Winter Wellbeing Pebble Competition

Winter can be a challenging season, particularly for those struggling with mental health issues or feeling isolated from lockdown restrictions. In order to promote self care and good wellbeing, we designed a project where students created their own decorated pebble and hid it in a public location for others to find. We encouraged students to incorporate the wellbeing theme into the design of their pebbles by creating a presentation displaying various organisations, with many students opting to promote mental health and wellbeing charities or services. This activity helped to raise awareness of a range of physical and mental health issues, as well as advocating lines of support available both locally and nationally. Students thoroughly enjoyed exploring their creative abilities, discussing the causes they are passionate about as well as sharing their creations with the community.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Sunflowers and blackout poetry brightening up the hallways in the Childhood and Education department during Mental Health Awareness week!

In the classroom

Some pictures of Childcare students working in the classroom and showing that creativity wasn't limited by the pandemic.