Cheam Common Juniors Weekly Newsletter

Friday 08th July 2022

Cheam Common Junior Academy: Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park KT4 8UT


Cheam Common Junior - School Updates

Year 6 SATs Results - Congratulations CCJ!

We are delighted to share that our Year 6 children have performed exceptionally well in this year’s National Curriculum Tests for 11 year olds. The results were published on Tuesday 5th July and are currently unvalidated at this point.

Each test has a different number of questions and marks available and the results are converted to a scaled score. It is this scaled score that is reported to Year 6 parents and is used nationally to see how well a school has performed. The scaled score gives an indication of how children have achieved against the nationally expected standard. A score of 100 represents the expected standard (EXS). Scores of 110 or above indicate pupils are working at ‘Greater Depth.’ (GDS) Scores below 100 indicate that children have not yet met the expected standard for their age. (WTS) The highest score a child can achieve is 120, with 80 being the lowest.

At Cheam Common Junior Academy, our children have met and exceeded the national standards in huge numbers. We are exceptionally proud of how well they have done this year; their results indicate that the vast majority of them are very well prepared for secondary school. They should be congratulated on their achievements. You can see our full results below and how we compare to the new national averages.

Well done Year 6. We are exceptionally proud of you and recognise your hard work and perseverance not only this year but throughout your time at Cheam Common. Thank you to all of the teachers and parents for your ongoing support for the children.

Staffing Roles for September at CCJ!

In order to continue to build capacity within Cheam Common, we are pleased and excited to announce that from September, Miss Gunner will be joined by Mrs Dallimore as Co-Principal for the school. Together, they possess a wealth of knowledge and experience and will continue to drive the school forwards successfully. The Senior Leadership Team will be joined by Miss Kelly, who will take up the position of Vice Principal from September and Mrs Hart, who will continue to be our SENDCO lead.

Our Senior Leadership Team for 2022 – 2023 is:

Executive Principal - Mrs Lester

Co Principals - Miss Gunner & Mrs Dallimore

Vice Principal - Miss Kelly

SENCO - Mrs Hart

Year 3

3A - Miss Austin

3F - Mr Francis

3M - Miss Maclean

3S - Miss Shallcross

Year 4

4I - Mr Iliffe

4CB - Miss Beagle

4SB - Miss Bishop

4F - Miss Fox

Year 5

5H - Miss Holloway

5E - Mr Edwards

5G - Miss Govier

5M - Miss Madia

Year 6

6S - Mr Strange

6T - Miss Thatcher

6C - Mrs Culver

6W - Mr Wood

Staffing Updates for September at CCJ!

We are very pleased that our teaching staff is extremely stable for next year, however, as always at this time of year, some members of our current team will be moving roles within LEO Academy Trust.

From September, Mr Perrott will be moving into a central role for the Trust as Director of English, where he will work across all schools in LEO to support the teaching and learning of English. During his 6 years at Cheam Common, Mr Perrott has been invaluable in supporting the school on its journey to become the successful learning community that it is. We are extremely proud of all Mr Perrott’s accomplishments over the years and wish him all the best in his new role, where we look forward to working together in future endeavours.

Mrs Townsend will be taking up the position of Principal at Cheam Common Infants from September, where she will continue to lead the excellent work put in place by Miss Thorndycraft. Across many schools within the Trust, Mrs Townsend has led inclusion in her role as Vice Principal outstandingly, supporting children to achieve their full potential. We are very proud of all she has achieved during her time with us and we look forward to continuing working in partnership together.

Miss Hendra will be moving to Shawley Community Primary School to continue her role as a Sports’ Coach next year. We thank Miss Hendra for all the work she has done at Cheam Common this year both in PE lessons and through our extra curricular clubs and sporting fixtures. We know she will continue to provide amazing opportunities for children and has a great career ahead of her in LEO.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Judge and Miss Harland as they prepare for their upcoming maternity leave. During their time at Cheam Common, Mrs Judge and Miss Harland have taught across the school outstandingly. Miss Harland will be taking maternity leave at the start of September, whilst Mrs Judge will be taking hers from October. During the initial start of the year, Mrs Judge will be supporting teaching and learning across the school as our PPA cover teacher. We wish them both all the best for their new arrivals and we hope you join us in sending our congratulations.

Year 4 Orchestra Performance Times & Dates at CCJ!

On Thursday 14th July, parents of children in Year 4 are invited to watch a special assembly, where they will be performing as part of their Y4 Orchestra. Please see times below:

4S - 11:35am - 12:15pm, 4B - 1:15pm - 1:55pm,

4J - 1:55pm - 2:35pm, 4F - 2:35pm - 3:05pm

Performances will also be recorded and shared via the classroom stream by the end of week.

Class Parties Mufti Day at CCI & CCJ

On Wednesday 20th July, children can come to school in mufti as part of their class party celebrations, which will take place in the afternoon at both Cheam Common Infant and Cheam Common Juniors. Food and drinks will be provided by the Friends of Cheam Common, as well as a whole host of dancing, singing and party games!

Cheam Common Junior Bring and Buy Sale!

On Friday 15th July, children from School Council will be holding a 'Bring and Buy' sale in order to raise money to purchase new playground equipment and books for the library for the next academic year. The 'Bring and Buy' sale will take place during the school afternoon and continue after school in the playground. Children can bring a small amount of money and during the afternoon they will have the opportunity to come along and purchase any items should they wish.

In order to help with the 'Bring and Buy' sale, we are asking for any donations which we could sell on the day. This can include books, toys, puzzles, board games, stationary etc that is in good condition but no longer needed.

My Family Coach - A Free Resource for Parents / Carers!

We've partnered with Team Teach to bring you My Family Coach. This is a resource for parents and carers and provides support for everyday problems that parents face.

As part of this we run free classes for parents, over most recent class had hundreds of parents attend and we are delighted to announce that we are running another class focused on "Starting & Changing Schools".

The site is free to sign up to and 99% of the content is free, including the classes.

To check out the website and find out further information, Click Here.

Laura Henry Allain MBE Author Visit for LEO Arts Week!

Children from across each of our LEO schools came together this week to listen, learn and take part in a very special assembly with critically acclaimed author, Laura Henry Allain MBE, who provided children with a range of top tips on how to draft the perfect story. During her visit, she not only explored her culture and how it has influenced her books, 'My Skin, Your Skin, but she also shared a few of her stories from her award award winning series, 'JoJo & Gran Gran', which has been transformed into a hit CbbC show. Well done all involved!

KS2 Year 4 Sutton Music Festival Performance

After months of practising, Year 4 took to the stage of Fairfield Hall, Croydon to perform as part of a KS2 Sutton Music Festival. Children took to the stage to show off their talents on their brass instruments as they performed a range of recognisable tunes as an ensemble piece. Congratulations and well done to all the children who took part and thank you to Mrs Green or organising and Mr Martin, the music coordinator for teaching our children this term.

Congratulations Year 4 & Year 5 Football!

Congratulations to the brilliant Year 4 & Year 5 Boys Football team for a brilliant afternoon of football during the LEO Football tournament this week. A fantastic display was put on by all our boys with great effort and teamwork throughout. Year 4 proved victorious coming first as overall winners, with Year 5 narrowly missing out on the top spot to finish second place. Overall, we could not be any prouder and wish to thank them all for playing so brilliantly. Thank you to Mr Ewing & Miss Hendra and to Cheam Park Farm for hosting.

KS2 Athletics Competition Success

Last week, each of our LEO Academy schools took part in the KS2 Borough Athletics tournament held at the David Weir Arena. Children from across Cheam Common Junior completed in an array of events to much success, winning a series of medals. Due to their outstanding performance, Cheam Common Junior claimed first place overall. Well done to all the children who took part!

Weekly Announcements and Updates

Cheam Common Junior Summer Term Diary Dates!

As the countdown to the end of Summer Term begins, we have collated all the important dates for your diary as it proves to be another busy and eventful half term. Please find below all the key dates and times for the next four weeks of the Summer Term!

  • Thursday 14th July - Gym Kids performance to parents

(performances to parents to be held at 09:15am - 10:30am)

  • Thursday 14th July - Year 4 Orchestra performance to parents

(see above for individual class times)

  • Friday 15th July - FOC Mufti Day/ Tombola Donations

  • Saturday 16th July - FOC Summer Fair (11am - 3pm)

  • Tuesday 12th July- Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 production

(performances to be at 09:30am, 1:45pm & 7pm)

  • Wednesday 20th July - Class Parties / Mufti Day

  • Friday 22nd July - Last day of term. School to finish at 2pm.

Positive Playground Updates!

Next week’s Craze of the Week is 'Dance Craze' and the 'Game of the Week' is ‘Sharky Sharky.

Our sports leaders will be on hand to help run games and crazes as well as model skills of turn taking, being respectful to adults, each other and the equipment, helping all children have a happy play time.

Change of Address and Updating Records - Polite Request!

Please can you ensure to update the school office should you move house, change personal details or wish to update contact numbers.

In order to ensure information is accurate, it is important that this is kept up to date, especially should we need to contact you for any reason.

Updates to records can be made in person, on the telephone or via the school office email, at ccjoffice@leoacademytrust.

Many thanks.

Parking at Cheam Common Junior - A Polite Reminder

Please can we remind all parents / carers to be considerate of the local community, members of Kingsmead Avenue and neighbouring streets regarding on street parking.

During peak hours, we ask that those who drive their children to school, be mindful of parking across members of the public driveway, blocking in and/or restricting access for vehicles to pass.

Furthermore, even though the Sutton Street Scheme has proven successful, please note that the road is still in use and that parents, carers and children should be mindful not to walk in the road nor obstruct oncoming traffic from those who live on Kingsmead Avenue.

Many thanks.

Friends of Cheam Common - Updates

Congratulations to all those who took part in the Infants and Lower Key Stage 2 disco last Friday. Fun was had all afternoon as the children partied and danced up a storm. Thank you to all the adults who came out to support the event, it was a great success all round.

During the afternoon, Friends of Cheam Common Junior raised an incredible £1389.78 which will go to help supporting the Summer Fair!

Friends of Cheam Common Summer Fair Urgent Request!

Friends of Cheam Common need your help. They are looking for volunteers for the Summer Fair 16th July 11am - 2pm. Throughout the day, 2 volunteers per class, per slot are needed to assist in the running of the day including helping set up before and pack away. Volunteers will need to be at the school 5 min before the start time so they can be given instructions and what they will need to do. If you are able to volunteer or someone is happy doing 2 slots, please inform your child's class rep or let the Friends of Cheam Common know directly via their email, Please state the time slot you can do, your name and class your child is in.

Please see all the slots below:

  • 09:00-11:00 (Setup)

  • 11:00-12:00

  • 12:00-13:00

  • 13:00-14:00

  • 14:00-16:00 (Pack away)

Friends of Cheam Common have organised a wonderful day but need volunteers to come forward and help.

Thank you for your continued support and effort and we look forward to seeing you and celebrating during this event.

Celebrations, Awards and Stars of the Week

Excellent Learners of the Week

3A - Jenny

3H - Seoyoon

3M - Aidan

3S - Kristen

4S - Shi Woo

4B - Tippi

4F - Alyssa

4J - Aaila

5I - Bethany

5G - Ezre

5K - Ismail

5M - Kaelen

6K - Jacob

6C - Habeen

6H - Hyunjun

6W - Kyssila

Pride Ambassadors of the Week

3A - Aaron

3H - Reed

3M - Aleeza

3S - Hannah

4S - Hamid

4B - Elspeth

4F - Jake

4J - Ryan

5I - Faryn

5G - William

5K - Grace G

5M - Max

6K - Erica

6C - Izaak

6H - Hamzah

6W - Austin

Digital Coder of the Week

Year 3 - Izzy (3H)

Year 4 - Aaralyn (4B)

Year 5 - Altjona (5M)

Year 6 - Zeke (6W)

SEND & Inclusion Updates!

For parents of pupils with SEN

Please click here to access the Local Authority's Ambitious for SEND parent newsletter to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area. To receive these newsletters (three produced each year) please subscribe to the local area Ambitious for SEND newsletter. It is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area. You can unsubscribe at any time.


South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

0800 028 8000

Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you call, you'll speak to a professional in your local NHS mental health service. They can discuss your current mental health needs and provide access to further support if needed. Calls to NHS urgent mental health helplines are free.

If you prefer not to call, read more about the support available in your local area:

South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust website

Sutton Uplift is an integrated community based mental health and wellbeing hub which is accessible to anyone over the age of 18 living in the borough of Sutton or registered with a Sutton GP. We offer services to those with common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.


Helpline: 116 123 (free of charge from a landline or mobile)


24 hr helpline offering emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide:

We are also looking to host another Small Change, Big Difference course with Adapt to Learn. For those that are unfamiliar with this course, we run this as an alternative to the Early Bird programme. Some information about this is below.

If you are interested in attending this course, please email: and we'll be in touch.

‘Small Change, Big Difference’ Parent Group for parents of children with a diagnosis of autism.'

The aim is to empower parents, supporting them to help their children by developing an in-depth understanding of autism. Taking a positive approach, we will explore, share and discuss practical strategies to help develop communication skills, pre-empt and manage behaviour and gain confidence and resilience.

During the sessions, parents will be given the opportunity to make connections, gain support and feel less isolated.

Each course comprises of four x 1.5-hour sessions and will cover a range of topics.

Click Image above for further information!

Click Image above for further information!

Check out the latest information regarding Sutton Young Carers, by visiting their website HERE

To read their latest Newsletters, click HERE

And for their quarterly newsletters aimed at children and young adults, click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

DIGI Safe - Keeping Children Safe Online

LGFL have launched a wonderfully informative and practical website full of resources to help keep children safe online. With videos, informative guides and top tips, there is lots to explore to help keep your child safe whilst online. To visit, click here.

Cheam Common Junior - General Information

Healthy Schools at Cheam Common Junior

To ensure children develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle and make positive choices regarding healthy eating, at Cheam Common Junior, we are actively encouraging children to choose and select appropriate snacks to each both at break and lunch times.

For more information of what to provide your child, Click Here.

Summer Lunch Menus at Cheam Common Junior

At Cheam Common Juniors we want all of our children to become ‘healthy learners’ and we recognise how important that the food that our children eat is to this. Our school meals are designed to be appealing, varied and balanced, meeting Government guidelines for nutritional standards in schools. School dinners cost £2.35.

Click here to check out the Summer School Dinner menu and speak to our school office should you wish for your child to have a school meal. Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Halal and special dietary requirements are available. Please enquire for further information.

Amazon Wishlist to support our School & Class Libraries

As our ongoing pledge to increase books within our school and class libraries, we have put together an Amazon Wish List should you wish to help us in purchasing any books for these areas. Thank you so far to all those who have kindly purchased book so far.

If you would like to support us with providing all our children with every opportunity to read, Click Here.

London Borough of Sutton Summer Reading Challenge

The London Borough of Sutton’s Cultural Services is launching a brand new Summer Reading Club for children from 4 to 11 years of age. This year’s Summer Reading Club aims to promote reading for pleasure and to prevent the dip in reading attainment which can occur over the summer by encouraging children to read throughout the holidays.

The new Summer Reading Club promotes reading for through a wide range of both physical books and eBooks, including Audiobooks. They ask that children borrow and read six library books and invites them to join us for one or more of the exciting STEAM-themed events which will be held at our Libraries or Heritage houses this summer. The project will begin on Friday 1st July and will run throughout the summer holidays.

Parents will be able to sign their children up to the Summer Reading Club either online or at one of libraries within the Borough of Sutton and will be entered into a prize draw where they could win a family ticket to Bockett’s Farm, a family ticket to Oxygen Freejumping or one of 5 £20 Amazon vouchers. They will also receive a certificate when they return to school in September.

Update - Current World Events in Ukraine

Ukraine is facing an urgent humanitarian crisis and as a result, I am sure you and your children are all saddened by the current events and may have questions or concerns. Many parents have enquired how they can help. Currently, there are several charities working tirelessly on the ground to offer support to the millions of people affected.

We understand that it can be hard to know how to help so we have found some charity campaigns and fundraisers to donate to: Click Here

Local Activities and Events - General Information

Absolute Martial Arts - To book a place, Click Here

Cycle Coach - To book a place, Click Here

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