Homework Tips

Homework will vary day to day but some assignments will stay consistent. Students will be responsible for keeping an agenda book to help keep them organized. It is imperative to check your child's agenda book daily for any notes, news or up coming projects. In math class there will be homework on a daily basis.

Helpful Homework Tips:

Homework will be a daily activity to help your child develop responsibility, organization, and will reinforce the skills taught in class.

If possible, set up a quiet, comfortable space with good lighting and the school supplies that your child needs.

Ask your child if they understand their homework. If they do not, please write a note in their agenda book for their teacher to see, and encourage them to ask questions in class or to seek help.

Students will use their agenda books to record their homework on a daily basis for all subjects. This tool will help your child keep their assignments organized, along with recording test dates, and up coming projects. Organization is key!!!

Parents check agendas/teacher websites for news, test dates, and or up coming projects.

Complete homework neatly, neatness counts!

Completion of homework is an important piece of your child's marking period grade.

Homework is an essential piece to the learning puzzle!