Welcome to Lemonade Consulting! 

Financial consulting for
creative & international pioneers

Lemonade Consulting provides financial consulting aimed at making you a self-reliant pioneer. All with a fair price tag.

Let's be straight, are you running into any of these problems?

Yes? Then you came to the right place.

We are going to take your financial lemons and turn them into lemonade. My aim is to make you self reliant in your business by providing you with the help you need. We can consult with you on how to streamline your administrations, while you keep them yourself and receive tailored assistance for a reduced price tag. We are also happy to take on your administrations so you can focus on the creative practice, international adventure or start-up business that you love doing.

Solutions, you ask? How about:

What is Lemonade Consulting about?

My name is Jan van Egmond and I believe our money should support who we want to be. Not be a burden to keep you up at night. As a multiple small business owner and artist myself, I know the struggles that creep up on you along the way. During the corona pandemic, I started helping people for free to remedy their financial stress. That’s when I got thinking: what if we can create financial self-confidence to those who need it the most, in a socially responsible way?

Hence, Lemonade Consulting was born. Tailor-made consulting to make you a self reliant pioneer, charged at a fair fee. We service both starting and established creatives and freelancers, providing a reduced fee for people with lower incomes next to our regular fee.

Our expertise lies in the creative and artistic sector, helping you deal with questions of fulltime self-employment, handling subsidies and alternative or foreign earnings, consulting for pension and insurances and your unique cases of "How do I even handle this project / client / invoice?!?!". With that, we focus on Eenmanszaken, VOF's and Stichtingen. We explicitely do not service BV's and employment administrations, but are happy to find you a referal among our colleagues.

Whether you are an established professional artist, a Dutch creative freelancer, international expat, or simply started your own business: you deserve the confidence to stay financially fit. So you can focus on what you love doing most.

The Lemonade Team

Edel Saedi

Edel is a fourth-year L.L.B student of International & European Law that started working with Lemonade Consulting early 2022. As she has specialization courses in commercial law and has her main interest within tax law, she has a good comprehension of the field and is happy to assist in any business and tax inquiries. Edel further takes part in the business development and impact measurement of Lemonade Consulting for quality growth!

Jelle de Bruijn

Jelle is a second-year BSc Global Sustainability Science student with a keen eye for system analysis, data management and programming! With a background in website & algorithm development and an interest in social & financial impact business development, he is working on the workflows both within the company as well as client-related automation! Enthusiastic to learn, he holds responsibility for the digital domain of Lemonade Consulting, and will soon start with the accounting & bookkeeping for clients!

Our service package offerings

Please find below an overview of our four service packages. These are based on an annual subscription that tailors to your wants and needs throughout the year. Each package is based on an hour budget that is available for the needs that you have, ranging from "income tax only" to "monthly administrations and regular consulting".

You can likewise request an individual consultation, for which you will receive a specific price offering. Such consultations are billed at €70 per hour for regular incomes, or €50 per hour for incomes below €20.000 annually, and rounded to 5 minutes.

Yearly Assistance - For the annual income tax declaration and simple questions throughout the year. Best suited to individuals [particulieren] and small Eenmanszaken and VOF's, including KOR registered business owners.

Pricing per year, billed in 1 installment: €350 for regular incomes or €250 for low incomes (below €20.000 annually)

Quarterly Assistance - For both the quarterly BTW aangiftes and annual income tax declaration. Best suited to small business owners such as Eenmanszaken, VOF's and Stichtingen, who keep their own administration but want regular assistance, checkups and room for extra consultations.

Pricing per year, billed in 4 quarterly installments: €650 for regular incomes or €450 for low incomes (below €20.000 annually)

Light Administrations - For outsourcing your whole administrations, including the quarterly BTW aangiftes and annual income tax declaration. Best suited to growing business owners who find that their time is best spent on their practice than on menial tasks. You might already find this to be the case with a profit of more than €20.000 annually. And with a growing practice, you may also have regular questions that require consultation, for which this package has extra time budgetted.

Pricing per year, billed in 4 quarterly installments: €800

Regular Administrations - For outsourcing your whole administrations, including the quarterly BTW aangiftes and annual income tax declaration. Best suited to established business owners with stable revenue and a sizable administration, who simply need an expert to handle their tax obligations and for them to call upon with complicated questions.

Pricing per year, billed in 12 monthly installments: €1.260

You can find the full offering information per package in our Overview of our new service packages, in English and Dutch. Please note that we focus on the creative and artistic sector, specializing in Eenmanszaken, VOF's and Stichtingen. We do not service BV's or handle employer's administrations, but are happy to provide you with a referal to our colleagues. All prices are excluding 21% BTW, Terms & Conditions apply.

Please reach us at info@lemonadeconsulting.nl for your queries and contact requests.