Most of the information below can also be found on the course syllabus and learning expectations link. Please review the information so you are clear on classroom policies and procedures.


Students are expected to be respectful to their peers, their teachers, all property within the school, and most importantly themselves, at all times. Students and the Teacher will create our classroom norms the first week of school and our community will be responsible for following them. Negative behavior will be handled following the discipline steps below:

  1. Warning (may include verbal or non-verbal cues)

  2. Behavior Ticket - written ticket that list student misbehavior. Student will sign ticket and meet with teacher at end of class to discuss violation.

  3. Behavior Action Plan - note will be sent home for both guardian and student to sign and develop an action plan to stop negative classroom behavior for student. Student will also be required to stay for after school detention. Teacher will also call guardians to discuss behavior plan and make arrangements for detention pickup.

  4. Office Referral - If a student is still misbehaving after having been through the previous steps, all previous documentation of behavior will be included in a discipline referral to the office to be handled by administration.

*Some offenses are severe enough to warrant IMMEDIATE Office Referral. Some examples may include but are not limited to fighting, violence of any kind, foul language, bullying, extreme behavior to be determined by teacher.*

Cell Phones

All students have access to a chrome book for use within the classroom therefore, cell phones are not necessary for educational purposes unless deemed by the teacher for use. Students are expected to place their phones in their assigned number pocket in the cell phone holder. They may utilize the charging station while in class. Once a week, the pocket holder will be checked and if the phones are in the correct place, students will receive bonus points for an assignment for that week. For safety, the pocket holder is next to the teacher desk area away from other students. Students who violate the cell phone policy will be disciplined following the below steps:

  1. Warning to put the phone away.

  2. Teacher will take up phone until the end of students class period.

  3. Teacher will take up phone until the end of the day in which student can pickup at car rider dismissal bell. Teacher will also call guardian to discuss student misuse of phone.

  4. Teacher will take phone up and turn into the office for parent pickup.


It is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY to complete work missed while they are absent. All work with the exception of labs is posted in google classroom along with a weekly calendar for students to refer to see missed work. If you are out please look on the "Week at a Glance" calendar and complete the assignment for that day. You have a week to get it turned in.

If you missed a quiz or test while you were out, you will need to make it up during advisory or set up a time with me. You will only have ONE WEEK to makeup a quiz or test.

Grading Policy

Students will be evaluated using a variety of assessment techniques, including tests, quizzes, lab assignments, readings, and projects. The evaluation criteria are as follows:

  • 60% SUMMATIVE grades evaluate how much you have learned on specific content. Tests will be given after each Unit and are 100 pts each. Projects are assigned throughout the year at 100 pts each. Quizzes are given throughout the unit to assess student understanding, they are 25 pts each. Daily bellwork known as "PrimeTimes" are graded daily for 5 pts and counted as a weekly quiz grade of 25 pts.

  • 40% FORMATIVE grades evaluate how the student is learning and is used to improve student learning of material. Assignments include any activity that is graded in detail, including lab reports, worksheets, stations, and any other class work.

*Grades are generally posted once a week on Fridays unless it is a major project.

Late work/Homework

Late work will be accepted at a penalty and under the following conditions:

  1. You do not make it a habit to turn in work late. Repeat offenders will lose this privilege.

  2. Students must put in the extra effort to turn assignments in late. This means coming in during advisory to complete work, asking for one on one help, etc.

  3. Late work is only accepted for a two week period after the assignment due date. That is more than enough time to catch up on any work you missed. At some point, you have to take responsibilty for yourself and do what your supposed to do.

  4. Late work penalities will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Homework is not generally assigned in my classroom. On the occassion you might have to work on a project. I do ask each student to review your notes for at least 10 minutes every night. This study habit will help you retain more information than you think and will help content stay fresh in your mind!


When you cheat on an assignment, your only hurting yourself. Science is about discovery of concepts and understanding the world that surrounds us. In this class you are asked to think for yourself, make your own observations, and develop your own understanding of our world. Do not dishonor yourself with copying off someone else's work OR allowing someone to pressure you to copy your work. If you do the following consequences will occur:

  1. Depending on the assignment- both parties (the original worker and the cheater) will have to redo their assignment in their own words and provide an explanation of why they cheated or allowed someone to copy off them. Point penalties will also occur. This will also warrant a behavior action plan ticket.

  2. If it is a test, both parties will automatically receive zeroes for the test and not allowed to make up test. This will result in a behavior action plan ticket.


  1. Students should go to the bathroom before they get to class.

  2. If you arrive before the tardy bell, you may set down your belongings and ask to go then. Keep in mind your responsible for completing your prime time within the timeframe.

  3. You may ask if you have completed your assignment for the day.

*Do not ask to go to the bathroom EVERY DAY- I usually allow you to go 3 times during the nine week period.


Per school policy, students are allowed 7 tardies per nine weeks for each class. That is more than generous. After 7 tardies, students will receive an office referral resulting in administrative discipline. Teachers maintains a tardy log and will warn student when they are approaching more than 3 tardies to class.