Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process by which children & adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (CASEL, 2020).  Click here to watch a video explaining SEL.  

Research has shown that students engaged in explicit SEL instruction demonstrate better coping skills, behavior, and perform better academically compared to peers that do not receive this instruction (CASEL, 2020). 

Learning First provides a comprehensive Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to address the social emotional learning needs for our students.  

All students in our building receive direct instruction around SEL skills through our Open Circle (K-5) and Circle Forward (6-8) curriculums in the classroom.

Students in need of additional targeted skill  work can participate in small group or individual work. We use evidenced- based interventions such as Why Try, Zones of Regulation, Strong Kids, and Social Thinking.  Supports such as classroom strategies,  mentoring, lunch groups, and staff check-ins are also provided.  Students are identified for additional support by caregiver referral, teacher referral, or student referral (grade 2+). A team of specialists, teachers, and administrators work together to support each student's unique needs and monitor progress.

If you have any questions regarding SEL MTSS, please contact our coordinator Lauren Reppucci,

Click on any of the links below to learn more about these programs!


Character education delivered in k-6 classrooms

Everyday Speech. 


Please enjoy this commercial made by our Junior Academy Peer Mediators, Jianna Rodriguez and Carissa Nyarko about our Peer Mediation Program.