Early Learning Profile

Classroom teachers can enter their ELP Assessment Data directly into EdPlan Insight.

If you would like more details or training around administering the ELP please contact nicole.crane@sd23.bc.ca or parvina.panghali@sd23.bc.ca

If you would like more details or training around administering the French Immersion ELP please contact joanne.brunel@sd23.bc.ca

If you would like more details or training around EdPlan Insight please contact tobias.blaskovits@sd23.bc.ca or randy.mcgraw@sd23.bc.ca

Available Resources

Early Learning Profile Website
PDF of K-3 Document
PDF of Teacher Resource Guide

Important Information

To maintain the integrity of District Assessment Data, the ELP must be administered and the data entered at least once during the school year.

Classroom teachers are realizing the benefits of the ELP and EdPlan Insight guide their instruction.

As a result, many teachers are assessing their students at regular intervals during the school year.

Business Rule Calendar

(for taking formative snapshots)

September 1st - previous year's standards and benchmarks from the end of June

October 31st - rollover from previous year's standards to Term 1 standards

January 31st - rollover from Term 1 standards to Term 2 standards

April 30th - rollover from Term 2 standards to Term 3 standards