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Cheam Common Infants' Academy

Weekly Newsletter

16th June 2023

Cheam Common Infants' Academy: Balmoral Road, Worcester Park KT4 8SS   


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter!


What a busy week we have had.  Year 1 and 2 had a day learning Circus skills with Sutton Sports Partnership and Year 1 had a visit to Hampton Court.  

 Key Stage 1 Circus Skills 

In preparation for National Sports Week next week, Our Year 1 and 2 children thoroughly enjoyed participating in circus skills sessions this week.  


Now the weather is beginning to warm up, please remember children should be in sensible school shoes.  

No sandals or flip flops.  Thank you for your support.

This week's learning


To celebrate World Ocean Day, our Nursery children made their own sea creatures.  

They have also continued looking at different types of transport and painting their own.  

They have also been learning how to programme the Bee Bots as well as continuing to learn different 2D shapes.  

Great work!


This week, Reception children have continued to look at the book 'The Naughty Bus'.  They have completed some fantastic independent writing about it.  

Year 1

As mathematicians, they have been using Dienes to make numbers up to 100.  

In PSHE, they have been looking at the changes which occur at different stages of the human life cycle.  Comparing what they can do now compared to when they were babies.  

In DT, they looked at what they would put in a healthy salad.  

A few of our children have also looked at different London Landmarks and practised telling the time.  

As historians and in preparation for their trip to Hampton Court, Year 1 have been finding out facts about Henry VIII.

Year 2

As mathematicians, Year 2 have been looking at how to make different amounts of money.  

As authors, they have been writing diary entries about the Great Fire of London.

They thoroughly enjoyed developing their circus skills!

Great job!

Home learning

Well done to Bella in Falcons who attended the Future Cheer competition in Brighton on Saturday.  Her cheerleading teams were placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  One routine ‘hit zero’ which meant it was performed without error and deductions.


Happy birthday to Elena and thank you for bringing in the book for our book corner.  

Our daily sustainable focus

Mindful Monday

Thinking about the impact of our actions (meat free meals, turning off lights, screens, being careful to recycle properly).

Tidy up Tuesday 

Collecting rubbish from around the school to protect our local environment and wildlife.

Walk to school Wednesday 

Reduce our carbon footprint and improve the air quality in our local community.

Thrifty Thursday 

Helping the local community to reduce, reuse and recycle by donating items to school that you no longer require.

Feel good Friday 

The Eco Squad reflect and feedback to their classes on the positive impact we have made during the week including counting crisp packets - there will be a prize for the best class at the end of each term. They will also relay positive stories about how scientists are coming up with solutions to our sustainability problems around the world.

The Eco Squad have been painting pebbles to decorate the pond area. 

Feel good Friday

The Forest School is blooming with all your 'Mud Mufti' Day donations. Reception have been enjoying watering the plants and watching them grow!

Reception have been enjoying watering the plants and watching them grow!

Things to celebrate

Star of the Week Certificates (Week 8)


Fawns/Cygnets - Harry

Rabbits - Leo

Ducklings - Delilah


  Badgers - Tiara

Foxes - Leona

Hedgehogs - Preyesha

Squirrels - Ava

Year 1

      Wrens - Juan

Finches - Arlo

Sparrows - Alex

Robins - Daniel

Year 2

   Owls - Frankie

Eagles - Aaliyah

Kestrels - Georgie

Falcons - Lola

3 Bees Certificates (Week 8


Fawns/Cygnets - Marcus

Rabbits - Billie

Ducklings - Clay


  Badgers - Madeleine

Foxes - Emily

Hedgehogs  - Cedric 

Squirrels - Yuhyeon

Year 1

   Wrens - Anisa

Finches - Kenneth

Sparrows - Florence

Robins - Poppy

Year 2

   Owls - Maya

Eagles - Theo

Kestrels - Aadhi

Falcons - Anna

Be Ready to Learn Bee

Reception - Squirrels for great engagement in their carpet sessions.

Year 1 - Wrens for bee-ing well behaved when lining up in the hall and sitting down for lunch.

Year 2 - Eagles for great enthusiasm and engagement in their circus skills session.  

Be Ready to Learn Sporty Bee

Robins for great teamwork and listening skills 

Best Attendance 

Well done to Eagles class who had the best attendance for the last week.

Doodle Spell 

The top 4 children in Year 1 are:

1) Aylin - Wrens

2) Poppy - Robins

3) Gabriella - Sparrows

4) Seth - Finches

The top 4 children in Year 2 are:

1) Ayana - Owls

2) Andria - Kestrels

3) Thea - Falcons

4) Arya - Eagles

Doodle Maths

The top 5 children in Year 1 are:

1) Emilia - Finches

2) Edna - Robins

3) Divyan - Sparrows

4) Leo and Kirtan - Finches 

5) Oliver - Wrens

The top 5 children in Year 2 are:

1) Owen - Kestrels

2) Ryan - Kestrels

3) Linda - Falcons 

4) Sharanaa - Eagles

5) Jonathan - Owls

Well done to these children who have earned their 'streak badges' for completing their Doodle activities for over 50 days in a row!

250 day streak


100 day streak


50 day streak



Jewellery Guidance

We  would prefer children NOT to wear earrings to school.  

Earrings are NOT permitted for PE or after school sports activities. If your child can not remove their earrings, please apply tape over their stud earrings.

On other days a maximum of one pair of small plain studs is permitted. 

No hoops or large studs and no dangly earrings please.

No other jewellery should be worn.

In addition, nail varnish is not to be worn to school and long hair must be tied back at all times.

We would prefer children NOT to wear watches/Smart watches to school.  If children would like to wear these, they should be ones WITHOUT games.  

School takes no liability for loss or damage of any jewellery/watches.  

  Early Birds Drop off

Please remember to be respectful of our neighbours when dropping off early to the breakfast club. 

We have been asked by local residents who are shift workers to please keep any noise/early morning greetings to a low level. Thank you for your co-operation.

Drop off and Pick UP

Please do NOT allow your child on any of the school's playground equipment while you are dropping off or collecting your child. 

Thank you 

PE Kits

On days when children have PE they can come to school in their PE uniform.  

A reminder our PE uniform is: red shorts or Plain Dark tracksuit bottoms/leggings with a white crew neck t-shirt and trainers.  The school jumper should be worn over this.  No other multi-coloured bottoms or jumpers should be worn.

For health and safety watches and jewellery are not allowed in school. If children have pierced ears, only ear studs may be worn. These will be taped up for PE lessons.  

Long hair must always be tied back, and no extreme hairstyles are allowed.

Thank you.

A reminder there is no longer an option to report a child’s absence via phone or email.  We ask that you use the google forms below (they are also on the website under the parent tab) to report absence.

For sickness and same day medical appointments: Cheam Common Infants' Absence Form

For future appointments and exceptional absences: Request for Exceptional Absence form  


As a healthy school we ask if your child would like to celebrate their birthday, they donate a book to the library instead of bringing treats for the class. The book will help us to grow our library and ensure we are promoting healthy eaters. 

We will display a photo of your child with their book in the newsletter. 

Book Swap

Our book swap books are all ready on our book shelf ready to be shared and then returned or exchanged.   The book swap is located in the school office reception area accessible between 8.30am and 3.30pm.

Keeping children safe 

Please click here to access a document with guidance on how to keep your child safe when choosing a club tutor or coach for them.  

We have been informed by the local police that there has been a rise in outer clothing and mobile phones being taken from individuals, predominantly from Secondary School age.


As a preventative measure, we wanted to make you aware of this for your child/children with regards to the wearing of high-value outer clothing and displaying their mobile phones when out in the community. 

If you have moved address, it is imperative that you inform the school office as soon as you have moved.  It is a requirement that the school has up to date details particularly in case of an emergency.  

Please email the school office if your details need updating.  Alternatively you can update them using the Arbor App.  

Upcoming Events

Year 1 and Reception Sports Day

Thursday 22nd June 

Nursery Sports Day

Friday 23rd June 

10:45 - 11:15am Cygnets & Fawns

 2:30 - 3:00pm Ducklings & Cygnets & Rabbits

Y2 trip to The Tower of London

Thursday 29th and Friday 30th June

Year 2 Sports Day & Picnic lunch

Tuesday 4th July

Friends MUFTI for Tombola donations

Friday 14th July

Summer Fair

Saturday 15th July

Please check the dates section regularly as dates may change and new dates will be added.


Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletters



Year 1

Year 2

Click here to find out next week's Craze and Game of the Week.


Following on from Online Safety day, please click here for a website which will help you to set up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home.   

Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

Click here for further information and support.  

Click on the image above to access the site.

Parenting Support

London Borough of Sutton's Family Hubs has put together a range pf parenting programmes to support parents parents and carers to develop a greater understanding of child development, build positive relationships and learn skills to deal with challenging behaviour.

Click here to access more information about the programmes on offer.

Friends events

Friends have a Facebook Page so you can find out about upcoming events, please join the group for more information:

If you are able to volunteer at the Summer Fair, please use the sign-up sheet here: to indicate the slots you are able to cover.  

They are split into sessions of one hour but if you can do more, please sign up for all you can offer.

If you have any teddy bears or unwanted gifts that you no longer need please donate these to the school for the Summer Fair. 

These can be left in either office for us to collect. 

The Friends disco made £2,354.02

A massive thank you for your ongoing support.


Sutton Dyslexia Association Meeting

Tuesday 20th June 2023 at 8pm at

the Friends Meeting House

10 Cedar Road,Sutton



Fin O'Regan (ADHD and Neurodiversity Consultant and Trainer) will be giving a talk, "No Two Children are the Same".

It is a talk about Neurodiversity.

Entry is free and all are welcome.  No need to register for the talk.

Please click here for more information.  

The deadline for entries is 10am on Friday 26 May 2023.

CAP Money Course

The Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Money Course is a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple system to successfully manage your money. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt. Find out more: 

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