RHS Clubs & Organizations

RHS Clubs 2024/2025

Your participation in any RHS club can help you connect with our school community. Clubs are the perfect places to meet new people, engage in things you love to do, and to learn new skills. We have several clubs that you can be a part of ranging from clubs that participate in Academic competitions to clubs that focus on being creative and playing games. Find the RHS club that's perfect for you! 

General Clubs 

Anyone can join! NO prior experience or pre-requisites  required. 

Art Club

Art club is a student-run, creatively-driven club where students can help share ideas as well as promote visual arts awareness both on campus and in the community.  Students do not need to be in an art class to be in art club. 

Monitor: Cynthia Acevedo



ASL Club

ASL Club is a fun way to start picking up some American Sign Language! We play vocabulary games, are involved with trunk or treat, and host silent dinners for immersion practice. No ASL knowledge required! 

Monitor: Jen Greenstreet

Contact: jen.greenstreet@leanderisd.org 

Behind the Mind

Behind the Mind is a club that promotes mental health within the community and strongly targets the welfare of nurturance and positivity on mental health. Our ultimate goal as a club is to encourage and influence people around us to engage in self-development and be healthier humans with the help of our society. We do fun activities during our meetings such as making bracelets, mental health kits, posters around the school, and bake sales!  

Monitor: Nadia Shanaa

Contact: shirley.dean@leanderisd.org


Black Student Union (BSU) is dedicated to educating ourselves and others on Black history with an emphasis on Black Student inclusion, to creating a safe space and a culture of belonging, acceptance, and change at Rouse High School, and engaging with, create, and support Black art, Black-owned business, and Black music.  

Monitor: Christina Gatti

Contact: christina.gatti@leanderisd.org


C Squared is a coalition of clubs that bring awareness to the issue of bullying while promoting a culture of caring and kindness. 

Monitor: Brenda Samules

Contact: Brenda.Samuels@leanderisd.org

Crochet Club

Crochet for Charity is an amazing club dedicated to learning fun crochet & contributing to society! We create several projects throughout the year and invent new patterns that benefit the environment and healthcare centers. We're always hooked on something!

Monitor: Brook Fry, Corinne Clark

Contact: Brook.Fry@leanderisd.org


Rouse Dhamaka 

Celebrating South Asian culture and Dance. Come learn about the origins of South Asian Dance. 

Monitor: Julie Ray

Contact: julie.ray@leanderisd.org 


Fellowship of Christian Athletes

This student-led organization is open to ALL students. The mission of F.C.A. is to make a positive impact in our community by sharing Jesus, encouraging a growing relationship with Him and serving others. 

Monitor: Jonathan Hayhurst 

Contact: jonathan.hayhurst@leanderisd.org

Film Club 

Film Club is a social organization centered around watching and discussing quality films. We will dissect story, symbolism, cinematography, and style. During the year we will also create our own micro films and plan to have a festival in April. Additional activities include attending local film festivals, seeing films in a theatre, and having guest speakers who work in film.

Monitor: Trina Moore

Contact: Trina.moore@leanderisd.org 

Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a big international nonprofit organization whose aim is to close the gender gap in technology and computer science. GWC at Rouse will be a club dedicated to teaching girls about computer science and related engineering subjects. GWC also provides many lesson plans and projects for clubs making it fun and interactive. Joining allows you to compete in hackathons and participate in many passion projects allowing girls to have the opportunity to learn and grow.

Monitor: Nicole Alexander 

Contact: nicole.alexander@leanderisd.org

Global Culture Club 

To promote unity and embrace the diversity within the Rouse Community. To also encourage respectful learning and understanding of other people’s culture. 

Monitor: John Manning 

Contact: john.manning@leanderisd.org 

Key Club

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership skills. In Key Club, you can give back to your school and your community, and earn volunteer hours while doing so. Anyone is welcome to join!

Google classroom code: lkt2iqa

Instagram: @rousekeyclub

Monitor: Melany Troller

Contact: melany.troller@leanderisd.org


Korean Language & Culture Club

KLC, Korean Language & Cultural Club, will show you the colorful side of Korea, starting from language, food, music, tradition, and much more. If you are interested in discovering beyond the surface of Korea, follow us!  

Monitor: John Manning 

Contact: john.manning@leanderisd.org

Mock Trial 

Develop trial skills by providing hands-on court experience for those interested in a future in law.

Monitor: Kathleen Forsell 


Muslim Student Association MSA 

This student-led organization is open to all students. The goal of the MSA is to make a positive impact through volunteer work, dialogue, and advocacy to foster an environment of respect, understanding, and growth. 

Monitor: Nadia Shanaa

Contact: nadia.shanaa@leanderisd.org 

Poetry Club 

All are welcome to enjoy, share and write (if you’d like) poetry!

Email Ms. Monroe to be added to our Poetry Club Google Classroom!! :)

Monitor: Amy Monroe

Contact: amy.monroe@leanderisd.org

Programming Club 

Programming Club is focused on helping students gain programming

experience that can be applied to industry jobs! You can get into

groups and make software collaboratively or compete in competitions

like USACO or UIL. If you want, you can even do both. 

Monitor: Melany Troller

Contact: melany.troller@leanderisd.org

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club is a place where students can explore the fascinating field of psychology. No prior experience is required and everyone is welcome to this club! We will participate in fun class experiments and hold group discussions about multiple topics relating to psychology.  We also focus on teaching psychological concepts to prepare students to compete in the Brain Bee, an international competition held for students from around the world. This competition is completely optional, but recommended if you want to learn more about the brain and test your knowledge of it! 

Monitor: Vicki Flam

Contact: vicki.flam@leanderisd.org 


QSA (Queer Straight Alliance) is a club dedicated to inclusivity, community building, awareness and education. We aim to build an awareness on underrepresented issues and identities, while also creating a loving, safe community for anyone on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum and allies who wish to support. If you feel unaccepted because of your identity, or if you wish to find more education on a key topic in world history, or just wish to make friends in a new community, please come join us!

Monitor: Christina Gatti

Contact: christina.gatti@leanderisd.org 

Rouse Model United Nations 

This club studies current events and governing procedure and competes in Model UNs throughout the area to practice making the word a better place.  This is a great club to practice skills that can enhance academics in high school, college, and beyond.  

Monitor: Kathleen Forsell

Contact: kathleen.forsell@leanderisd.org 

Rouse Reads 

Club members will read a book as a group once a month, discussing the book every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Monitor: Holly Hensley

Contact: holly.hensley@leanderisd.org


WiSTEM is a noncompetitive international organization working on decreasing the gender disparity in STEM fields. WiSTEM is built on 3 pillars: mentorship, outreach, and networking. It is a club to empower and inspire girls so they can reach their maximum potential, as well as to create a safe and comfortable environment. WiSTEM at Rouse will be a club dedicated to broadening girls' knowledge about careers in STEM. Joining will grant you the opportunity to have conversations with successful female role models, participate in experiments/workshops, go on outreach events, and practice and gain new skills. 

Monitor: Mallory Tiller 

Contact: Mallory.tiller@leanderisd.org

Young Investors Society

Young Investors Society provides students with quality financial literacy education and programs, teaching finance and investing skills that will last a lifetime and empower students to take control of their financial future. We offer opportunities for students to learn and engage within the world of finance through stock pitch competitions, investment challenges, and personal financial literacy initiatives. Become a Young Investor today!

Google Classroom: qys22ym

Instagram: rouseyounginvestors

Monitor: Scott Hayes

Contact: Scott.Hayes@leanderisd.org

Young Life 

Younglife is a studet led Christian-based organization that focuses on giving High School students a safe space to come to know Jesus Christ. We hope that students, who are curious about Jesus and what that means for them, would be invited into a safe place to have their questions met with answers, and ultimately feel belonging as they are welcomed into a community. 

Monitor: Lexi Brooks

Contact: lexi.brooks@leanderisd.org

Clubs with Requirements

Club participation may require Pre-requisite or Application. Please reach out to the listed sponsor for more information. 

ASL Honor Society

ASL Honor Society is exclusively for ASL students.  You must maintain a high enough overall GPA as well as ASL GPA to be eligible to continue membership. Deaf community service hours are due each year.  

Monitor: Jen Greenstreet

Contact: jen.greenstreet@leanderisd.org  


DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management around the world. DECA is an international organization that provides students networking opportunities, social interactions, & real life business scenarios! 

Monitor: Kevin Lambert

Contact: kevin.lambert@leanderisd.org 


Family Career & Community Leaders of America

As the only career and technical student organization with family as its central focus, participation in FCCLA helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers and communities.  Students will have the opportunity to participate in on and off campus community service events, compete at the regional, state, and national level, make new friends, and be a part of a campus family! 

Monitor: Megan Wolske, Jodi Garner, Celeste Pojas






FFA is a dynamic student-led leadership development organization for students of agricultural education. F-F-A stands for Future Farmers of America, but we simply operate as the “FFA” because Future Farmers of America implies that we are all preparing to be farmers.  Agriculture is much broader than just farming and ranching.  Our students study things like animal science, landscaping, computer applications, economics, marketing, and much more.  FFA provides opportunities to build and apply science, technology, and leadership skills for life. 

Monitor: Brenda Morales, Emily Squyres  




Habitat for Humanity 

Rouse HFH exists to support Habitat for Humanity Williamson County in their efforts to provide affordable housing and home repair to families in need. We hold meetings twice a month, volunteer at the Williamson County HFH ReStore, and participate in home building opportunities throughout the year. Students need to be 16 to participate in the program per Habitat for Humanity Guidelines. 

Monitor: Brenda Samuels

Contact: brenda.samuels@leanderisd.org 


Future Health Professionals is a national organization of secondary and post-secondary students that supports career development in health professions and improvement of health services delivery to the general population. Students need to be in or have taken a Biomedical related course. Application Requirement. 

Monitor: Alicia Blount-Wilson

Contact: alicia.blount-wilson@leanderisd.org 

International Thespian Society 

The International Thespian Society was established in 1929 and is an honorary organization committed to the art of Theatre. It is aptly named for the Ancient Greek named Thespis, is the first known actor. The guiding principle of the organization is a dedication to excellence in Theatre Arts in secondary schools and its goals are to strive to make education and arts programs places for good theatre and to honor students who do theatre well. It is a service as well as an honorary organization. In order to become a member of Rouse High School Thespian Troupe #7679, students must earn a minimum of 15 points for meritorious work in the Rouse HS Theatre Department and complete the application put out in early March. Students must have participated in a minimum of 2 play/musical productions at Rouse High School and must have also shown a great deal of dedication and passion for Theatre. Active members receive the Thespian blue and gold cords to wear at graduation. 

Monitor: Cheryl Painter

Contact: cherylL.painter@leanderisd.org 


Rouse AutoMotive Students & Skills USA

RAMS club includes dues-paying Automotive student members of SkillsUSA($16.00) they automatically receive the following benefits: Access to career resources, field trips and contact with industry. Opportunities to compete in the SkillsUSA Championships at the local, state or national levels. Opportunities for scholarships, awards and honors, job contacts and networking opportunities. A chance to learn and practice professional and leadership skills. Club will meet twice a month or more. 

Monitor: Jim Davis

Contact: jim.davis@leanderisd.org

Monitor: Jason Glass

Contact: jason.glass@leanderisd.org 

Robotics Team 

FIRST® Robotics Competition combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Students are challenged to design, build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game in alliance with other teams, while also fundraising to meet their goals, design a team “brand,” and advancing respect and appreciation for STEM within the local community. 

Monitor: David Yuan

Contact:  david.yuan@leanderisd.org 

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a team competition in which students compete in 23 different events relating to various fields of science, including earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. It involves taking tests, building various devices, and experimenting in labs, all while competing at the regional, state, and national levels. 

Monitor: Raji Suresh

Contact: raji.suresh@leanderisd.org

Student Council 

Student Council seeks to provide support for school culture and inclusivity. We plan activities throughout the year that include homecoming festivities, prom, student/staff health initiatives, environmental initiatives, community service, and much more! One of our primary goals is to help unite the student body and be a voice for students. We meet once a month and welcome anyone from the student body to join us!

Google Classroom Code: sxz7nvm 

Monitor: Meghan Hill, Co-Sponsor: Jeri Cash

Contact: jeri.cash@leanderisd.org 


National Organizations  

These are school issued, invitation only organizations . 

National Art Honor Society 

The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is a national arts program established by the National Art Education Association to inspire and recognize students who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in art.  The NAHS strives to aid members in attaining the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community.  There is an application process and national guidelines must be met in order to become an approved member. 

Monitor: Cynthia Acevedo

Contact: cynthia.acevedo@leanderisd.org 

National French Honors Society

Société Honoraire de Français is a national honor organization for students of French.  The aim is to encourage interest in the study of French and Francophone cultures, reward scholastic achievements,  and promote international friendship.  Membership is by teacher invitation, based on national guidelines  

Monitor: Amy Hicks


National Honor Society 

The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four pillars have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1921”. Rouse 11th and 12th graders who have a weighted GPA of 4.5 and the requisite character, leadership, and service experiences are invited to apply for membership each September. A Faculty Panel reviews each application to determine if the student has obtained standards for induction to NHS. This is a school-issued invitation only organization. 

Monitor: Maggie Osbourne



National Spanish Honor Society

The National SPANISH Honor Society is an organization the recognizes students outstanding academic achievement in the study of the SPANISH language and culture and promotes the continuation of said study. It sponsors the National SPANISH Exam on campus, offering cash prizes to top scoring individuals at all levels.  This is an invitation only organization 

Monitor: Kendra Klinglesmith

Contact:  Kendra.klinglesmith@leanderisd.org


UIL Academics gives students the ability to show off their gifts in many different academic events by taking tests and competing againts schools across the state of Texas. 

UIL Academics Monitor: Shelby Nickells


UIL Current Events 

The Current Issues and Events Contest focuses on a basic knowledge of current state, national and world events/issues and consists of 40 multiple-choice questions and one essay. The essay is intended to assess the competitor's ability to synthesize and evaluate information and present it in an informed manner. 

Monitor: Max Lee

Contact: :max.lee@leanderisd.org 

UIL Journalism 

The UIL sponsors five journalism contests - News Writing (45 minutes), Feature Writing (60 minutes), Editorial Writing (45 minutes), Headline Writing (30 minutes) and Copy Editing (15 minutes). Students compete at the district level, and then the top three places advance to regionals. From regionals, the top three places advance to state competition. The UIL journalism program has seen increased participation in recent years. Many contest winners have gone on to excel as professional journalists.

Monitor: Shelby Nickells

Contact: shelby.nickells@leanderisd.org 

UIL Mathematics 

The Calculator Applications Contest involves a thirty-minute test comprised of 70 mathematical problems that are solved with a handheld calculator:

35 numerical,

21 stated,

14 geometry.

The Mathematics Contest consists of a 40-minute, multiple-choice exam with 60 questions, designed to test knowledge and understanding in the areas of basic mathematics, algebra I and II, geometry, trigonometry, math analysis, analytic geometry, pre-calculus and elementary calculus.

The Number Sense Contest involves a ten-minute, 80 question mental math test covering all high school mathematics courses (See the sequence chart link in the right sidebar). Short cuts need to be developed and practiced in order to compete and finish the test.

Monitor: Kimberly George

Contact: kimberly.george@leanderisd.org 

UIL One Act Play 

The UIL One-Act Play contest is a competition where similarly sized Texas schools present an 18-40 minute play and may be adjudicated by a panel of three judges or a single judge. The contest is held on a single day and open to the public. There are six possible levels of competition: Zone, District, Bi-Distrct, Area, Region, and State. At each level of competition a judge awards individual acting awards as well as selecting three productions to advance to the next level of competition up to the Regional Level where only two will advance to the State Level. After the awards are announced a Judge gives an oral critique to each of the schools. Because of the wide participation and diversity of plays produced, certain rules and guidelines have been adopted by the State One-Act Play Office. These rules are in place to ensure safety, allow for equity, satisfy legal standards, and make the running of the contest practical. 

Monitor: Cheryl Painter

Contact: cherylL.painter@leanderisd.org 

UIL Science 

The purpose of the Science Contest is to challenge high school students to do a wide range of reading in biology, chemistry and physics, to gain an understanding of the significance of experiments rather than to recall obscure details, to be alert to new discoveries and information in the areas of science, to gain an understanding of the basic principles as well as knowledge of the history and philosophy of science, and to foster a sense of enthusiasm about science and how it affects our daily lives.

The contest consists of a two-hour objective test with 60 questions – 20 from biology, 20 from chemistry and 20 from physics.

Monitor: Ryan Casey

Contact: ryan.casey@leanderisd.org 

UIL Social Studies 

The Social Studies Contest consists of 45 objective questions and an essay. Students are expected to master primary reading selections, as well as specific documents, and to be familiar with general-knowledge social studies concepts and terms. Each year, the contest focuses on a different topic area and a reading list that is provided by UIL. (2019 and 2022 State 5A Champions)

Monitor: Michael Hjort

Contact: michael.hjort@leanderisd.org 

UIL Speech & Debate 

The speech and debate club provides students an opportunity to competitively speak, act, and debate.  

Monitor:  Carrie Reavis

Contact: carrie.reavis@leanderisd.org