Equity Backpack Virtual Pro-D

Fostering Equity and Inclusion Through Lived Experiences

April 21, 2021 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

Professional Development via Zoom

Fostering Equity and Inclusion Through Stories

Wednesday April 21, 2021 3:00pm-4:30pm

Zoom Link To Follow


Nerlap Sidhu, M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction: Equity Studies: Teacher, Ian Levings, Ed. D. Candidate: Principal, Awneet Sivia, Ph.D.: Associate Professor UFV

Target Audience: K-12 Teachers, Administrators, Support Staff, Organizations

Students can learn even the most challenging concepts when it comes to Equity, Inclusion and Equality by creating their own Equity Backpack.

This virtual session provides educators with lesson plan(s), peer reviewed research, and a step towards Anti-Racism Education. The goal of this session is to provide you with a starting point when it comes to engaging students in Equity work and to add more tools to your toolkit. Ongoing support for teaching for equity and anti-racism will be discussed.

We hope to sustain momentum and promote ongoing change in our schools and communities.

This session will lead to the development of a network of educators wanting to develop these approaches in their schools and classrooms.

Register here: https://forms.gle/Dvp4dc2acwghmnDp9