Another thank you to all those who helped me develop and create these videos. Thank you to Ms. Appelt and Ms Kemp for being open to having them in our school, and to my boyfriend and mom for helping me film and edit. Below are my sources for anyone who is interested. You are also welcome to email me at for any future questions or comments!
Anxiety Disorders. (n.d.). National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Retrieved May 30, 2022, from
Bas, G. (2021). Relation between Student Mental Health and Academic Achievement Revisited: A Meta-Analysis. Health and Academic Achievement - New Findings.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy. (2020, May 6). Self Soothing : DBT. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from
Engelhardt, M. (2016). Examining Mental Health in Schools and the Role it Plays in Supporting Students. SELU Research Review Journal, 3–13.
Mental Health Worksheets. (n.d.). DBT Distress Tolerance Self Soothing Worksheet. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from
Mental illness - Symptoms and causes. (2019, June 8). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from
Omojola, J. (2018, October 26). Tolerate distress by self soothing with the senses. Jumoke Omojola | Nebraska Therapist. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from
Storoni, M. (2021). Stress-Proof: The ultimate guide to living a stress-free life. Yellow Kite.
Treatment, B. P. D. (2014, October 21). DBT Treatment: The Art of Self-Soothing. Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment. Retrieved May 30, 2022, from