Welcome to our class website! For daily lessons, agendas and more resources, parents may sign in to be an "Observer" in your student's Canvas course.

Students: All of our daily lessons, agendas and resources can be found in our Canvas course card.

If you are absent, our Canvas course card is your first stop. It is your responsibility to make up the work - I will not hunt you down to remind you of what you missed! Your conversation upon returning to class from any absence should start with "I saw on Canvas that we learned _____________ while I was out." I will then provide you with any notes or handouts you need to complete your make-up work. This conversation should happen before or after class. Do not wait until class has started to ask about work you missed.

Parents and Students: I believe that education is most effective when there is an active partnership between the students, parents, and the school. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Due to confidentiality issues, I am unable to take phone calls regarding students while I'm teaching in the classroom so email is the best way to reach me. Email me at: khochevar@conejousd.org

For more information, look at the pull down menu in the upper left corner of this page.

I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year!