Scholastic Online Journeys

Select one Scholastic Journey from the web page, read the stories and take the jurneys, then summarize the journey in the Form in Google Classroom Assignment

(Make Sure You Complete the Form and Link it to the Assignment to Submit it)

Extreme Candy

Food scientists use chemistry to create sour, fiery, fizzy, and weird-tasting treats to tantalize your taste buds

Dino Dude

How paleontologist John Hankla helped bring fossils to life in the new Jurassic World movie

Portal to the Universe

Engineers are building a powerful telescope that could launch a new era in astronomy

Going, Going, Gone!

Baseball teams are using a new measurement to predict power hitters

Are We Ruining Ruins?

Historic sites offer cultural value. But does visiting them do more harm than good?

Delicious Designs

Pastry chef Dinara Kasko serves up desserts in sweet shapes

Invasion of the Drones

Drones are doing great things, but are they also threatening every American’s right to privacy?

Sky-High Science

Architects and engineers tackle physics to create the tallest skyscrapers in the world

He Makes GIFs for a Living!

Danny Chang works with celebrities to bring you the perfect reaction for every situation.

How Television Changed America

TV has come a long way (This explains how some technologies get better and cheaper)

Killer Plants

Learn how carnivorous plants evolved to get their nutrients from sources other than soil

Fictional Element

Can a made-up element featured in the movie Black Panther help explain how the periodic table is organized?

Shooting for the Stars

Fourteen-year-old Taylor Richardson dreams of becoming one of the first people to set foot on Mars

Should Humans Go to Mars?

A human mission to Mars once seemed the stuff of science fiction

Protect Your Pets!

Dogs can wear special goggles to save their eyesight

This Is a Museum?

A new report suggests that our definition of culture is changing

Should Instagram Get Rid of Likes?

The number of people who like your posts can lift your spirits—or drag them down. Could eliminating likes help end that emotional roller coaster?

Creating Coco

Modelers at Pixar use basic 3-D shapes to bring the characters of Coco to life

Crazy Putty

How the reinvention of a classic kid’s toy made wacky putties all the rage

The Write Stuff

A Scholastic writer goes behind the scenes to see how pencils are made

Cozy Camouflage

A knitter and a photographer team up to create clothing that blends in with its surroundings (This explains how designers use math and proportions)

Should Video Gaming Be a School Sport?

Video gaming has pro teams, star players, and millions of fans. But should it be considered a sport, like basketball or track?

Predicting Your Playlist

A computer algorithm helps Spotify listeners find brand-new music they will love (This explains how math and theoretical probability are used)

Domino Designer

An artist uses physics to create amazing domino displays (This explains how forces affect how dominoes fall)

Nothing Can Stop Her

Jordan Reeves was born with a disability. But she says her difference doesn’t hold her back—it makes her amazing!

All About Emojis

How emojis are engineered (*Enrichment Assignment: Design you own Emoji on paper with a pencil and colored writing utensils*)

ASSIGNMENTS: On-Line Journeys and Stories

ONLINE Journeys: The assignment is to read the stories and take the jurneys. You may choose to embark upon the journeys as 'Home Unit' activities if you wish to make this a family learning experience. You will summarize the Journeys in the Google Form (Title, Brief Summary of the information presented in the journy, Your Opinion of the story, and if & why you would Recommend it to a friend or family member).
(There Will Be No Lab Work Required at Home)

ASSIGNMENTS: On-Line Journeys and Stories

1) Nothing Can Stop Her

Jordan Reeves was born with a disability. But she says her difference doesn’t hold her back—it makes her amazing!

2) All About Emojis

How emojis are engineered (*Enrichment Assignment: Design you own Emoji on paper with a pencil and colored writing utensils*)

3) How Television Changed America

TV has come a long way

4) Extreme Candy

Food scientists use chemistry to create sour, fiery, fizzy, and weird-tasting treats to tantalize your taste buds

5) Cozy Camouflage

A knitter and a photographer team up to create clothing that blends in with its surroundings (This explains how designers use math and proportions)

6) Should Video Gaming Be a School Sport?

Video gaming has pro teams, star players, and millions of fans. But should it be considered a sport, like basketball or track?

7) Predicting Your Playlist

A computer algorithm helps Spotify listeners find brand-new music they will love (This explains how math and theoretical probability are used)

8) Domino Designer

An artist uses physics to create amazing domino displays (This explains how forces affect how dominoes fall)

9) Should Instagram Get Rid of Likes?

The number of people who like your posts can lift your spirits—or drag them down. Could eliminating likes help end that emotional roller coaster?

10) Creating Coco

Modelers at Pixar use basic 3-D shapes to bring the characters of Coco to life

11) Crazy Putty

How the reinvention of a classic kid’s toy made wacky putties all the rage

12) The Write Stuff

A Scholastic writer goes behind the scenes to see how pencils are made