
Soil Generation Program (with Janet Mackie):

Healthy soil is full of a diversity of micro-organisms. This allows for the soil to be resilient to different climate conditions.

This shows our expert Janet on Nov. 5th 2021 inoculating our garden with microbe compost

Soil Food web Plethora of mini videos (Click videos)

Soil Generation Program (with Janet Mackie)

  • Be a part of restoring Mother Nature's healthy gut system in our garden

    • Activities

      • Worm Bin

      • Soil Sampling

      • Microbial identification (math and science applications)

Sequestering Carbon in our Soils

  • Active compost building (proper garden waste management)

EXAMPLES of the micro-organisms in our garden soil


Aerobic FUNGAL SPORE from the beneficial communication underground network

Aerobic Fungi filament with oxalate crystals.

up-close the oxalate crystals on aerobic Fungi filament. This shows it is an older, well established network of Fungi

Testate amoebae, come in all variations

20211115121735Rotifer Zip.mp4

This Rotifer was filmed from our garden. Specialist Janet has never seen one that flies so fast before!!! Whew Hoo


This rotifer from the Permaculture garden at the eco-center, shows how they are typically known to move

20210708181931Flagette or ciliatye (1).mp4

This video, shows flagellates, they eat about 10,000 bacteria a day. Bacteria have enzymes that take all the minerals out of rocks, sands, silts and clay. When a flagellate eats a bacteria, it can't handle the amount of minerals and so they Poop it out. These minerals are then in an available form for the plants to uptake and grow. This is called the poop loop.