La clase de español


Señora Maxwell

Parc Güell, creado por Antonio Gaudí, Barcelona, España

!Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

Soy Sra. Maxwell, la profesora de los grados quinto (5th), sexto (6th), séptimo (7th) y octavo(8th).

Este año va a ser un poquito diferente. Each grade level will meet one marking period of the year.

Many of the assignments are on the Internet and they can be hyperlinked to from the Google Classroom. On Google classroom you will find the notes of what we cover in class. Here I will post videos and websites for more practice on your own. You can also go on and redo the Boom cards assigned.

Hasta Pronto, Sra. Maxwell

Grado quinto Grado séptimo

Grado sexto Grado octavo