
Revelations 19:9 And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

Celebrating marriage this year reminded us how much we look forward to the things yet to come. As we celebrate the birth of Christ again, it is with joy that we wait for Him to return and attend the ultimate marriage supper of the Lamb!

Natalie's wedding to AJ was the highlight of the year. It was fantastic to have friends and family enjoy this event with us. The Lord is good! Natalie continues to calculate pensions (mostly working from home) while AJ is Assistant Director of Maintenance at St. Luke's.

Anthony is on year 4 at the University of Florida with a major in Digital Arts and Sciences. He continues to work AV at the student union and we are glad whenever he and Isabel come to visit.

Jacob and Mallory keep more than busy in Austin. They like having friends over and continue to be great encouragers to many students as they teach, coach and lead.

Becky is still working at Servpro while I'm going into my 19th year at St. Luke's. We are still adjusting to the empty nester life and the Lord is giving us plenty of work to do for Him. Becky had carpal tunnel surgery and shoulder surgery this year. I had a torn retina with surgery in June just before the wedding. :/

At the end of 2017, I started tearing off our roof to repair hurricane damage. So the start of 2018 meant long hours trying to finish the work! (The heaviest December rain storm in many years created an extra challenge!) It was fun once it was done and I learned that I'm older than I used to be. :)

My Dad fell asleep on Good Friday and went to heaven on Saturday night. It was quite an amazing Easter morning to celebrate and realize that dad was singing joyfully in heaven! Mom continues to live at the Lutheran Haven and enjoys keeping busy with her activities and friends.

We celebrated Becky's mom's 80th birthday in September in Iowa and Becky was able to visit again in December. We thank the Lord for our parents!

We saw many family and friends this year!

Call. Write. Email. Visit! Each day, we know that the Lord is working and caring for us. We pray that you experience His peace in 2019 and beyond. Connect to Christ in 2019. Merry Christmas!!!

2017 Christmas 2016 Christmas Previous Christmas letters.