Cheam Common Juniors Weekly Newsletter

Friday 08th April 2022

Cheam Common Junior Academy: Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park KT4 8UT


Welcome to our weekly newsletter!

Happy Easter from us all at Cheam Common Junior Academy

As we approach the end of Spring term, we look back at what has been a busy, fun-filled time here at Cheam Common Junior. Across the school, It has been inspiring to see so many of our children succeed with their learning. In fact, so many incredible learning opportunities have been completed by our amazing children, whether it be completing experiments as part of LEO Science Week, showcasing their favourite book characters during World Book Day to completing in a whole host of sporting activities.

Have a wonderful Easter break and we thank you for your continued support this term.

Please remember that School returns on Monday 25th April 2022!

In order to showcase just how many incredible opportunities have occurred during both in and outside of the classroom we have created a special slide show for you to look back on. You can check it out here!

Spring Term Merit Assembly Winners

Each term, we celebrate the successes of all our children, including a special few who have continued to shine.

Check out out Spring Merit Winners from each year group and winners of the Headteacher's Award!

Year 3 Spring Term Merit Winners

Year 4 Spring Term Merit Winners

3A - Jenny & Aaron

3S - Jasmine & Avi

3H - Katrina & Daniel

3M - Oluchi & Bobby

4S - Ifunanya & Alex

4J - Charlotte & Ryan

4B - Hafsa & Woodrow

4F - Arya & Bhupesh

Year 5 Spring Term Merit Winners

Year 6 Spring Term Merit Winners

5I - Atrisa & Samuel

5M - Megan & Shay

5G - Javisha & Leo

5K - Naomi & Barnaby

6C - Julia & Roshan

6H - Ziqcra & Xavier

6K - Ruby & Tosin

6W - Juliette & Ahsan

Year 6 Head Teacher's Spring Award

6C - Ahmed

6H - Nnenna

6K - Erica

6W - Keira

Year 5 Residential Trip to Kingswood

Year 5 have been incredibly excited as they embark on their very first ever residential trip to Kingswood in Kent. Children have jumped into the array of activities organised and have had so much fun! From rock climbing to '3G' swings, team building activities, archery and more, children have loved the opportunity to swap their learning from the classroom to the great outdoors.

Thank you to all the teachers and adults who have helped organise the trip.

Check out the great photos below and for even more, head to our Cheam Common Junior Twitter page!

Healthy Schools at Cheam Common Junior

To ensure children develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle and make positive choices regarding healthy eating, at Cheam Common Junior, we are actively encouraging children to choose and select appropriate snacks to each both at break and lunch times. Going forward, we would like to encourage children to choice healthier snacks which may include (but not limited to):

Fruit and Vegetables:

A piece of fruit, such as apple, banana, pear, oranges, melon, berries, plums, grapes, mango, dried fruits and frozen fruits.

Carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumber, tomato, snap peas and string beans.

Healthy Grains

Whole-grain cereal bars or healthy cereal bars, granola bars, crackers, and healthy rice cakes.

Low Fat Dairies

Low-fat cheese and low-fat yoghurt tubes.

Furthermore, as a ‘nut free school’, we must also insist that no foods that contain nuts are brought into school.

For more information, check out our parent letter here.

Summer Lunch Menus at Cheam Common Junior

At Cheam Common Juniors we want all of our children to become ‘healthy learners’ and we recognise how important that the food that our children eat is to this. Our school meals are designed to be appealing, varied and balanced, meeting Government guidelines for nutritional standards in schools. School dinners cost £2.35.

Click here to check out the Summer School Dinner menu and speak to our school office should you wish for your child to have a school meal. Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Halal and special dietary requirements are available. Please enquire for further information.

Amazon Wishlist to support our School & Class Libraries

Thanks to our friends at Usborne books, we have managed to secure £1,000 worth of free books, which will go along way to help provide children with new books to read in our school and class libraries.

As our ongoing pledge to increase books within our school and class libraries, we have put together an Amazon Wish List should you wish to help us in purchasing any books for these areas. Thank you so far to all those who have kindly purchased book so far.

If you would like to support us with providing all our children with every opportunity to read, Click Here.

Update - Current World Events in Ukraine

Ukraine is facing an urgent humanitarian crisis and as a result, I am sure you and your children are all saddened by the current events and may have questions or concerns. Many parents have enquired how they can help. Currently, there are several charities working tirelessly on the ground to offer support to the millions of people affected. We understand that it can be hard to know how to help so we have found some charity campaigns and fundraisers to donate to: Click Here

Friends of Cheam Common - Updates

Pizza Night Thank You

A huge thank you to the Friends of Cheam Common, who raised an incredible £383 as part of last week's Pizza Night event. Both adults and children had fun creating their pizzas and cannot wait to take part again. The money raised will go towards further developing both the Infant and Junior school playgrounds. Watch this space for further information!

SEND & Inclusion Updates!

For parents of pupils with SEN

Please click here to access the Local Authority's Ambitious for SEND parent newsletter to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area. To receive these newsletters (three produced each year) please subscribe to the local area Ambitious for SEND newsletter. It is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Click Image above for further information!

Click Image above for further information!

Check out the latest information regarding Sutton Young Carers, by visiting their website HERE

To read their latest Newsletters, click HERE

And for their quarterly newsletters aimed at children and young adults, click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.

DIGI Safe - Keeping Children Safe Online

LGFL have launched a wonderfully informative and practical website full of resources to help keep children safe online. With videos, informative guides and top tips, there is lots to explore to help keep your child safe whilst online. To visit, click here.

Dates and Upcoming Events!

Dates for your Diary!

Start of Summer Term - Monday 25th April 2022

Keep up to date with Cheam Common Junior and LEO Academy Twitter!

Follow CCJ on Twitter

Keep up to date with all the news, events and opportunities from across @CCJacademy

Follow LEO on Twitter

Keep up to date with all the news, events & opportunities from across @LEOacademies