Seekers of Science

year 6 science lesson

Secondary School Taster Lesson

STEM Project for Easter

Fun things for you to try at home before you start at LAB

US challenge cards with cover.pdf

Challenges for you (and your family)

The experiment below was filmed by Mr Cowie in Lockdown for his Yr7 classes! This also matches the first document above (Secondary School Taster Lesson. Look at the presentation first then watch the videos!)

You can try this at home... As long as you are SAFE and have your parents help and permission.

Give it a go!

Acids and Alkalis 1 Introduction and

Part 1

Introduction and Method.

A demo to watch or an experiment to try at home!

Acids and Alkalis 2 Results.MOV

Part 2

Introduction and Method.

A demo to watch or an experiment to try at home!

Acids and Alkalis 3

Part 3


Any suggestions for other acids and alkalis we can find at home