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Cheam Common Infants' Academy

Weekly Newsletter

21st July 2023

Cheam Common Infants' Academy: Balmoral Road, Worcester Park KT4 8SS   


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter!


What a year!

Firstly I would like to say thank you for all of your continued support this year.  We have had a fantastic year!  Our children have experienced a range of opportunities including performing in the Church at Christmas, having a visit from a farm, going to Hampton Court and the Tower of London, a range of visitors coming into school, sports day, Big Sing and workshops.  In addition, they have all worked incredibly hard and we are extremely proud of all of the children's achievements. 

We wish our Year 2 children all the best for their new adventure at the Juniors.  We know they will continue to grow and cannot wait to see them flourish.

Finally, we would like to wish you all a safe and fun summer holiday! We hope you take time to relax and recharge.  We look forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 5th September.

Summer Fair 

Thank you to everyone who came to the Summer Fair last Saturday. The weather was incredibly kind to us and it was such an amazing event.  

An amazing £7,870 was raised.  

An enormous thank you to Friends for all their hard work and fantastic organisational skills for the fair and also for all the events throughout the year.

Self Care

While we are all aware of the importance of looking after our physical health,  we also have to look after our mental health.  

Click here for a booklet with some activity suggestions to help look after your mental health.  

Year 2 football tournament 

On Monday 17th July, 8 of our Year 2s competed in a LEO Year 2 football tournament. They all did incredibly well demonstrating excellent sportsmanship and teamwork and came 2nd! 

Thank you to Miss Davies and Mr Greaves for taking them.  


Next year we will continue with children coming into school in their PE kits on the days they have PE lessons.  

We do expect children to be smart and adhere to the PE uniform expectations.

If children have an after-school sports club on a day when they do not have a PE lesson, they should come in school uniform and bring their PE kit to change into.  

Goodbye Year 2

To commemorate and conclude their time at Cheam Common Infant's, Year 2 shared their proudest moments from their time at Cheam Common Infants as well as sing some inspiring and songs.  There was not a dry eye in the hall after their emotive performance.  They have made us so proud and we wish them the very best of luck for the next stage of their educational journey.   

Coronation Memory Capsule

As part of their last forest school session of this academic year, this week we finally buried our commemorative Coronation time capsule.  This has been filled with classes' work celebrating the coronation of King Charles III and it has been buried in our new Reception Forest school area.  

Thank you 

We are very grateful for all parents who have helped with our recent Year 1 and Year 2 trips.  These trips were a great opportunity for our students to enhance their learning.  Your help made these trips possible, and I know that our students will never forget them.   

We are also incredibly grateful for those parents who have listened to readers this year.  You have helped to create a positive and supportive environment for reading and have helped our students to develop a love of reading.  Your help has made a real difference in the lives of our students.  

This week's learning


Our Nursery children have been reflecting on the amazing year they have had in Nursery and celebrating all their successes.  There are so many of them.  Those who are joining us in Reception also had the opportunity to meet their teachers and see their classrooms this week.    

Great work! 


During their final Reception week, our Reception children have designed superhero capes and masks for their ‘superhero day’.   With their 'superpowers' they helped in the outside area before 'flying up' to Year 1.  

They have also spent some time reflecting about things they have enjoyed in reception this year.

Great job.

Year 1

As mathematicians this week, Year 1 have continued learning about fractions.  This week looking at quarters! 

Great job!

Year 2

As programmers, Year 2 used Lego Education SPIKE to build and code an animal alarm which was triggered by blue monsters.

As mathematicians, Year 2 have been making tessellations.  

Fantastic work!  

Home learning

Well done to Avi who has been awarded his Level 3 'Learn to Swim' award.  Demonstrating great effort and perseverance.

Well done to Collyn who has grown this sunflower from a seed he was given at school.  He was able to name all the parts of the plant.  

We can't wait to see how much it grows over the summer!

Happy Birthday to Amelia, Celine and Molly from Foxes Class, Arlo and Poppy from Finches class and Laurie from Sparrows class.  

Thank you very much for donating books to our library to celebrate your birthdays.  

We hope you had wonderful days!

Our daily sustainable focus

Mindful Monday

Thinking about the impact of our actions (meat free meals, turning off lights, screens, being careful to recycle properly).

Tidy up Tuesday 

Collecting rubbish from around the school to protect our local environment and wildlife.

Walk to school Wednesday 

Reduce our carbon footprint and improve the air quality in our local community.

Thrifty Thursday 

Helping the local community to reduce, reuse and recycle by donating items to school that you no longer require.

Feel good Friday 

The Eco Squad reflect and feedback to their classes on the positive impact we have made during the week including counting crisp packets - there will be a prize for the best class at the end of each term. They will also relay positive stories about how scientists are coming up with solutions to our sustainability problems around the world.

A huge thank you to parents and the wider school community for supporting the Eco Squad this year!

Your generosity with 'Mud Mufti' day was a wonderful boost to our Forest School project. 

The area has enabled our children to be hands on gardeners everyday who take pleasure in caring for nature and nurting the environment.

Thank you!

Things to celebrate

Star of the Week Certificates (Week 12)


Fawns/Cygnets - Gummy

Rabbits - Samuel K

Ducklings - Jack


  Badgers - Nell

Foxes - Maxim

Hedgehogs - Akiro

Squirrels -  Bella

Year 1

      Wrens - Emily&Rakshan

Finches - Lester

Sparrows - Hana

Robins - All of Robins

Year 2

   Owls - All of Owls

Eagles - Mila

Kestrels - Daisy

Falcons - George

3 Bees Certificates (Week 12


Fawns/Cygnets - Hazel

Rabbits - Hayley

Ducklings - Lily


  Badgers - Indie

Foxes - James

Hedgehogs  - Naya

Squirrels -  Joshua

Year 1

   Wrens - Connor

Finches - Mark

Sparrows - Sarina

Robins - Finley

Year 2

   Owls - Min Woo

Eagles - Anisa

Kestrels - Timi

Falcons - Bella

Be Ready to Learn Bee

Reception - Squirrels for helping each other during the last week of early years

Year 1 - Sparrows for fantastic teamwork, "We always help each other!"

Year 2 - All of Year 2 for their fantastic singing in their 'Farewell Assembly'

Be Ready to Learn Sporty Bee

We would like to thank Miss Davis for all her hard work this year. and wish her the best of luck at her new school.  

She is our Sporty Bee.

Best Attendance 

Well done to Cygnets & Wrens classes who had the best attendance for the last week.

Doodle Spell 

The top 4 children in Year 1 are:

1) Emilia - Finches

2) Ryaan - Wrens

3) Poppy - Robins

4) Anisa - Sparrows

The top 4 children in Year 2 are:

1) Arya - Eagles

2) Hary - Falcons

3) Aadhi - Kestrels

4) Melinda - Owls

Doodle Maths

The top 5 children in Year 1 are:

1) Collyn - Robins

2) Kirtan - Finches

3) Benjamin - Wrens

4) Leo - Finches

5) Alex - Sparrows

The top 5 children in Year 2 are:

1) Sharanaa - Eagles

2) Avi - Eagles

3) Jonathan - Owls

4) Lumi - Eagles

5) Ethan - Eagles

Well done to these children who have earned their 'streak badges' for completing their Doodle activities for over 50 days in a row!

400 day streak

250 day streak

200 day streak


50 day streak

Ben - Wrens


Jewellery Guidance

We  would prefer children NOT to wear earrings to school.  

Earrings are NOT permitted for PE or after school sports activities. If your child can not remove their earrings, please apply tape over their stud earrings.

On other days a maximum of one pair of small plain studs is permitted. 

No hoops or large studs and no dangly earrings please.

No other jewellery should be worn.

In addition, nail varnish is not to be worn to school and long hair must be tied back at all times.

We would prefer children NOT to wear watches/Smart watches to school.  If children would like to wear these, they should be ones WITHOUT games.  

School takes no liability for loss or damage of any jewellery/watches.  

PE Kits

On days when children have PE they can come to school in their PE uniform.  

A reminder our PE uniform is: red shorts or Plain Dark tracksuit bottoms/leggings with a white crew neck t-shirt and trainers.  The school jumper should be worn over this.  No other multi-coloured bottoms or jumpers should be worn.

For health and safety watches and jewellery are not allowed in school. If children have pierced ears, only ear studs may be worn. These will be taped up for PE lessons.  

Long hair must always be tied back, and no extreme hairstyles are allowed.

Thank you.

Keeping children safe 

Please click here to access a document with guidance on how to keep your child safe when choosing a club tutor or coach for them.  

We have been informed by the local police that there has been a rise in outer clothing and mobile phones being taken from individuals, predominantly from Secondary School age.


As a preventative measure, we wanted to make you aware of this for your child/children with regards to the wearing of high-value outer clothing and displaying their mobile phones when out in the community. 

If you have moved address, it is imperative that you inform the school office as soon as you have moved.  It is a requirement that the school has up to date details particularly in case of an emergency.  

Please email the school office if your details need updating.  Alternatively you can update them using the Arbor App.  

Upcoming Events

Autumn Term 2023

Monday 4th September - Inset day 

School closed to children

Tuesday 5th September - First day 

Curriculum Meetings 

Year 1 Curriculum Meeting including meet the teacher Wednesday 6th September at 2:30pm

Year 2 Curriculum Meeting including meet the teacher Thursday 7th September at 2:30pm

Please check the dates section regularly as dates may change and new dates will be added.


Autumn 1 Curriculum information will be published in our first newsletter of Autumn 2023.  

Click here to access our Craze of the Week and Game of the week timetable.  


Following on from Online Safety day, please click here for a website which will help you to set up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home.   

Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

Click here for further information and support.  

Click on the image above to access the site.

Parenting Support

London Borough of Sutton's Family Hubs has put together a range pf parenting programmes to support parents parents and carers to develop a greater understanding of child development, build positive relationships and learn skills to deal with challenging behaviour.

Click here to access more information about the programmes on offer.

Friends events

Friends have a Facebook Page so you can find out about upcoming events, please join the group for more information:


Playball sessions will once again run at Cheam Common Infants for Year 1 and 2 pupils.  Please click here to find out how to book onto these sessions.  

Danny will once again be delivering Playball sessions at Cheam Common Infants for Year 1 and 2 pupils.  Please click here to find out how to book onto these sessions.  

Sutton Fire station Open Day

At 43 St Dunstan’s Hill, Sutton, SM1 2JX  

Date: Saturday 29th July 2023

Time: 11-4pm.


This will be a great opportunity to meet your local firefighters, take pictures on the fire engine and see how we engage with our local community.  

We will be giving fire safety advice and will have bouncy castles, ice cream, face painting and water squirting from the fire truck for the children.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

CAP Money Course

The Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Money Course is a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple system to successfully manage your money. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt. Find out more: 

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