Central Okanagan Public Schools Hockey Skills Academy

Our mission is to enhance a student’s confidence and self-esteem  by combining athletics and academics to maximize their potential both on and off the ice.

The program is open to students who are focused on improving their individual hockey skills while in school.

​Click below for each participating school's program information. 

Canyon Falls Middle School

KLO Middle School

Rutland Senior Secondary

Mt. Boucherie Secondary

Okanagan Mission Secondary

Kelowna Secondary School

SD#23 Advanced Skills Program

SD#23 Hockey Skills Academy Fees:

Each student will be required to pay fees for the program to cover instructor’s/coordinator wages, ice time rental, and program equipment and supplies.

FOR STUDENTS/FAMILIES NEEDING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR PART OR ALL OF THE SD23 Hockey Academy FEES, SD 23 Student Fees policy applies as stated below:

"To ensure that fees and deposits do not prohibit student participation in educational programs, the Board will facilitate fair and confidential procedures to allow participation by students who would otherwise be excluded."

Parents under this category are to contact the Principal of their child's school to discuss this appeal process.