Unit 7

This unit is an introduction to the do your :bit project. The do your :bit project brings together the micro:bit and the United Nations Global Goals to provide your students with inspiring and exciting digital project ideas for real world solutions.

Themes: Global Goals for Sustainable Development

Watch the following introduction video about Global Goals.

The 17 Global Goals:

CONSULT the Global Goals for Sustainable Development website.

TEACHER: Carry out the following activities with your students.

Activity #1 - Global Goals superpower!
In this activity students will explore how they could achieve the Goals if they could do anything (approx. 30 minutes).

Activity #2 - Think like you are the President!
In this activity students will discuss why we need the Global Goals (approx. 15 minutes).

Activity #3 - Connecting the Global Goals to Real-Life
In this activity students will explore how they could help achieve the Goals and what that future would look like (approx. 30 minutes).

Here is the guide to the do your :bit project: Download Guide (.doc)

Each year the United Nations designate 2 goals to focus on for the coming year. Join the global crusade to address this year's goals, or tackle the others with your group.

This year's Global Goals are #3 Good Health and Well-Being and #13 Climate Action

GOAL 3 - Download Guide

GOAL 13 - Download Guide