Title 1/Parent Engagment

Title/Family Engagement


Lexile scores gauge how well a student reads and understands texts. Lexile levels are monitored 4 times a year.  To determine your child's most recent lexile, use your child's most recent Georgia Milestones data or Fastbridge Universal Screener data to locate their lexile level. 


Below are instructional programs that allow students to watch videos for extra support and practice from home. Students will need to use their school email to log in to these programs through CLEVER.COM. 

ELA, Math, and Science

ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies

The link above provides access to various resources that will help prepare your child for the Georgia Milestones Assessment in the Spring. The study guides provide questions and answers similar to what will be presented on the Georgia Milestones Test. 

Parent Portal 

Stay up to date with your child's progress.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT LCMSE @ 903-3500 or email Erin Peavy at peavyer@lee.k12.ga.us.