Spring Spotlight

While we will always have a menu of options to choose from based on your student's interests and needs, roughly each 9 weeks there will be one specific area we'll spotlight that we encourage ALL of our Learnwell students to REACH for!  Check out the video to hear more about this season's spotlight.

Art BLOSSOMS Everywhere!

Hey Reachers! This season's spotlight is all about that ART! We can't wait to see your creativity in action at this year's Arts Showcase on Thursday, March 21st, at 4:30pm.   Whether your passion is performance art, digital art, or physical art, we've got a spot for you!  Learn more about the showcase, get answers to frequently asked questions and find the registration links for participation on our Arts Showcase page.  

Looking for additional SPRING Enrichment Inspiration? Consider REACHing for one of these!

English Language Arts (ELA)

These ELA based enrichment options are sure to take root.


We're counting on these unbe-leaf-able math-themed extension opportunities to bring in some fun!

Performing & Visual Arts

Let your creativity BLOOM
Here are some of our favorite spring-inspired ideas - don't forget to enter your creations in March's Arts Showcase:

Drawing/Painting tutorials:
Younger grades
Favorite spring "How to Draw" lessons
Salt Rainbows
Warm/Cool Heart Prints
Middle - Upper grades
Creating incredible flowers by String Painting
Create easy but exquisite flower doodles or discover these no-fail watercolor beauties!

Animals and Rainbows:
- Create a PomPom Zoo!  (younger students will need help)
- Easy Origami Rainbow Circle Fan (younger-middle grades)
- Watercolor paint your pet!(middle-upper grades)
- "Zen tangle" a rainbow or animal of your choice

Spring Art contests to enter:
Children's Favorite Bird Art Contest (deadline is 2/29/24)
Science Without Borders Art Contest (ages 11-19 - due 3/4/24)
Google Doodle Art Competition (deadline 3/14/24)
CelebratingArt! Art contests (deadline 4/1/24)

Spring Performing arts ideas:
- Create a spring playlist using Spotify, Prime Music, etc.
- Put a spring-themed poem to music.
- Pick a song that reminds you of spring and
choreograph your own dance for it.
- Imagine yourself as a seed and act out all the stages of plant development - OR create a stop-motion video that
shows plant development.
- Grab some friends and a Bible and re-enact the Easter story.

Physical Education

Spring into action with these movement-oriented activities picked just for you:

Science, Technology & Engineering

These Science, Technology & Engineering opportunities are sure to make your curiosity come alive!

Social Studies & History

Dust off the cobwebs with these stimulating
Social Studies & History related ideas: