Parents & Caregivers

Brooke Kohler, MA, Lehigh University

Maybe if you have been on an airplane, you have heard the oxygen mask rule: in the case of an emergency, you ought to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others. We can't help others, or continue to help others, if we have not taken care of ourselves first.

We can certainly think about the oxygen mask rule during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This is a first-time experience for everyone, and we are all learning how to navigate uncharted territory. Maybe you are making the shift to teaching at home, or are attempting to balance your own work schedule while making sure your kids are supported. Maybe you are an essential worker and caregiver, and have noticed increasing feelings of stress, frustration, or anxiety.

Just thinking about your personal stress might make your thoughts spiral, your chest tighten, and your brow furrow. Stress can be experienced mentally, physically, and emotionally: influencing your mood, causing irritability, and even resulting in angry outbursts. Take a deep breath. Whatever your experience, we want to remind ourselves of the oxygen mask rule. How can you support yourself first through self-care, and then support your family and loved ones?

This page is curated into three steps: offering ways to (1) support your own self-care practice, (2) build awareness in identifying signs of stress and trauma, and (3) develop skills to support your kids, teens, and families. With these steps in mind, you can build awareness, knowledge and skills around your own self-care, and how to best help and support your family.

If you are in need of additional support, the "Help Essentials" section provides resources for emergency necessities, including local resources to food, shelter, baby and infant essentials, and behavioral health resources.

Together, we can support and take care of ourselves and each other. If you have additional questions or resources to share, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Step 1: Self-Care

Using the resources below, build your own self-care practice. Choose strategies that resonate with you, and see if you can implement them into your day and when you notice feelings of stress.

4 Self-Care Strategies to Avoid Parental Burnout

Self-Care Starter Kit

Mindfulness Exercises for Overwhelm

Mindfulness Exercises for Uncertainty

Mindfulness Practices for Adults - Shanthi Project

Black Lives Matter Meditation

Love and Kindness Meditation (Spanish)

Liberate Meditation

Step 2: Build Awareness: Signs and Impact of Stress and Trauma

These resources provide information on how parents, kids and teens exhibit stress during challenging times. Familiarize yourself with the signs, and perhaps think about how your family or loved ones may show stress.

Stress and Coping, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Disaster and Trauma Responses of Children, American Counselor Association

Kids Need All Adults to Report Abuse During COVID-19 Crisis