch. Your class teacher will let you know if we need you. 


Date: Thursday 2nd November 23

We have managed to secure enough tickets for all Year 5 pupils to see the Philharmonia Orchestra play at the Royal Festival Hall. ‘Orchestra Unwrapped’ is an initiative to give thousands of children aged 7-11 the opportunity to hear a symphony orchestra and learn more about classical music in an engaging, entertaining and age-appropriate performance.

The theme of this year’s concert is’ Celebrating the Sounds of America’. Pupils will hear a variety of music including works by Dvorak, Jopland and John Williams. They will also have the opportunity to sing along with the orchestra in an audience participation piece called ‘Home Within My Heart’.

The concert will take place on Thursday 2nd November at 1pm. We will be travelling to and from the venue on public transport, leaving at 10am and returning by 4pm. All pupils will need to wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch & water bottle in a rucksack. 

The cost of the Trip is £5 and needs to be paid by Friday 13th October. Please log onto your child's Arbor account to  make payment under Activities/Trips. 

Please complete this Google Form to consent to the trip and let us know of any medical conditions and also if you can help? 

We will contact all helpers by Monday 14th October.

Mr Ranthe - Music Lead


Thursday 16th November 23

In Autumn 2, the children will be taking part in a storytelling workshop. This will take place at school. During the workshop the children will be going on an imaginary journey which includes songs and rhymes. This will cost £5 per child. This will be payable via the Arbor under Activities/Trips.

We hope the children will enjoy these opportunities and thanks in advance for your help and support.