College of Education
Resources for Registration
Academic Calendar (class start, registration deadlines, etc.)
Check the Registrar's degree audit tools for information to track progress toward meeting academic program requirements and degree completion.
Actions to Prepare for Registration
*Does not apply to newly admitted students registering for their first semester of coursework at Lehigh.
Advising Meetings/Receive Registration PIN
Check your Lehigh email frequently for information on registration and advising.
Follow instructions sent from advisor/program coordinator regarding advising meetings and/or course selection and PINs.
Course Permissions/Overrides for Registration
Review course schedules on COE web site. Pay attention to special approval, field work, and notes columns.
If your advisor approved a course that requires permission/override, reach out to your program coordinator and cc your advisor requesting permission. Please include the full course number, section, and CRN.
In Banner, you can review course restrictions and when permissions are required by clicking on the title of the course, then on "Restrictions," see "Special Approvals." For prerequisites, click on "Prerequisites" box.
Only students who are enrolled in the Global Distance program should register for Z section courses, e.g., EDL467-Z10
I am not planning to register*
If you are not able to register for a semester, you are advised to take a leave of absence. Please use this link to review the policy and complete the leave of absence form.
Account Holds*
Check your Lehigh account for holds. Log on to Banner ( --> Banner --> Student Academic Records --> View Holds). Please continue to check holds, as they can be added at any time. A hold will prevent you from registering.
Returning from a Leave of Absence*
Complete the return paperwork. It will take a few days for your records to be made active and the registration PIN to generate.
Lehigh Connect Actions/Preregistration Survey*
Students need to complete the pre-registration survey prior to registration.
Registration Tips
Check registration dates and times here for each semester.
Have your registration PIN available.
Please be sure you have the CRN #s for the courses you should be registering for, particularly when there are multiple sections of the same course. This number is on the course COE course schedule.
If you encounter a registration issue that is not related to needing permission/override, reach out to the Registrar's Office. Online chat is available in real time during business hours or send an email. ALWAYS send a screen shot of the error message!
If the class is full, please register to the wait list. See instructions here.
Important registration reminders!
Only students who are enrolled in the Global Distance program should register for Z section courses, e.g., EDL467-Z10
For those registering in a variable credit course, e.g., dissertation/dissertation MOC, please be sure to adjust the credits as needed. This video will show you how to adjust credits:
For doctoral students: Registration requirements are located in the doctoral program requirements and procedures.
If you have taken all your coursework and are now registering for dissertation credits, please be sure to register for 3 credits of Dissertation.
For those who have entered candidacy (successfully proposed), register for 1 credit of Maintenance of Candidacy (MOC). See instructions above when registering in a variable credit course.
Please ensure you are aware of late registration fees and registration deadlines.
Last day for online registration (without instructor permission)
Last day to add online with instructor permission; last day to drop without a "W"
*Always review the Academic Calendar as dates are subject to change*
Registration Forms
Practicum in University Teaching Approval Form. If you are registering for Practicum in University Teaching, you must complete this form and have this form approved prior to registration.
Independent Study Form. If you are registering for Independent Study, you must complete this form with the faculty mentor and have it approved prior to registration.
Who to Contact
For general registration questions, please reach out to your program coordinator.
For questions related to course planning, please reach out to your advisor.
For technical registration issues, please reach out to the Registrar as noted above.