life in the lab

Science is hard. But it’s also fun! 

In the Fredin Group, we want to make sure that everyone experiences a positive, engaging, hostility-free, challenging, and rewarding group environment. 

My goal is to remain open to new ideas and different ways of doing things as I work with and mentor my students.

In graduate school/academia there can be be culture of more work is always better. In contrast, I believe we all contribute our best work when we have balance in our lives. I purposefully and unapologetically create time to pursue other parts of my life like weight training, going running, baking treats, or reading novels. These activities contribute to my mental health and make me a complete person. I expect my students to be mindful of these aspects of their own health and well being.

By working together, being careful, asking for help, supporting others, and building results through small steps our goal is for every student to find their ideal career and scientific path. We do this through implementing science backed tools (some listed below) and meeting regularly one-on-one and in small groups to keep track of long and short term progress. 

Group Manual: Here is a recent (2020) copy of our group manual. 

Semester Quad Chart: Three times a year (each semester and summer), we make a plan to reflect on your progress and identify SMART goals for the upcoming term. 

Yearly IDP (Individual Development Plan): A Sigma Xi survey showed that trainees with a structured plan are more satisfied, more productive and have fewer conflicts with their PI. IDPs (1) provide a structure to systematically establish goals and take stock of progress on your PhD and (2) help you plan and prepare for your future.