Brookfield Primary Academy

The Messenger

Spring 1 Issue


The Messenger is the newsletter which informs you of staff news, forthcoming events and curriculum initiatives. This will be sent out on a half termly basis unless more frequent communication is required.

The intention is that most dates will be on the calendar on our website. However, if new or revised dates are necessary they will be communicated in the most appropriate way to ensure you find out information sooner, rather than later. This will usually be via Parent Mail.

Any further information may be circulated in individual letters either by email or in some cases hard copies will be sent if parental permission is required for an activity.

Our email address is

Our website address is

Our Twitter Account will be instantly updated. Follow us on Twitter: @BrookfieldSM3 and find us on Facebook

Who to Contact?

Please find below a reminder of our procedures for communicating with the school.

The School Office is open daily from 8:00am – 4:30pm

The phone number is 020 8644 8616 (the phone lines are open from 9:15am to 4:30pm

Please report your child's absence by calling the number above via option 1 on our answerphone service on the morning your child is absent (before 9:00 am)

The office staff can deal with all general queries and take messages for our teaching staff. We look forward to working with your children this year. If any problems should arise, please let us know as soon as possible. In the first instance, please speak to your child’s class teacher; a quick chat after school is often all that is needed to deal with any issues before they become a bigger problem. Feel free to contact us in writing or, if you have a greater concern about any issue, please make an appointment to see the relevant member of staff via the school office. Class Teachers, Middle Leaders (which include year leaders and the SENDCo) and the school’s Senior Leadership Team continually monitor every child’s progress and will contact you with any concerns about academic progress, behaviour and application in the classroom. Pastoral care is also offered to the children in their class and across the school. Your child’s class teacher should always be your first point of call with any general concerns that arise. If you need further assistance, or for more serious matters, please contact Mrs Meyrick (Vice Principal), Mrs McCandless (Acting Vice-Principal), Ms Pearson (SENDCo and Acting Year 5/6 Phase Leader) or Ms Wright (Principal) who are always available to help. If you have any concerns about your child with regards any Special Educational Needs please contact Ms Pearson (SENCo).


Clubs are run half termly and termly. Information regarding clubs will be sent out via parent mail for next term.


Over the year we will run a range of workshops for different year groups and curriculum areas.

Regular Reading

We encourage all children to read regularly at home to parents and carers. Please record what your child has read every time they read. The school books are changed regularly.

Entering and Leaving School

Brookfield becomes responsible for the children at 8:40am, when the classroom doors are opened. Registration is at 8:50am and any pupil who arrives after this time must be signed in by an adult at the school office.

At 3:15pm, the pupils in Nursery/ Reception/Year 1 and Year 2 are dismissed. At 3:20pm, pupils in Year 3/4/5 and 6 are dismissed. Please ensure you stand as far back as possible so that teachers and children can see every face. Please inform the school by letter if a regular person other than yourself has permission to pick up your child. If your child is being picked up for a one off occasion, please inform the school office so they can pass the message to the class teacher.

All children should be picked up promptly. If you know you are going to be late please inform the school office. However, we only expect this as a one off. We do not expect children to be picked up late. If your child is regularly left in the school office we will take them over to the after school club – Jancett. You will be charged for the care of your child should this happen. All parents should make appropriate provision to ensure their child is picked up from school at the right time.

Please may I remind you the car park is for the use of staff only.

Detailed information regarding the new drop off and collection arrangements:

Drop off

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 (EYFS Gate)

Parents will come through the Early Years gate and walk their children to the correct class room doors. Pupils to enter the classroom door where an adult will greet them ready for the days learning.

Year 2, 3, 4, Onyx (Year 5) and Quartz (Year 6) (Main Gates - front and back)

The gates will open at 8:30am and parents will have the option to walk with their child on the playground and must stay with them until 8:40am. At 8:40am the classroom doors will open and pupils will be greeted by the adults in the classroom. Parents will then leave the school site; gates will close at 8:50am - please ensure that you are off the school playground by this time.

Moonstone (Year 5) and Sapphire (Year 6) (Main Gates -front and back)

The gates will open at 8:30am and parents will have the option to walk with their child on the playground and must stay with them until 8:40am. At 8:40am the children will walk through the KS2 playground door and along the corridor to their classes. Parents will then leave the school site; gates will close at 8:50am - please ensure that you are off the school playground by this time.

For the older children (KS2), parents can still drop at 8:40am and the children can make their own way to their classroom.


Nursery, Reception and Year 1(EYFS Gate)

At 3:10pm the Early Years gate will be opened and parents will be asked to walk through to collect their children from the classroom door. Due to safeguarding protocol, parents will be asked to line up by the door and the class teacher/TA will then dismiss each child to the correct parent. Please be patient while you are waiting; the adult will do this as efficiently as possible.

Year 2, 3, 4, Onyx (Year 5) and Quartz (Year 6) (Main Gates -front and back)

At 3:10pm the gates will be opened and parents will be asked to walk through and collect their children from the classroom door. Due to safeguarding protocol, parents will be asked to line up by the door and the class teacher/TA will then dismiss each child to the correct parent. Please be patient while you are waiting; the adult will do this as efficiently as possible. If your child is in Year 6 and walk home by themselves they will be dismissed from the classroom by the adult.

Moonstone (Year 5) and Sapphire (Year 6) (Main Gates -front and back)

At 3:10pm the gates will be opened and parents will be asked to walk through and collect their children from the playground. The class teachers will be bring the classes around to the playground and will dismiss from their classroom lines. Please be patient while you are waiting; the adult will do this as efficiently as possible. If your child is in Year 6 and walk home by themselves they will be dismissed from the playground by the adult.

Once you have collected your child please ensure that you leave the school premises as quickly as possible. The gates will close at 3:30pm, after this you will need to go to the office to collect your child.

Playground Equipment

For the safety of all children, whether they are pupils in the school or siblings, the playground equipment is out of bounds and should not be used. Please ensure that you supervise your children at all times to ensure that this is adhered to. The school cannot be held responsible for any injuries (during the drop off and collection times) if your child uses the equipment and injures themselves.

Initiatives, Celebrations and Certificates

  • Star of the Week
  • Golden Tea party weekly draw
  • Attendance
  • Reading award
  • Power of the Pages Reading award
  • 100% Spelling certificates
  • 144 Club
  • Clubs 1 and 2
  • P.E certificates

Other rewards will be handed out regularly / termly to the children

Pupil Voice

There are many ways in which the children will have their views represented to make positive changes for our school.

  • School Council - KS1 and KS2
  • Eco Squad - KS1 and KS2
  • Prefects - Years 2 and 6

Curriculum Initiatives

We try to enthuse children’s interest in areas of the curriculum by adding a spot of competition.

Your children will be aware of the following initiatives:

  • Power Of The Pages
  • Times Tables Rock Stars
  • 144 Club
  • Daily Mile
  • Bug Club - Reading

School Closures

The school will be closed for the children on these days.

Inset dates:

  • Monday 28 October 2019
  • Monday 24 February 2020
  • Friday 8 May 2020 (BANK HOLIDAY)
  • Monday 20 July 2020
  • Tuesday 21 July 2020


  • At Brookfield, we like to celebrate our children's achievements both in and out of school. We hold weekly celebration assemblies where we share our success with everybody. If you would like your child to share their individual achievement in one of our assemblies, please email the school office with details.
  • Class assemblies are held on a Thursday morning and full details are on the website.

Payment for School Activities

All School Activities / Services such as school trips, school fund and school lunches should be paid for via the online payment system ParentPay. New parents will receive an activation letter, which will include a user name and password and instructions on how to access the website.

Any parent can speak to the school office if they require login details but these will be the same as last year if you already have an account.

School Fund:

We have introduced School Fund this year. It is not compulsory however, all funds raised will be used to purchase additional resources for the benefit of the pupils. One of the key things that School Fund contributions will be paying towards this year is additional outdoor play equipment and the development of the new Forest School Area. As well as providing much needed equipment, our budget no longer covers, for example, a new PA system for the hall, which will benefit the children for their class assemblies and school productions/ Christmas performances. The fund also pays for some little extras that the school budget would not be able to sustain.

Thank you for your continuing support and generosity. We ask that each child pays £30 a year or £10 a term. If you have more than one child in the school we ask for £40 a year. We hope that as many parents as possible will be able to make this contribution.

Curriculum Initiatives

Friday 10th January - Year 3 Egyptian Day

Friday 10th January - EYFS Superhero Day

Monday 13th January - EYFS police visit

Friday 17th January - GB Olympic athlete event

(different dates) - Y5 British Museum visit

(different dates) - Y6 Imperial War Museum visit

Wednesday 22nd January - Chinese New Year - LEO event - Dragon Workshop

Friday 31st January - Y3 Saatchi Gallery visit

w/b 27th January - Y4 - Hogsmill Sewage Works visit

Upcoming events:

Monday 3rd February - Young Voices event @ The O2

Thursday 6th February Y2 Garnet - Sutton Ecology Centre

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Thursday 6th February Y2 Crystal - Sutton Ecology Centre

Friday 14th February - Y1 - Emmanuel Church

Friday 14th February - Mufti Day (children can wear their own clothes to school in exchange for a £1 donation)

Super sentence writers

In Reception, all the children are trying to be 'Super Sentence Writers' with our new early morning sentence writing. Every morning the children have to come in and write the super sentences on the board, building up to independently creating their own super sentences. This is teaching the children the essential skills they need to become 'Super' writers. On a Friday two children are chosen as the Super sentence writers. They are allowed to wear superhero capes all day, they get given certificates and have special photos in the window.

School Council

We will be holding monthly “Healthy Snacks” Cake Sales. Each month will be run by a different year group, please see dates below:

Thursday 30th January Year 6

Thursday 27th February Year 5

Thursday 26th March Year 4

Thursday 30th April Year 3

Thursday 21st May Year 2

Thursday 25th June Year 1

Thursday 9th July Reception

From 3pm in the main playground.

We don’t mind if you bake your own or buy them from a shop – all donations welcome. A healthy option suggestion: why not make a few fruit kebabs!

If you are willing to volunteer your help to run our cake sale from 3pm, then please speak to your child’s class teacher. Each year group will be reminded a week before their sale.

Thank you for helping us raise valuable funds, all of the monies raised will go to our School Council who will decide how the money is spent.

School Trips

We have organised a number of school trips for this term. You will be informed via Parent Mail prior to the trip. We are aware that school trips can become very expensive and we endeavour to keep the cost down as much as possible. If a family has financial difficulties we prefer that parents discuss payment plans with the office and make at least a small contribution to the overall cost rather than not paying at all.

School Packed lunches will be offered on all school trips.

Please look at our Twitter feed for the photos of our days out.

All visits have a deadline for permissions and payments . Please ensure you complete the relevant forms and make the necessary payments in the required time. If you are unable to make the payment, please contact the office in advance to discuss. Going forward, if the deadline for the trip/event has passed, you will not be able to sign your child up. Recently, we have had a number of late requests which have proved exceptionally difficult to cater for, due to staffing and logistical reasons.

Sporting Fixtures & Events

Over the course of the year, there will be many sporting fixtures and events available to all year groups and teams. Please follow us on Twitter!

Pupil Premium

I would like to remind all parents who are eligible, to apply for the Pupil Premium Grant. This grant enables the school to provide additional support to our children where needed. Examples of this are, access to extra-curricular clubs and additional support with specific areas of the curriculum.

Any family in receipt of the grants listed below are eligible to apply for this grant, which is then allocated to our school.

  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • Employment & Support Allowance (must be Income Related and not Contribution Based)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run -on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7, 400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Your child may also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:

If all parents who are eligible apply for Pupil Premium, it may result in the school receiving substantial funding which will be used for the benefit of the children, so please apply.

Applying for this grant is very simple, it can be done online at or you can telephone 0208 770 6953 and select the free school meal option. If you feel you would like support in applying for this grant please contact the school office who will be happy to go through this process with you. All applications are confidential within the school.

School Lunches and Packed Lunches

All pupils in Reception/ Year 1 and Year 2 classes are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, please let your child have a school dinner every day and enjoy the various choices on the menu. Menus are available in the office foyer and can also be downloaded from the school website.

Children in Years 3-6 will need to pay for their meals via Parent Pay. Cost of a school meal is £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week. Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your child's account in advance, otherwise no school dinner can be ordered and you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch.

For those children who do still bring in a packed lunch, you may have noticed that your child brings home some of their lunch as we encourage the children to take home uneaten food. This enables you to see exactly what your child is eating at lunchtimes and adapt their lunch accordingly. We ask that packed lunches include healthy options in line with our Healthy School status. Children should not bring fizzy drinks or chocolate bars to school.


Nut Allergies

We have a number of children with nut allergies in school which means that all staff and parents must be vigilant about ingredients we use in school and items put into lunch boxes. No nuts should be put into packed lunches.


Helpers are always needed around the school. If you can spare some time please do come in and see the office. All helpers require a DBS check.

Volunteers must attend a meeting and an interview prior to working in class. It may not be possible for you to volunteer in your child’s own class as we try to share the number of volunteers equally across the school. Please give your name and availability into the school office and the Principal will contact you to arrange a meeting.

School Uniform

School uniform can be purchased in high street shops or from our uniform supplier - Schoolwear Inc. in Worcester Park.

All clothing needs to be clearly labelled.

For the Winter, girls should wear navy sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo, navy skirt/navy pinafore dress or light grey trousers,white polo shirt,black shoes. Boys should wear navy sweatshirt with school logo, light grey trousers, white polo shirt, black shoes.

We also suggest that during the winter months the children bring in navy or black tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt for PE lessons.

Lost property is stored in the red bin located at the entrance of the school.

Please send your child with a coat and sensible shoes as the weather can be unpredictable. No jewellery should be worn in school. Stud earrings need to be covered or preferably removed for P.E. We also ask that boys do not have shaved or patterns in their hair.

School Travel Plan

As you know we encourage families to walk, cycle or scoot to school where possible. I would like to remind you - cycling and scooting are not permitted on the school premises. Anybody caught doing so will be asked to get off their scooter or leave their scooter outside the school gates. Please park bikes and scooters safely and securely and ensure they are clearly named.

Safer parking at the school gates

We realise that there are some parents/carers who have no alternative but to drive their children to school, however, many are driving short distances where walking is a real option. Even those who have to drive to school can do their bit by parking away from the school entrance and walking for part of the journey.

What can you do to help keep everyone safe around the school gates?

  • Please don’t block the road - emergency vehicles and other traffic may need access.
  • Please don't park on yellow lines, zig-zags or block the school entrance.
  • Please don't park on the pavement, across dropped kerbs or residents’ driveways.
  • Please don't park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction.
  • Please don't park where you will cause inconvenience to other road users.
  • Please don't leave your vehicle with the engine still running as the children and adults nearby will be inhaling those dangerous fumes.
  • Please don't stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off, even for a few seconds.

These changes make a real difference to the congestion around school, making the school run less stressful and far safer for everyone. Not only that but they will help your child’s education. Research has shown that children who walk or cycle to school are more receptive to learning at the start of the school day than those who travel to school by car. Stopping or Parking on the yellow zigzags is illegal and is endangering your child.

Please park safely.

Walk to school and save petrol, if you can!

PTFA Events

Please see the school website for a list of the PTFA events.

A message from our PTFA...

Raise money for school for free every time you shop online!

easyfundraising is a great website where you can help Brookfield raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3,300 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S. Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and it’s completely free too! We want raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us! Further details to follow via ParentMail.

Events -

14th February - general mufti £1

28th February - mufti for Easter hamper

5th March - school disco - parent volunteers needed

1st April - prize draw for hampers

7th May - PTA cake sale

Friday 26th June - Summer fair - parent volunteers needed


You will be aware that the school does not authorise any holidays. Very rarely we are able to authorise leave in exceptional circumstances. You must complete a ‘Request for Special Leave’ form which are available from either Office Reception Area or the school website in order for the request to be sanctioned.


  • Children with good attendance achieve much better in their learning
  • Time off disrupts learning for your child, and also for the rest of the class
  • Children who miss school miss out on their right to a full education
  • It is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school regularly
  • Persistent unauthorised absence could lead to court action, including fines

Attendance 96% to 100% - 0 to 7 days missed per year – your child’s good attendance will give them every chance of being a successful learner who makes good progress.

Attendance 92% to 95.9% - 8 to 15 days missed per year – you should try to improve your child’s attendance to make sure they have the best possible chance of success at school.

Attendance 90% to 91.9% - 16 to 19 days missed per year – your child’s attendance is dangerously close to falling to a level which can stop them making progress at school.

Attendance below 90% - 20 or more days missed per year – your child is considered a ‘persistent absentee’ in government statistics, and their poor attendance is putting them at serious risk of underachieving at school.


½ day missed every week = 90% attendance

1 day missed every week = 80% attendance

1 school year at 90% attendance = 4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED

1 school year at 80% attendance = 8 whole weeks of lessons MISSED

By the time a pupil is persistently absent (85% attendance) they have missed 6 weeks or half a term of schooling.

The simple message is: the greater the attendance, the greater the achievement.

Please where possible make dental, medical or other appointments during the holidays or out of school hours. If the appointment is during school hours we will require an appointment letter/card as proof of the appointment. If the appointment is urgent or last minute, please advise the school as soon as possible. Please do not keep your son or daughter out of school the whole day when they have appointments. When a child is collected early for an appointment it is disruptive for the class and the office staff.

Praise and reward good attendance at home and at school. During the year we will reward termly 100% attendance with certificates. Bronze certificate for 100% attendance for one term, silver certificate for 100% attendance for two terms and gold certificate for 100% attendance for three terms.

If a school can improve attendance by 1%, we will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment (Department for Education). Please help us and your son or daughter by ensuring their attendance remains above 97%, allowing them to achieve their full potential.

Registration Group - Attendance Percentages - which class has the best attendance so far this academic year?


  • Pearl - 93.6%
  • Jet - 93.5%
  • Ruby - 95.9%
  • Emerald - 96.5% "WELL DONE EMERALD CLASS"
  • Jade - 93.7%


  • Amber - 96.9%
  • Opal - 97.9% "WELL DONE OPAL CLASS"
  • Amethyst - 97.7%
  • Topaz - 96.4%
  • Moonstone - 96.5%
  • Onyx - 96.4%
  • Quartz - 94.4%
  • Sapphire - 96%

Safeguarding Children

It seems timely to remind all parents that we consider Brookfield a safe place for children. All staff have attended child protection training. This training is updated yearly. The designated staff for child protection are Ms Wright (Principal), Miss Mander (Vice Principal on maternity leave from 9th December 2019), Mrs Meryick (Vice Principal), Miss Pearson (Year 5/6 Lead from 9th December 2019 and SENDCo) and Mrs McCandless (EYFS Lead and Acting Vice Principal from 9th December 2019). If a disclosure is made by a child, if a mark is noted on a child or if another adult makes an allegation regarding a child protection issue, it will be dealt with by one of us. It will also be discussed with the parent of the child. It will be reported as necessary to Children’s services, following advice and a risk assessment. All incidents are recorded and securely stored.


  • If your child suffers from asthma they must have an in-date, spare inhaler in school at all times along with a spacer. These should be given to the office who will store them securely. Please check on a yearly basis that the inhaler is still fit for purpose. Please also ensure any child with an allergy has appropriate medication in school, i.e Epipen/Piriton etc. This could be life-saving.
  • Please leave buggies and prams outside the school buildings, as it could be very hazardous in an emergency.
  • Please remember that all children in KS2 are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or vegetables to school for a mid-morning snack during playtime. Many children are really hungry by lunchtime and will be happier and learn better if they have eaten something at playtime.
  • Only children in Year 6 are permitted to bring a mobile phone into school and only if absolutely necessary. Phones are stored in the office during the school day.
  • No pets in the playground please especially dogs! (Excluding guide dogs). This includes owners carrying their dog in their arms. We cannot permit any pets on the premises.
  • No smoking is allowed anywhere in the school or grounds.
  • I would like to urge parents to remember to park thoughtfully and not park in front of the local residents’ drives or on the yellow zig zag lines in front of the school. We would like to see as many families and staff as possible walking, cycling or scooting to school.
  • Please ensure that you look at your ParentMail and ParentPay accounts as we are a paperless school and all information is sent via these portals. If you have any queries, please contact the school office.

School Tours

You are always welcome to come and meet our best ambassadors, our learners. Every day is an open day and although our website will give you an insight into our daily life and facilities, it will possibly not answer all of your questions. The atmosphere and ethos of our school is less easy to convey and nothing is quite as good as a personal visit, so why not call us to come and take a tour of our lovely school. Please contact the school office to book an appointment.

Diary Dates

Please regularly check the calendar on the school website for any change of dates and additional dates for new events.

Parent Noticeboard

LEO Lottery

  • Start supporting us TODAY for only £1 per week.
  • Buy a ticket this term and you could win £25,000.
  • 40% of the ticket sales goes to our trust.
  • There is a GUARANTEED cash prize winner every week.
  • It only takes a couple of minutes to buy a ticket
  • Click here to buy your tickets today.
  • Tickets can be purchased by anyone over the age of 16 including parents, staff, family members, friends and work colleagues so please help us promote this new initiative. The more tickets we sell, the bigger the prize pot!

You can make a BIG DIFFERENCE to our trust!


£12.23 - £13.61 per hour

The Sustainable Transport Team is seeking to recruit Cycle Instructors in the Sutton area to deliver Bikeability, the national cycle training programme for children. As one of our professional trained instructors you could earn up to £420.16 per week to deliver our standard Bikeability courses involving 20 hours of contact with riders plus time for course administration and travel. Our Bikeability sessions are typically 10.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 15.00, plus travel time. All instructors must train on a 4-day National Standard Instructor course. It is an advantage if you already hold this qualification although not essential as training will be arranged for the right candidates.

So if you are a regular cyclist, have good road sense, are a good communicator and enjoy working outdoors, then this could be just the job for you. If appropriate you will receive further training in First Aid and Cycle Maintenance.

For an informal discussion about these positions please telephone Eric Chasseray, Sustainable Transport Officer on 020 8547 5826 or email