Success 101

Success 101’s aim is to prepare high school students with the necessary tools and skills to be successful in the classroom and beyond. Skills will include: planning/goal setting, organizing, reading strategies, test taking skills, note-taking, and time management. Students will learn about and practice "soft skills" such as kindness, empathy, compassion, citizenship, and will begin their community service projects. Students will also learn technology skills for use in the classroom and in life. Encouraging best practices, internet safety, proper search techniques and digital citizenship, students will begin developing creatively on the web using various applications and programs.

This class meets the Elective graduation requirement for a high school diploma as well as the "g" UC/CP requirement.

Assignment Resources

Computer Resources

Finger Placement Chart

How to Upload Assignments to Google Classroom

Google Docs Tutorial

Social-Emotional Learning Resources

Grit Scale from Angela Duckworth

Strength Assessment

Food and how it Affects Your Brain TED Talk

The Power of Belief TED Talk

VIA Character Strengths Assessment

Multiple Intelligence Inventory

Nine Intelligences Info Graphic

What is Love?

Carol Dweck TED Talk

Jay Shetty talks about the power of letting go and the benefits it has. He shares quotes from some amazing leaders.

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