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 Cheam Common Infants' Academy

Weekly Newsletter

28th March 2024

Cheam Common Infants' Academy: Balmoral Road, Worcester Park 

KT4 8SS   


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter!

The Spring term has flown by and we are incredibly proud of everything our fantastic pupils have achieved! 

Not only have the classrooms buzzed with learning, but the children have also embraced a wealth of exciting extracurricular activities including World Book Day, Tom's talking Reptiles, Science week plus a range of sporting events.  Their unwavering enthusiasm has been truly inspiring. 

We wish all our pupils and their families a joyful Easter break filled with rest, relaxation and some Easter treats! 

We can't wait to welcome you back for a fun-filled Summer term on Monday 15th April!

Whole School

Key Stage 1 Easter Run

Several of our Year 1 and Year 2 children attended the Sutton Sports KS1 Easter Run event.  They had great fun working as a team to find clues and complete challenges.  

Key Stage 1 Easter Experience

Year 1 and Year 2 had a wonderful time at Christchurch with St Phillips this week where they experienced a multi sensory Easter experience.  They thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different parts of the Easter story - particularly re-enacting the sharing of the bread which helps to remember Jesus as well as a chocolate egg to remember Jesus was resurrected.   

A huge 'Thank you' to all our parent helpers.  

Attendance Matters

While we appreciate, over the last few weeks there has been an increase in illness, we would like to remind you of the importance of attending school.  

Regular school attendance is essential for academic success, social development, and forming positive habits for life.  Did you know that even a few missed days here and there can have a big impact on your child's learning? 

Why Attendance Matters:

Tips for Encouraging Attendance:

By working together, we can ensure every child gets the most out of their time at school and reaches their full potential.  

Please contact the office if you would like to discuss your child's attendance.    


 The Nursery children have had another busy four days at the end of the term.  On Friday they thoroughly enjoyed bringing in their teddy bears to join them for their 'teddy bears picnic'.  The edible 'bear' sandwiches were a particular favourite as were the bear biscuits.  

The children have also had lots of fun completing Easter activities.  They had fun printing Easter chicks as well as rolling eggs in paint and 'fork painting' to make fluffy chicks.  

In maths, as well as developing their 1:1 correspondence, they also developed their ordering skills. 

As we have had some better weather, they have also had lots of fun in their outside learning environment.  

Great job.


 This week in Reception we continued to learn about 'People who help us' and explored the roles of doctors and nurses. We drew on our own experiences of being helped when we were poorly and enjoyed taking care of the sick dollies. 

In Maths we began exploring teen numbers. We learnt what each number in a 2-digit number represents and demonstrated our understanding using tens frames.

We have enjoyed learning why Easter is such a special celebration for Christians and made beautiful finger painted crosses.  We also enjoyed making Easter cards for our families!

Hedgehogs demonstrated their amazing imagination in the outside area by creating a 'human to dog machine converter' out of community blocks! The children lined up as humans and came out the other side as dogs!

Finally Reception came to the rescue when a newt was found in the Year 1 playground. With the help of some Eco Squad members and Miss Ella they carefully released the newt into the Junior school forest school pond where we hope it will live a long and happy life.

Well done Reception! Have a wonderful Easter break! 

Year 1

Year 1 started the week with a very educational trip to St Phillips Church. The children really enjoyed moving around the church to different stations learning about the Easter Story and how Jesus died and rose again. We were very proud how the children listened intently and focused on the true meaning of Easter. They were excited to end the wonderful, thought provoking session with a mini egg!

In English, the children have continued learning about 'One day on the blue planet, in the Savannah'. They have been enjoying writing about the setting and we have been really challenging them. They have really enjoyed learning about the animals that live in the Savannah and which animals come out at night. 

As mathematicians, the children have been learning to count in tens and partition numbers to 100 in tens and ones in multiples of 10s. 

Ask your child to count forward and backwards in 10s?

As scientists, the children have learnt about amphibians and wrote simple sentences about the characteristics of a amphibian like they have dry, scaly skin, they lay eggs, they live on land and in water. 

Can your child say what animals are amphibians and how they are different from reptiles?  

We ended the week being creative, doing some lovely Easter crafts. The children are very excited to have a break for Easter and we hope you all have a wonderful holiday. 

Year 2

What a busy four days Year Two have had!  

We finished our lessons on 'The Emperor's Egg' with some creative writing.  The children thought carefully about how penguins move before collaborating with a partner to create some great kenning poems. Some children acted as poets by using techniques such as rhyming and alliteration.  The teachers were thoroughly entertained by their end products.

The children continued to show their creativity in their Real Dance lesson. They loved representing the movement of silks and moved with expression and imagination.

On Tuesday, Year visited our local church, Christ Church with St Phillip where they found out more about the Easter Story.  The children represented the school beautifully and very much enjoyed trying the hands on activities.

Working as scientists, the children have been classifying objects into groups including 'alive', 'not alive' and 'have never lived'.  They thought hard about the life processes and what all living things can do.  

Can they give you an example for each category? 

In maths, the children have been working with 2D shapes and have been learning to move them and turn them on a grid.  The children have been giving each other instructions such as ' forwards, backwards, left and right'.  They loved joining in with the directions dance.

Can they show you what a quarter turn clockwise looks like?

As artists they used their observational skills to make still life paintings using gestural marks!

Birthday celebrations

Birthdays - polite reminder

As you know, we are a healthy school and therefore ask if your child would like to celebrate their birthday, they donate a book to a library instead of bringing treats.  This also ensures there are no concerns over allergies.

If you do bring in treats, we will NOT hand them out.  We expect you and your child to hand them out so you can check if parents are happy for their child to receive the treat.  

Happy birthday to Riyen.  Thank you for donating this book to our library.  

Happy birthday to Hubert.  Thank you for donating this book to our library.

Happy birthday to all our pupils who have celebrated a birthday this week.

Happy birthday to Jessica.  Thank you for donating this book to our library. 

Out of school achievements

If you would like to inform us of any achievements your child has completed outside of school, please  complete this FORM

Well done to Jonathan who gave up some of his weekend to do a charity collection for Marie Curie.  He raised £117.75 and gave out lots of daffodils.

Well done to Heidrum who enrolled in the CSC Junior Chess Grand Prix (under 8), she finished all six games and tried very hard, winning one game 

Home learning

Summer 1 Optional Learning Tasks

Year 1

Year 2

Year 2 Maths Learning Tasks

Well done to Poppy who created two houses for her home learning projects. 

Well done to Amelia who made her own Rainforest habitat.

Well done to Pietro for practising his time tables.

Elliott made a cheeky 'junk modelling' monkey.

Well done to Alby who created this fantastic World map showing where different animals live.

imoves Easter Challenge

Get ready to go on an exciting adventure gathering a wide variety of fascinating items - explore every nook and cranny of your house and garden, searching for things like beautiful flowers, objects with numbers on them, or even silly hats!

Unleash your imagination by using the found items to create wonderful stories or delightful poems - let your creativity run wild and see where it takes you!

Our daily sustainable focus

Mindful Monday

Thinking about the impact of our actions (meat free meals, turning off lights, screens, being careful to recycle properly).

Tidy up Tuesday 

Collecting rubbish from around the school to protect our local environment and wildlife.

Walk to school Wednesday 

Reduce our carbon footprint and improve the air quality in our local community.

Our daily sustainable focus

Thrifty Thursday 

Helping the local community to reduce, reuse and recycle by donating items to school that you no longer require.

Feel good Friday 

The Eco Squad reflect and feedback to their classes on the positive impact we have made during the week including counting crisp packets - there will be a prize for the best class at the end of each term. They will also relay positive stories about how scientists are coming up with solutions to our sustainability problems around the world.

Things to celebrate

Star of the Week Certificates (Week 11)


Ducklings - Julia

Fawns/Cygnets - Gareth

Rabbits/Cygnets - Teddy


Badgers - Orla

Foxes - Joshua

Hedgehogs - Joshua

Squirrels - Jesse

Year 1

Finches - Remi

Robins - Jasmine

Sparrows - Luka

Wrens - Enzo

Year 2

Eagles - Yon Woo

Falcons - Gabriella

Kestrels -Rania

Owls - Jacob

3 Bees Certificates (Week 11


Ducklings - Jesse

Fawns/Cygnets - Lochlan

Rabbits/Cygnets - Matthew


Badgers - Monty

Foxes - Hannah

Hedgehog - Alice

Squirrels - Cody

Year 1

Finches - Shirley

Robins - Reeve

Sparrows - Maksim

Wrens - Elvina

Year 2

Eagles - Aafiq

Falcons - Millie

Kestrels - Leo

Owls - Jonathan

 Be Ready to Learn Bee 

Year Reception 🐝: Well done to Hedgehogs for demonstrating their creativity and team work skills by making the human to dog converter machine.  

Year 1 🐝: Well done to Sparrows for being fantastic listeners during their Easter Experience. 

Year 2 🐝: Well done to Eagles for being collaborative during your computing lessons.

Mr Honeysett's Be Ready to Learn Sporty Bee

Well done to all of Year One for fantastic listening and sportsmanship


Best Attendance Spring Term 2

Well done to Eagles 🦅 class for having the highest attendance of KS1 last week.

Well done to Hedgehogs 🦔 class for having the highest attendance of EYFS last week.




With children now needing winter coats and due to limited space in our corridors, we request that children use a book bag rather than a large rucksack.  If you do not have a book bag, please ensure your child only brings in a small rucksack.

Thank you 

Important Information

There is no longer an option to report a child’s absence via telephone.  We ask that you use the google forms below to report absence.  They are also available to complete on our website using the parent tab.

We do not authorise holidays during term time. If your child is going to be off school due to an exceptional circumstance, then please complete this form:

Request for Exceptional Absence form in advance for future appointments and exception absence. 

Cheam Common Infants' Absence Form for sickness and same day medical appointments.

As well as being respectful to our neighbours, please can you ensure you adhere to the parking rules within Sainsbury's Local and only park there if you are a customer.

Please ensure you do not obstruct any gates or double park during drop off or collection times.


Thank you for your support.

If you have moved address, it is imperative that you inform the school office as soon as you have moved.  It is a requirement that the school has up to date details particularly in case of an emergency.  

Please email the school office if your details need updating.  Alternatively you can update them using the Arbor App.  

Upcoming Events

First Day of Summer Term

Monday 15th April

Earth Day

Monday 22nd April  

Reception Farm Visit

Tuesday 30th April  

Friends Mufti

Friday 17th May

Last day of Summer 1

Friday 24th May

Friends Summer Fete

Saturday 13th July 

11am - 2pm 

Please check the dates section regularly as dates may change and new dates will be added.


Cheam Common Friends

Friends Update

The Year 2 Tea towel is read to order :

Friends have a Facebook Page so you can find out about upcoming events, please join the group for more information:


Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

Click here for further information and support.  

Please click here for March's Sutton Youth Newsletter.

Online Safety

It's never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren't with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don't know what's happening in their lives or on their devices! Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? Click on the image above for help and advice.  

Children and young people are bound to spend lots more time on devices since Covid. DON’T FEEL BAD – lots will be schoolwork or healthy ways of catching up with friends or having fun. There are many ways to keep them safe, healthy and happy. 

Read these six top tips to help your children to keep safe online.

There are many different views about physical chastisement, but it is widely accepted there are much more effective ways to teach children right from wrong. 

As a local authority, Sutton has seen a number of children coming to the attention of police and social care due to the use of physical chastisement and as such has worked with other local authorities on an initiative to reduce this number. 

In line with this initiative, we agree that anything that causes harm to a child is unacceptable.

As a school, we have a duty to report incidents of suspected or confirmed physical chastisement to social care and the police and this can be with ot without visible bruising, grazes, scratches, minor swelling, cuts as well as stress injuries from prolonged standing, position holding as these are banned by law in the United Kingdom.

Smacking or chastising that does not leave a mark is now illegal in Wales and Scotland, and there is currently pressure being placed on the Government to make it illegal in England and Northern Ireland too. It is therefore important to understand that even if a child has been smacked but no injuries are visible, social care or the police may still choose to take further action.

If you would like support on how to manage your child’s behaviour at home, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. 

Safeguarding Team

Family Support Worker

Family Support Workers

Please click here to access our Family Support Workers portal with lots of information and resources to support you.

Parent Support

Discover Cognus Therapies' Spring Home Programme and unlock a world of engaging activities designed to spark curiosity and promote holistic development. From sensory experiences to creative projects, we've curated a collection that celebrates the vibrancy of the season click here to access the programme. 

Sutton Dyslexia Association 

Next meeting: Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 8pm via zoom.

Dr Helen Ross will be speaking on the topic

 "Dyslexia and mental health issues"


The talk explains what Dyslexia is and and the difficulties that individuals can have which can impact on their engagement and  interaction with the wider world, not just education.

To join, please send your first name, surname and email address to

You will get an acknowledgement of your request and then you will be sent the access details on the morning of the talk so that you can join from 7.45pm.


Sutton’s Local Offer

Discover the support and services available for children and young people with SEND in Sutton. The Local Offer provides a range of resources and information about what you can access in the local area. Visit the Sutton Information Hub to explore the Local Offer:


Please click here for Sutton Education Partnership's Ambitious for SEND newsletter.  You can subscribe to this communication and receive these updates automatically using a link in the form.


Please click here to have your say and complete the Banardo's Children and Young People Survey.   Barnardo’s are asking children and young people with a special

educational need or disability in Sutton what matters most to them regarding support they receive in the community and in their educational setting for SEND.

The London Borough of Sutton is in the process of developing a new SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) strategy for the borough and is really keen to hear the views of children and young people with SEND/additional needs in the Borough. Barnardos are helping with this work. If you are a young person with SEND or additional needs, or a parent/carer of a child with SEND, please do contribute to this review by completing the survey by following the steps below:

1. Read about the survey here, what is being asked and how your privacy will be protected

2. Complete a short consent form here (upon completion you will be emailed a copy of the survey using the email address you provide) 

3. Complete the survey that is emailed to you prior to the 12 April 2024

What children and young people tell us will influence the SEND/AP review and will inform decision makers about what children and young people’s lived experiences are in Sutton and how we can improve them. 

Click here to access the newsletter 

Sutton Library of Things - why buy when you can borrow

You could save money, space and help the environment with a visit to Sutton Library of Things. For a small daily cost, hire tools and equipment, from a carpet cleaner and drill to an ice cream maker and party kit, for those one off activities for your home, projects and adventures. Located in Sutton Central Library, it takes just a few clicks online to reserve your item for collection. There is even a no questions asked 25% discount rate available for anyone who may need it.

Take a look at what's on offer

Parenting Support

London Borough of Sutton's Family Hubs has put together a range pf parenting programmes to support parents parents and carers to develop a greater understanding of child development, build positive relationships and learn skills to deal with challenging behaviour.

Click here to access more information about the programmes on offer.


Please click here for information about Yoga sessions for children 🧘

Please click here for information about an Easter club 🐰

Please click here for information about Worcester Park's Lions cricket club 🏏

Please click here for information about an Easter Techytots Holiday club. 

Click here for information on how to get a free drama session.  

Please click here for information about an 'Easter Day of Dance' at Caroline Butler's School of Dance. 🩰

Please click here for information about an Ultimate Activity Easter Camp at Sutton High School for girls.

Please click here for information about a science Easter club.  

Please click here for information about a girls cricket club.

Please click here to access information regarding Music lessons provided by Cognus Music Service including a free trial lesson.  

Surrey County Council encourages residents to foster

Fostering is an incredibly rewarding experience that can transform the lives of both the children being fostered and the foster carers themselves. Children who enter the care system have often experienced trauma and instability in their lives, and a caring, stable foster family can make a significant difference in their wellbeing and development.

Nationally, there are currently over 70,000 children living with foster families in the UK. However, there is still a significant shortage of foster carers, with around 9,265 new foster families needed in the next year alone. In Surrey, there are over 1,000 children in care and Surrey County Council have just under 400 foster families.

Foster carers come from all walks of life and backgrounds, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fostering. Whether you are single or married, young or old, own your own home or rent, you can still become a foster carer. The most important thing is a willingness to provide a safe and loving home for a child in need.

This is the message that Surrey County Council is promoting in national recruitment film ‘Any of Us’. The short film has been jointly funded by over 80 councils across England and aims to raise awareness about fostering, particularly among those people who may not have previously considered themselves suited to fostering. The film looks at the potential of three people from different backgrounds to become foster carers, and the potential of children they care for to grow and thrive. ‘Any of Us’ will be available to watch from 26 September.

If you have ever thought about fostering, now is the time to take that first step and find out more. The more people who consider fostering, the greater the chance of finding loving, stable homes for children in Surrey who desperately need them.

You can contact Surrey County Council Fostering Service on 0800 096 9626, via email at or by visiting the website;

You can watch ‘Any of Us’ via Any of Us - YouTube and connect with the Fostering Service on social media via @surreyfostering

Dads' Football

Some Cheam Common School Dads get together on a weekly basis to play football and have a good chat. 

Join us in our WhatsApp group! (

See you on the pitch!

Follow LEO on Twitter

Keep up to date with all the news, events & opportunities from across @LEOacademies. You can now follow us at: