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Cheam Common Infants' Academy

Weekly Newsletter

15th September 2023

Cheam Common Infants' Academy: Balmoral Road, Worcester Park 

KT4 8SS   


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Welcome to our weekly newsletter!


Sutton Schoolswork Assembly 

This week Years 1 and 2 had a visit from Pam and Reverend Hannah from Sutton Schoolswork who delivered an assembly providing time for the children to reflect on what they are grateful for.   


If you have any spare PE clothes please bring them to the school office which we can use as spare uniform.  Thank you 


All Teacher-Led clubs will commence week beginning 18th September

This week's learning


We are so proud of how well our Nursery children have settled.  They have been having great fun making new friends and exploring both the inside and outside learning environments.


Our Reception children have had a wonderful first full week at school.  We read 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and we have had fun retelling the story and making our own books. We have been making patterns and building cars and houses in the outside area. 

Year 1

Year 1 have had a busy week. 

In English they have been writing daily about 'Meesha makes friends', describing what she looks like and writing sentences about her, trying to remember capital letters and finger spaces. This week we have started whole class maths, using part-part whole models finding all the ways to make 5. They even completed their first piece of work in their journals, they were really pleased with themselves. 

In geography they learnt new vocabulary of human and physical features. 

Please ask them and see if they can remember what they are. We also looked at our local area - Worcester Park and the children explored what they might see on their route to school. 

Acting like artists, they made spirals with their whole body before listening to music and making spirals fast or slow, loud or quiet using paint, pastels and chalk.  

It has been wonderful seeing their personalities blossom this week.  Well done Year 1.

Year 2

Acting as mathematicians Year Two have been working with multiples of 10 this week.  They have explored what happens when we subtract ten less from a number. We also used known facts to add and subtract.

Acting like scientists, Year Two have been observing animals and classifying them into groups.  Thank you Mrs Harris for finding us lots of animals to look at closely and providing super non-fiction books for our scientific research.

We hope all our pupils who celebrated their birthday this week had a very happy day.

Thank you to Lester, Molly and Sami who donated a book to the library to celebrate their birthdays.    

As a healthy school we ask if your child would like to celebrate their birthday, they donate a book to the library instead of bringing treats for the class. The book will help us to grow our library and ensure we are promoting healthy eaters. 

We will display a photo of your child with their book in the newsletter. 

Our daily sustainable focus

Mindful Monday

Thinking about the impact of our actions (meat free meals, turning off lights, screens, being careful to recycle properly).

Tidy up Tuesday 

Collecting rubbish from around the school to protect our local environment and wildlife.

Walk to school Wednesday 

Reduce our carbon footprint and improve the air quality in our local community.

Thrifty Thursday 

Helping the local community to reduce, reuse and recycle by donating items to school that you no longer require.

Feel good Friday 

The Eco Squad reflect and feedback to their classes on the positive impact we have made during the week including counting crisp packets - there will be a prize for the best class at the end of each term. They will also relay positive stories about how scientists are coming up with solutions to our sustainability problems around the world.

Coming soon.....

Our Eco Reps for this academic year.  

Things to celebrate

Star of the Week Certificates (Week 2)


Badgers - Nell

Foxes - Millie

Hedgehogs - Gordon

Squirrels - Leo

Year 1

Finches - Briena

Robins - Reeve

Sparrows - Fergus

Wrens - Milo

Year 2

Eagles - Luke

Falcons - Otis

Kestrels - Kenneth

Owls - Cooper

3 Bees Certificates (Week 2


Badgers - 

Foxes - Millie

Hedgehogs - Gordon

Squirrels - Leo

Year 1

Finches - Emily

Robins - Spike

Sparrows - Jacob

Wrens - Elvina

Year 2

Eagles - Yon Woo

Falcons - Millie

Kestrels - Joseph

Owls - Zoe

Be Ready to Learn Bee

Well done to Wrens who were ready to learn by displaying great listening and sitting skills during their part-part whole lesson.

Well done to Falcons for being safe and respectful by transitioning around the school silently and remembering to be on the left hand side.

Mr Honeysett's Be Ready to Learn Sporty Bee

Watch this space for which class Mr Honeysett decides deserves the Sporty Bee!

Best Attendance 

Continue to watch this space to see which class has the highest attendance each week.  


Drop off and Pick UP

Please do NOT allow your child on any of the school's playground equipment while you are dropping off or collecting your child. 

Thank you 

Dalmeny Road - Roadsurfacing

Please click here for information regarding road works which are beginning on Thursday 21st September.

There is no longer an option to report a child’s absence via telephone.  We ask that you use the google forms below to report absence.  They are also available to complete on our website using the parent tab.

We do not authorise holidays during term time. If your child is going to be off school due to an exceptional circumstance, then please complete this form:

Request for Exceptional Absence form in advance for future appointments and exception absence. 

Cheam Common Infants' Absence Form for sickness and same day medical appointments.

If you have moved address, it is imperative that you inform the school office as soon as you have moved.  It is a requirement that the school has up to date details particularly in case of an emergency.  

Please email the school office if your details need updating.  Alternatively you can update them using the Arbor App.  

Upcoming Events

All School Run Club start

Week beginning 18th September

Conversation Cafe - LEO Academy Trust Family Support Team

Friday 22nd September

Harvest Assembly at Christchurch with St. Philip

Year 1 - Thursday 28th September at 9:30am

Year 2 - Wednesday 27th September at 9:30am

Harvest donations

Monday 25th September to Friday 29th September

Friends Coffee Morning for Macmillan

Friday 29th September

Please check the dates section regularly as dates may change and new dates will be added.


Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletters


Year 1

Year 2

Game of the Week - Duck, duck, Goose

Craze of the Week - Skipping


Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

Click here for further information and support.  

Parent Support

Click on the image above to access the site.

The SWLSTG Education Wellbeing Service is offering evening and lunchtime parent Webinars across the year to help support your child’s wellbeing and mental health. You can sign up to any of their free webinars by copying this URL:

Their next webinar will be Through the School Gates- Overcoming Daily Challenges Getting into School, running on the 25th & 26th of September.

Parenting Support

London Borough of Sutton's Family Hubs has put together a range pf parenting programmes to support parents parents and carers to develop a greater understanding of child development, build positive relationships and learn skills to deal with challenging behaviour.

Click here to access more information about the programmes on offer.

Cheam Common Friends

Friends have a Facebook Page so you can find out about upcoming events, please join the group for more information:

To buy tickets for the disco, please click here


Follow LEO on Twitter

Keep up to date with all the news, events & opportunities from across @LEOacademies. You can now follow us at: