Membership links

Dues are $35 and include the Local, State and National Dues along with an FCCLA t-shirt.

This years

T-shirt Design ...coming soon!

Next FCCLA Meeting: TBA

*Link in Classroom

FCCLA Local Officer Application information

*You must be a chapter member before you can run for an FCCLA officer.

Chapter Officer Application (See Classroom)

Candidates wishing to run for office will complete the Chapter officer application above and will record a video no longer then 1 minute describing why they would be a great candidate for the office they are running for. They will then email the video to Mrs. Kimball no later than September 15th by 5 pm.

Main officer duties:

Should any of these commitments to be broken during your year, the advisor, have the discretion to remove you from office if necessary.As a member of the Leander High FCCLA officer team, I will . . .1. Attend regular officers meetings, and be on time, prepared and focused 2. Complete the duties of my office 3. Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA for the entire school year-should my GPA drop below a 2.0 for any term, I understand that the advisor will have the right to place me on probation until the next regular grade report 4. Understand that attending functions (meetings/conferences)is not an excuse for not completing school work 5. Remember that I am a role model for all members and will conduct myself in an appropriate manner at all times 6. Handle all conflicts within the officer team quickly, and keep any and all conflict to those immediately involved 7. Remember that I am part of a team and that my actions as part of the team will affect the entire Leander High FCCLA Chapter. 8. Attend a monthly advisory meeting with Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Whitelaw 9. Spend time each week helping with FCCLA 10. Attend all Meetings and competitions.