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Cheam Common Infants' Academy

Weekly Newsletter

25th November 2022

Cheam Common Infants' Academy: Balmoral Road, Worcester Park KT4 8SS


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter!


Christmas Post Box

This year our Christmas post box will once again be open for the children to send Christmas cards to each other, if you want them to.

Cards can be posted in the Post box, which will be located outside the office, from Thursday 1st December until Wednesday 14th December.

They will be delivered daily from the 5th December.

Children in Need

Thank you to all who supported our Mufti day for Children in Need.

The Cheam Common Schools raised £1028 which will go to support a range of charities.

Our daily sustainable focus

Mindful Monday

Thinking about the impact of our actions (meat free meals, turning off lights, screens, being careful to recycle properly).

Tidy up Tuesday

Collecting rubbish from around the school to protect our local environment and wildlife.

Walk to school Wednesday

Reduce our carbon footprint and improve the air quality in our local community.

Thrifty Thursday

Helping the local community to reduce, reuse and recycle by donating items to school that you no longer require.

Feel good Friday

The Eco Squad reflect and feedback to their classes on the positive impact we have made during the week including counting crisp packets - there will be a prize for the best class at the end of each term. They will also relay positive stories about how scientists are coming up with solutions to our sustainability problems around the world.

Supporting the Trust's Sustainability focus, our Eco Squad have designed daily sustainable focus and they need your help.

Thrifty Thursday

If you have any unwanted tinsel, baubles or children's wellies please give them to the school office.

Thank you

Year 1 - Art

Our Year 1 children have been using the technique of collaging to make their own Mondrian grid artwork.

Shark in the Park

Following reading 'Shark in the Park', our Nursery children made their own telescopes and binoculars as well as identifying rhyming words. Great work!

They have also been looking at all the countries who are competing in the World cup and making flags to support them. Great job!

"You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!"

This week Reception have been looking at the story, 'The Gingerbread Man'. They have role played in the bakers shop, been using their phonics to write “run run” and used their cutting skills to build their own gingerbread men. They have also used the tuff tray to sequence the story and act out using puppets. What a busy week!

Following reading Egg Box Dragon and completing some writing describing the monster, Lester created his own Egg Box monster. Amazing!

Otis was also inspired by the Egg Box Dragon and drew his own dragon. Super!

Oliver was also inspired to make his own Egg Box Dragon - fantastic!

Wellbeing Woofers

This week we were visted by Audrey an 8-week old Cockerdoodle puppy. She was extremely friendly and everyone enjoyed saying hello to her.

Sparrows' have been using toy cars in their science lessons to help them identify which materials make a car go faster. Great investigating!

This week, Year 2 finished their diva lamps which they made while learning about Diwali!

Things to celebrate

Star of the Week Certificates (Week 9)


Fawns/Cygnets - Harry

Rabbits - Riley

Ducklings - Lottie


Badgers - Jude

Foxes - Enzo

Hedgehogs - Jack

Squirrels - Bhavishy

Year 1

Wrens - Zoe

Finches - Joseph

Sparrows - Jessica

Robins - Hallie

Year 2

Owls - Jonathan

Eagles - Isabella

Kestrels - Teddy

Falcons - Aaron

3 Bees Certificates (Week 10)


Fawns/Cygnets - Amelia

Rabbits - Ezra

Ducklings - Isaac


Badgers - Lois

Foxes - Rafi

Hedgehogs - Jazira

Squirrels - Meliha

Year 1

Wrens - Rayne

Finches - Poppy

Sparrows - Harry

Robins - Freddie

Year 2

Owls - Maya

Eagles -Lumi

Kestrels - Ryan

Falcons - Thea

Be Ready to Learn Bee

Year 1 - Yellow Phonics group for being ready to learn, using the correct voice choice and working really hard in their phonics lesson.

Year 2 - Falcons for sitting up straight and being ready to learn and for having sharp pencils and neat handwriting.

Best Attendance

It is important your child is in school if they are well to ensure they do not miss out on any learning.

Week 9 Highest class attendance: Squirrels and Eagles

Certificates and prizes are given termly to those children with 100% attendance.

Doodle Spell

The top 4 children in Year 1 are:

1) Bella - Sparrows

2) Sanchez - Finches

3) Aylin - Wrens

4) Alexander - Robins

The top 4 children in Year 2 are:

1) Khloe - Owls

2) Max - Kestrels

3) Selena - Falcons

4) Ethan - Eagles

Doodle Maths

The top 5 children in Year 1 are:

1) Callum - Robins

2) Amogh - Finches

3) Viaan - Robins

4) Jack - Wrens

5) Rosemarie - Sparrows

The top 5 children in Year 2 are:

1) Stefanos - Kestrels

2) Adam - Eagles

3) Arya - Eagles

4) Linda - Falcons

5) Aysha - Owls



If you are emailing into the office please can you remember to include the class as well as your child's name. It makes it much easier and faster for the office staff to then forward on the message to the necessary teacher.

Parking and Road Safety

When dropping off and collecting your children, please ensure you obey the road markings.

You may NOT park on zig zag lines as this will obstruct the pedestrian's view when they are crossing the road.

When parking, please remember to be considerate to our neighbours and not block their driveways. Please ensure you are respectful of all road signs and prioritise the safety of pedestrians.

We thank you for your help in keeping our pupils safe.

Reading Books

Please can you ensure your child brings their reading book and diary into school every day.

End of Day

Please ensure once you have collected your child they do not climb on any of the school apparatus including the Nursery play equipment and the trim trail. Thank you.

School Fund

A polite reminder that we would be grateful if you could help us to enhance and enrich your child's teaching and learning further by donating to our school fund. This fund helps us provide wider opportunities for example buying materials for Christmas 'making day' or cooking activities.

We would be grateful for a voluntary contribution of £15 per child or £10 if you have more than one child in our Academies.

Payment can be made via your Arbor account. Thank you.


As a healthy school we ask if your child would like to celebrate their birthday, they donate a book to the library instead of bringing treats for the class. The book will help us to grow our library and ensure we are promoting healthy eaters.

We will display a photo of your child with their book in the library.

Upcoming Events

4th Worcester Park Scouts Christmas Fair

Saturday 26 November - 12-3pm

RockSteady Performance

Thursday 8th December 2pm

Elf Run

Friday 9th December

Year 1 and 2 Christmas Productions (at the Church)

Tuesday 13th December at 9:30am

Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am

EYFS Christmas Productions (at school)

Monday 12th December Squirrels & Hedgehogs performance at 2pm

Tuesday 13th December Foxes & Badgers performance at 2pm

Wednesday 14th December Ducklings, Cygnets & Rabbits Christmas Songs performance at 2:30pm

Thursday 15th December Ducklings, Cygnets & Fawns Christmas Songs performance at 9:15am

Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 14th December

Class Parties

Thursday 15th December

End of Term

Friday 16th December School finishes at 2pm

Please check the dates section regularly as dates may change and new dates will be added.


On the 16th December the after school clubs at both the Infant and Junior school will run from when the school finishes until 5pm.

Please collect your child by 5pm on this day.

Thank you


Curriculum Newsletter

Please click on the link below to find out what your child will be learning about this term.



Year 1

Year 2

Word of the Week (Week 11)

Year 1 - Victorian

Year 2 - launch

Poem of the Week (Week 11)

Year 1 - The Land of Counterpane

Year 2 - Children of the Sun

Positive Playtimes (Week 11)

Craze: Skipping rope

Game: What's the time Mr Wolf

Friends events



Looking for the perfect Christmas gift?

Contact Cassie to book your own party or to purchase books.

The Autism Service have created an Autism Support Map with information, resources and videos for a variety of profiles. Click here to access it.

The Trainline have put together a guide to help families book train tickets. They have included ways to help save money on train tickets and child fare information.

Here is the link

Christmas Fair 2022

4th Worcester Park Scouts Christmas Fair

Saturday 26 November - 12-3pm

4th WP Scout HQ, Braemar Road



This winter will be a difficult time for many families and households as, despite the government’s energy cap, they struggle to afford energy bills and cope with the rising cost of food. Churches in Epsom & Ewell, working in partnership with Surrey County Council, are committed to showing God’s love in action. The churches across the borough are aiming to provide a network of spaces where people can go and be warm and enjoy hot food and drinks on different days. As its contribution to this initiative Epsom Methodist Church is supporting a ‘Warm Wednesdays' initiative from November to February

During Warm Wednesdays we’ll also be providing opportunities for people to drop in and talk to advisers about energy saving, accessing grants and benefits and managing family finances.

Click here for more information.

CAP Money Course

The Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Money Course is a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple system to successfully manage your money. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt. Find out more:

Warm Space

Millions of households around the UK will be in fuel poverty this winter. We’re teaming up with SOS!SEN Charity Shop in Worcester Park to offer a free, warm, welcoming space on Friday mornings starting on 11th November. Drop in for free tea and cake. Find out more:

Getting support with your SES Water bills

SES Water are providing drop-in advice sessions this winter to all Sutton residents who pay water bills to SES Water. The sessions will help residents access additional support and payment schemes, as well as advice for residents facing debt.

Find out when and where here.

New Ways November

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