3 Tiers of Serives
Tier1: Enrichment within the General Classroom Setting
Differntiation within the classroom through the means of tiered curriculum materials. tiered assignments, interest and learning centers, and targeted learning materials
Whole class STEAM Investigations led by the STEAM and Enrichment Teacher.
Tier 2: Enrichment beyond the General Classroom
Enrichment Events and Clubs offered for all students through in-school and after school curricular and extra-curricular activites. Examples: after-school clubs, leadership opportunities, PTA-Sponsored events, recess clubs
Invitational small group Interest Clusters based on student academic strengths and interests which take place during the regular school day.
Tier 3: Independent Inquiry
A small number of students may require more advanced instruction than can be provided through tier 1 and tier 2. When this occurs, indpendent inquiry projects will be chosen along with the student.
Student will be considered for tier 2 and tier 3 enrichment based on a variety of measures. Teacher recommendation, NWEA MAP school district percentiles, grade level benchmark tests, work samples and parent surveys will be considered in the identification process. All recommendations will be made by a committee consisting of 3 or more people.