History Pages

First Presbyterian Church of Leb was founded on January 4, 1840 and as of the end of June 2024, our church, First Presbyterian Church of Lebanon Indiana or FPC for short, is only 6 months away from the 185th anniversary of its birth back on January 4, 1840. I, Neal Crouse, am beginning a series of blog posts to our church's blog site that will slowly tell the story of FPC. Along the way, I also hope to introduce you to the people and families that have been a part of that story, both in the past and today. Whether you have been around long enough to have experienced many of the events that will be described, or if you are a relative newcomer wishing to catch up on where the church has been, welcome to this FPC History series of posts. I hope to provide frequent posts and see you here often. Let me know any additions or corrections to the stories you might have.

On the Blog page, you can select the Topic "Church History" to see only postings on that topic.

So, see you in the next post, which gives a brief history of Presbyterianism in this country, especially as it relates to FPC.