About LIFI

A brief history

LIFI was started in July 2020 with the vision: पढ़ेगा हर बच्चा, बढ़ेगा हर बच्चा (Every child thrives): Access, Learn, Retain, Educate.  LIFI has worked with more than 700 children pushed out of the education system in the last two and a half years, having started in the middle of the pandemic. 85% of the children went back to schools as they got reopened in these multiple contexts. LIFI has worked with 24 Youth Teacher Leaders in 3 states - UP, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. 

Youth Teacher Leaders with children 

Our Model

LIFI works with an empowered cadre of local Youth Teacher Leaders (YTLs) who ensure excellent learning opportunities for children within their own contexts and enable their retention on sustainable learning pathways that includes not just formal schools but also open schools and other vocational training centres. 

We work with most passionate people who want to bring about a meaningful change in the education scenarios of their communities via a 2 years Fellowship program called LeAD UR India Fellowship. 

In the 2 years journey, they get mentored to work with the children (leveraging on their strengths) post which they identify more such leaders who can join the Fellowship, thereby creating a chain of local leaders. 

The unique aspect of our Fellowship is that we also implement it in collaboration with other organisations to create a support system for children throughout the country. This is done to ensure support for migrant children.

Youth Teacher Leaders in action
Students Learning through fun ways