Reference - Website sign-ons


Username- pearlriverms

Password- brainpop

classroom password - bennett6

QUIZIZZ - Information Below

Quizizz - Great review quizzes and homework assignments

1. Open in your browser

2. Enter the 6-digit game code usually given on HW board and posted in daily goal and HW tab for your class, and click "Proceed"

3. Now enter your "name" first two letters of your last name, first name & science class period - and click" join game."

Ex . Catherine Egan in period 1 would enter: "egcatherine1-" as her name. ***MY Mc & O' students - enter the first 3 letters of your last name ;), first name and period number

4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!

***If for some reason the code for your class does not work, use the code from a different class - I'll find you!